World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah thats cool. 5 more weeks is it? gone quite quick really. im still in veg so months yet, im also hoping find few more stunning plants to breed with. two crackers so far.
yeah wen the kids start get naughty and hyper thats wen they start get there personalitys threw quick. funny times the 2s. tantrums and speaking hahah oh and u wait till they old enough to argue matey, grey hair starts to form hahah


Well-Known Member
Fuck the grey's comin already lol.... He's a menace total menace!!

Aye m8 bout 5 or 6 wks,defo 6 on the SLH the BR crosses will need to judge as got no idea really. However long am prayin to the weed gods for a bountiful yield lol.

Am of to get ready take it easy folks ;-)


Well-Known Member
Lifes good, weathers shit, lol....same old same old.
Aye no bad m8,to b honest a ain't even opened the blinds yet lol. The wee mans had me up since the crack of shit :-( just about to go feed ma airpots n see how there doing.

Hows life in the Dam? On n ur lads n ladies r lookin very handsome this mornin ;-)


Well-Known Member
The bio blooms easy to measure m8 it's either 2 drips per litre or 2ml per 10. A use one of the syringes you get with the kids medicine easy peasy lol. Not sure av seen wot u got m8,u can let me no how it goes ;-)
i use a kids syringe too but cos im doing soil i use empty pop bottles at the mo. and the kids get worse as they get older. my daughter is nearly 5 and id love to go back to the terrible 2s cos she 10 times worse now :-D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
im feeding my plants in foliar spray and in through roots at min. got biobizz fish mix think it callled. its very slightly lower in nutes then the grow by biobiz and it reccommends foliar feeding.
and through roots giving it bio bizz grow and roots and the odd dose off the heaven biobizz just boost its energys.
cant find my razor blades for topping and cloning or wood took few cuts off my strong looking plants.
got tent and light on full spec to help dry the pots quicker as i over did the watering last night and only just repotted a few(didnt think was on automatic). but luck b dry by tomoz.
noticed my 2 male f1 exo x br r eagle clawing abit and one has its leafs tips pointing down.
is odd only males doing it but not to fussed really.
think next run i will invest abit and get it so im phing all feeds and waterings and mayb sort out humidity in tent. stop any lil probs i run into time to time.
anybody had kinda fruit fly in there grows before? they do much damage? spotted one this morning


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate only dne a coupla soil grows never had probs with flys... 3eyes seems to know a bit about beasties would probs be best to ask. Think you should move to hydro or coco, u can make your on DWC or Waterfarms for about a tenner ;-)

Am sure they'l be fine mate, the odd overwatering's not goin to do much harm.. Ma livers n blue cheese had the claw most of the way through lol....

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah next run i will do coco, But im gunna keep one soil plant going each run so i got a extra tasty organic one for myself like.
wots a waterfarm? act as a dwc style hydro?
no u got one but i never used them before


Well-Known Member
i read something the other day about covering the pot with a net to stop the flys living in the soil and you can still water them. whats clawing aswell?


Well-Known Member
Waterfarm's hydro m8 a res with a pot u sit inside the res. Fill the oot wae pebbles n off u go lol. A dripper feeds the plant 24/7 so as long as ur res is topped up u need not worry lol


Well-Known Member
can you bend the main cola 4 weeks into flowering? i tried 1 last night to see how it goes, if its ok when the light comes on later ill do the rest so i can move my light down. im just trying to get a bit more light to the lower branches cos they seem a bit smaller than the ww where

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
dunno mrt heard mixed things on that. i heard if u do u can damage middle the stem and as in mid/late flower it may not repair self to well?????
dunno sure some1 here done it tho before. i did it but didnt bend it over as such i tied it down but was bit by bit so not snap or stress stalk


Well-Known Member
i done it with the crappest streachiest one there so if i lose the top of that its no biggy. probably only 1/4 at best from the look of it


Well-Known Member
Afternoon folks am not to bad had a quiet day watchin films with ma wee man... Weather not to hot infact its shit lol

Ur plant will b fine as long as its not snapped mr t. Late in flower if snapped it may not hve enough time to repair and finish flowering on that branch. Just bending or tieing it dwn wnt do any harm at all

everyone else havin a good easter??