First Grow - Tent - 400W - BPN - THC Bomb - Violator Kush - Advice Welcome


Well-Known Member
First shot at growing. Trying to save some money nowadays :).

-I tried to do my grow setup correctly by getting all decent quality components from the beginning.

-gothamhydro revolt digital ballast - 400w hps/mh w/ cooled reflector
-secret jardin dr90 II tent 3x3x6
-6" sunleaves inline fan mounted to back of attic cover
-6"x18" htg carbon filter
-4" htg duct fan (on the way)
-Blue Planet Nutrients 7 part organic
-2 THC bomb from bomb seeds feminized (germinating)
-2 Violator Kush from barneys farm feminized (germinating)
-2 Bagseed from a few years ago (currently started)
-FFOF soil w/ 20% perlite

Temperature with everything going after 2 hours is 79* w/ 48% RH

Pic of the attic cover and fan



Well-Known Member
I leave my closet door open to combat heat. There's only about a 4 degree difference in my closet vs my room. And both intakes are pointed at the a/c vent in my room.

My number one thing I'm monitoring is temp due to the size, trying to make sure the plants never see above 80.

Any watering advice while they are seedlings? The tap roots all popped out, and they were planted 1/2 inch into soil. I pre soaked the soil, and its FFOF w/ 20% perlite. I am lightly watering them, keeping the soil moist where they are going to grow. That's my plan until I see a leaf.

This is the fan setup that ended up working the best for 24/0 lighting:

Here are the plants now (the red circular pots are the 2 bagseed, they're 3 days ahead of the rest).

This one- it almost died. Then started coming back.... but couldn't get rid of the seed casing. I guess it was growing inside it... when I pulled it off, the leaves were all bunched inside. Now 2 days later, it's spreading out and trying to be normal.

the one with a deficiency, any advice?



Active Member
I didn't really ask a question and Im a noob so I haven't any advice to give. Looks like a nice n' awesome setup though! I hope you update with pics alot, Ima sub this one!


Well-Known Member
if your using FFOF soil its toxicity not deficiency, go light on the water till they get bigger.

i like to mix my FFOF with pro mix 50/50 ratio you have to start nutes a bit earlier but this mix will get you through 3 weeks easily. oh and continue adding in the perilite.

also subbed up to lend my advice along the way, nice setup man + rep
I am a noob as well. Just trying to gather all info i can and come up wih a setup for me. Nice setup. I am looking forward to seeing more. I will sub too!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. I will keep it updated. I thought the ffof may be a little too hot for some strains, thanks for the reassurance man.


Active Member
Very nice; Tent should be here in 5 days; Light set up in 8days; Still working on the other thoughts....... IN! :clap:


Well-Known Member
If you get a good inline fan it should help a lot with the heat. the cheap tin ones are worthless and go from hero to 0 with any resistance on them. the little back on you have is even better but if you want real cooling power get one like i have in my journal


Well-Known Member
Red pots are 15 days from seed 24/0 (bagseed)
Black squares are 13 days from seed 24/0


Bomb (terrible flash)


Active Member
I currently have a thread for 2 THC Bomb mothers that arr headed into their 2nd week of flower after months in veg reaping clones that wouldn't root. I lost almost 200 clones of the girls. Nothing I tried would work. Every technique and product on the market failed. Not a single root fiber. I gave up on the strain and decided to flower the moms rather than ditch them. I had 3 left over THC Bomb seeds that I just started which will occupy my other room and be neighbors with a few dozen White LSD. Where did you acquire your THC Bomb?

Looking through your pics, it looks like Nitrogen and heat may be an issue. For young plants, they don't need the HID lights as close as normal until around the 4th node. After that, gradually lower the light and measure the temperature at the point closest the bulb. When you find a sweet spot distance, tie a string to the hood and cut it to the length that touched the canopy. This will make keeping the lights a safe distance away easier. With Nitrogen: to little is often shown by yellowing leaves; to much is usually exhibited by rust colored tips. That's my two cents...



Well-Known Member
thanks a lot man, that was really helpful. I'm going to try out moving the light up, and maintaining a good distance.

Mine came from castle seeds


Active Member
My THC Bomb came from I have noticed a difference in phenotype. Some are more resistant to heat and stress. When the individual petals make that "V" shape, they are trying to reduce their surface area to reduce the heat. The petals should be nice and flat or they are likely too hot. Also, when leaf feeding under HID lights, the water droplets become a heated prism which can cause further heat. I leaf feed just before they go to bed so they can absorb it through the night, similar to dew. If you have nutrients in your leaf spray, it should never been applied with the lights on. My four cents...

To watch my THC Bomb mothers flower, just search the stain and find my thread.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I watered with tap ph'd to 6.6 to see if they respond better to that over the filtered I've been giving them. Picking up some calmag later today (definitely have one mag deficiency starting), and a co2 bag to hang in the tent. I can't believe they're all having different issues when they are treated the exact same. lol oh well, it's a fun ass hobby. :bigjoint:

Cell phone camera sucks, sorry guys. Going to get some better pics up asap.



Active Member
Magnesium deficiency is easily solved with 2 tblsn. of Epsom salt per gallon of your feed water. Look it up. CalMag is great too though. What kind of nutrients are you using? If you can afford it pick up some Advanced nutrients Sensi-Grow A & B. They run about 17 bucks for a liter of A or B. You need both. I have never, ever had a nutrient problem with A.N. They contain all the micro-nutrients and the expected ones as well.


Well-Known Member
lookin good so far bud. if i can give some advice.two things.

1. for the first week or two you can use fluoro bulbs . i prefer t8 or t12 daylight bulbs. a cheap workshop light can be purchased with bulbs for under 15 bucks at any home store.this will also help with heat problems allowing the young seedling to establish itself at first without stressing them.

2.i dont really get the hype with fancy organic soils and nutrients like fox farm products. im sure people get really great results using them , but for the cost i feel its really not worth the cost and effort for some headstash. scotts and miracle grow potting soils have always worked well for me. theyre pre nuted for 3- 6 months and are really cheap. really takes the guess work out. usaully i give a good soaking once a week for the first two weeks .then every couple days(3-5) for vegging, and 2-3 days for flowering. only thing i add is some molasses in the last 4 weeks of flower. usually about 2tbls for 2 gallons. good luck and hope this helps in the future