World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
lucky sod mines still awake man. refusing to sleep arrrghhhh. sod it i need a reefer n mayb early one haha but bet kid has other plans.


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed mine'l stay sleepin. Does ma nut in wen he wakes up during the night,always feel a broken sleeps worse than none lol


Well-Known Member
i knew as soon as i said cheesy someone would say about smoking it lol. scotia i know what your saying with the looking for work thing, its been 3 years and nothing. i got offered a job by an agency the other day then they phoned me up and said they'd given it to someone else! and as for the sleep, i havent had a full nights unbroken sleep for nearly 5 years. my daugter started sleeping all night a month after the baby was born and he still wakes up 3 times a night. we used to put the hair dryer on to get him to go back to sleep but we've burned out 3 in the last year doing that

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah im been up and down all night trying sttle her. told her now daddys geting cross and bums will get smacked if i gottaa go up again haha.


Well-Known Member
@ Gaztoth a know mate, a didnt post cos a didnt think they were collecting. You will have Wed morn at latest

@ MDB you jammy bastard, could do wae a tax rebate maself. Got about enough for 2 more feeds of bloom then am all out, no cash for at least a fortnight either.

Well a made some coco party cups (half size) and took 5 psychosis cuts. Fingers crossed I can get them rooted this time. If not the fuckers getting flowered n am stickin to seeds!!!! lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha u b fine dude, lil positive thinking will do the job fella.
soon as u get it and clone spot on all time after.
yeah im a seed man, i think they look nicer, think it pleases my ocd side hahah neat plants is the way for me hahahaha


Well-Known Member
OCD ya looney. Must say a like a bit of symmetry maself lol...

Goin to pop your BC's wen a get bk from interview 2moz ;-)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey Scotty. Whats happenin' mate? Did you say you had an interview? I hope it went well and all is still super perfect in your garden.
your girls are lookin real hot. give me some more green when you get a chance. what you been tokin on these days.
For some reason my hash is all gooey now and i have been able to roll them little hash worms that i always see my riuer freinds doing.they Really hit the spot. take care mate. have a killer evening.


Well-Known Member
Whats a happenin Ambz?? Am all good,interview was this mornin n as far as a know it went well. Got a bit of experience doin it,but had to rely on ma wit and charm lol... How's life in the Arizona desert?? All good a hope?

The last 2 times av made hash its been squidgy,jst snake it in and enjoy the ride. Cant wait till cropmas so a can make some more. Made a m8 some with his last grow n the tight fucker dint even gve me a doobs worth for ma time n effort :-(

How's the ccxl u got it veggin?


Well-Known Member
Whats a happenin Ambz?? Am all good,interview was this mornin n as far as a know it went well. Got a bit of experience doin it,but had to rely on ma wit and charm lol... How's life in the Arizona desert?? All good a hope?
I saw a Trainspotting clip on UK'ers thread earlier, and just couldn't help maself....hope your patter was spot on Scotia, lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol might hve known u'd hve remembered that scene lol...

Aye the patter wiz there,woman was from poland or germany so dnt think she understood very much lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
nice my mega rooted plant looks like a bushy as hell fem. shes in a bigger pot now.
took top off big blue cheese fem(topped) binned the cut as have loads b.c on go.
topped the fem exo x br and put the cut in root gel and trimmed abit and see if it takes fingers crossed.
also spotted my smaller b.c had alot damage to top leafs( think i must put a pot down heavily against it or somethin) so topped that to.
thinks may go for a cheesey scrog mayb


Well-Known Member
Scrog sounds good matey. Am goin to gve it a bash soon. U love ur blue cheese eh? Lol

been runnin about all dy so neva got round to poppin any seeds. How hve u been poppin them,jst a glass a water for 24 then into ur medium?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah 24 hour water, 24 hour tissue, then soil . but if pop at any stage then they go soil.
i only had a 50 per cent pop rate,
but my mate has 32 plants out 45 seeds so he doing better and he put straight in soil? so dunno really.
have noticed tho out my two bigger bc fems they look very different, ones thinner slender leafs, which curl outwards in a strange way,(very very bushy)
the 2nd sort has fatter broader leafs. more short a plant and bigger straight leafs.
i do love my bc. just hope these pips turn out b a good bc as i only breed one beofre and had few males off same sort. not had a huge or even unseeded bud to smoke, but it did smell nice in flower man.
noticed tho the exo x br smells stronger then my bc so who nos (am only in veg stage so can change drastic in flower).
will top the bigger to or three again while the other plants catch up and show there sex.
if the exo clone takes i prob breed that and have mother to smoke.
only prob for me doing scrog is limited height and cant figure out how to flush if fixed under a grid or screen??????


Well-Known Member
You should get the ghe ripen m8. U feed it only that with water obviously for the last 2 wks. I and sambo highly recommend it lol