I keep hearing that there are no recorded cases of lung cancer from smoking weed alone. Also that no one has ever OD from smoking weed alone. And..that it only causes short term memory loss and not permanent brain damage.
Is this shit true or is there some grey underlining somewhere?
As I understand, in consult with my MD, Bronchitis is the only insult traceable to inhaling the smoke of fresh cannabis. The scrape the pipe, goo in the bong, concentration sillyness is, imo, a cancer risk plain and simple. Once we stew it up, who knows. Take a clue from other cultures that have used the palliative and curative properties for 10s of Centuries. Bong, Chellum, Hand Rubbed, poultice, bolus. No high tech ciggy papes, no metal glass hell cooker creations.
Been at this for 5s of decades and the bronchitis dissipates after a couple of weeks. I've gone periods of over a year abstain, just to see which is better. And I can downhill ski with no loss of breath, stoned to the bone. I've even had a lung function tests. Just fine.
The studies of the current cannabis cultures don't show any connection to health problems, rather the opposite. Have you ever thought that if Columbus had discovered cannabis instead of tobacco, it'd be a different story? It's all politics. cheers.