First Grow - Tent - 400W - BPN - THC Bomb - Violator Kush - Advice Welcome


Active Member
Nutrients and Soil and seed are the places to invest your money well. Many other things can be DIY, on a budget. For the months of work and the months of smoke, for me, I would do nothing that didn't make it worth my while. You will never be displeased with Fox Farm soils, A.N, and a good seed stock. Many will tell you otherwise, but the logic is sound. If its not done right, it's not worth doing. If you go cheap on soil, don't get pre-nutrient laden soil. Give them your nutrients and nothing else.



Well-Known Member
I tend to disagree with the seeds, yes premium genetics are great but bagseed's from a nice bag of smoke will produce good results. It all depends on who you are and what you are expecting.

as far as soil goes. FFoF soil is extremely expensive as well as over rated, yes it is great soil. but you can get a soil that is just as rich if not richer in organic nutrition as FFoF for a fraction of the price. which is really important when your planting in 5/10 gal pots or using alot of soil, if a bag of FFOF can last you a few grows i say go for it but if your going to be looking at buying multiple bags @ 20$ a bag each grow i say look into building your own soil. I do agree to stay away from an pre nutrient laden soils they are just a hassle but you can go with a good quality pro mix that cost the same for 4 cu yards as a 1 cu yard bag of FFOF soil goes for, then pick up a few ammendments and you get 4 cu yards of good quality soil for the cost of 2 cu yards of FFoF soil.

to me growing is all about saving money on buying it so to save money where you can is important aspect of this hobby. if you can afford good quality genetics then i say go for it but if a 60-100$ seed order is not in your budget one can get desirable results from a few bagseed from some decent quality bud.


Active Member
Have you consulted the plant problems forum? I'd be leery of giving advice myself but it looks like your girls have nute burn. What is your watering and feeding schedule like? How many days do you allow between watering/feedings? What What is the temperature of the room (Not simply the soil)? Don't take my word, because I haven't seen this much, but if they were mine: I would flush them all with plain water. Then, I would start them at 1/4 strength of the nutrients suggested strength. I water well and allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again. The leaves are a great indicator but it takes experience to read them correctly. What nutrients are you using?


Well-Known Member
0 nutrients have been given. Usually- Leading me to believe a water issue. The only other thing I can think of is 24/0 lighting + ffof is an issue for some strains. Majority of water was out of a brita, then switched to tap. I was allowing 3-4 inches of soil to dry completely before watering. Going to feed 1/4 recommended strength of my BPN during the next water, and hope to see rapid improvement...

I have to admit, I'm a little sad at the results so far. I hope they improve...


Active Member
Strange. The Fox Farm and the lighting wouldn't be the issue. I always do an 18/6 in veg because it turns 1800watts off for an extra 6 hours which saves money. The veg growth doesn't seem to be affected by this. Sounds like you're feeding correctly and have good soil. What is stranger is that each plant seems to have a unique set of problems. Try porting some pictures of your girls in the Plant Problems Forum. Perhaps you would get better and more advice from there that could help. Wish I could help more but nothing your doing sounds amiss. What kind of nutrients do you plan to use?

It seems those pots would get plenty of drainage, right?



Well-Known Member
FFoF soil is known to be somewhat "hot" for younger plants, from the looks of it the problem is not getting worse, so i would say that the FFoF soil burned them a week or so back and they are now coming out of it. the deformed leaves will never return back to normal so you want to look at new growth and if the issue is spreading rather than what has already happened.

i personally believe that plants need some rest so go with a 18/6 for veg, they have a night time in nature so i feel its only natural to give them one indoors, alot of people dissagree and 24/0 has been proven to work with desirable results, so i cant say its bad but i feel 18/6 is a more natural and healthy lighting schedule.


Well-Known Member
I can't change the lighting now in fear of herms. But I am going to do 20/4 next time. I feel like that's the best of both world's.
I looked up a bunch of deficiencies so I knew what I was working with. I think 1 is mag, 1 is cal, 1 is n, and 1 I couldn't decide on.

Thanks for the reassurance theduder and retiredmatt. I agree the new growth looks pretty good. Tomorrow is water/1st feed day.


Well-Known Member
I can't change the lighting now in fear of herms. But I am going to do 20/4 next time. I feel like that's the best of both world's.
I looked up a bunch of deficiencies so I knew what I was working with. I think 1 is mag, 1 is cal, 1 is n, and 1 I couldn't decide on.

Thanks for the reassurance theduder and retiredmatt. I agree the new growth looks pretty good. Tomorrow is water/1st feed day.
changing the lights wont make your plants hermie

I wouldnt feed yet, you dont have a deficiency man not using FFOF soil. that soil should be able to take you through veg and partially into flower.


Well-Known Member
I never get seeds in my bags. So I used two of my buddie's and bought 4. lol

ok first pic, the top left plant may be a N deficiency, also may just be the color of the strain.

bottom left plant look healthy as can be

top middle and right and bottom middle all look like they are burned.

bottom right looks a little burned as well.


Active Member
changing the lights wont make your plants hermie

I wouldnt feed yet, you dont have a deficiency man not using FFOF soil. that soil should be able to take you through veg and partially into flower.
I thought he said 50/50 mix of FFOF and Promix. Could he need some nutes then....being that he used only 50% FF??? Maybe the nutes that were there are all used up by now? This is just a thought and I haven't seen it said yet so, who knows!

As for the hermie and lights, yeah I don't think you need worry just yet. I thought hermie was an issue in flowering....and resulted from interruption in dark cycle...not changing of it. Again though, I don't know jack! ;) hahahaha, ok where is my bong


Well-Known Member
My bad, it appears I can't read too well. ;)
lol all good man, i really think that FFoF soil has plenty of nutritional value left to it.

to the original poster of this thread, have you thought about a compost tea? suplies to make are easy and it wont burn your plants, it will enrich the microbial live in the soil and its all in all really good for your plants.


Active Member
New growth is looking better to me. But you get a closer look, what do you think? The light colored one looks like a deficiency of Nitrogen, but its all over which is strange. Also, the health looks to be your most stable. Perhaps it is a weird phenotype or strain. Do you know its genes? That feed schedule looks fine bro. I'm not familiar with that line but your N-P-K ratings are similar to what I've seen.



Well-Known Member
Naw it's definitely an n deficiency. That's one of the thc bomb fems. It looks to be getting better over the last 2-3 days.

All of the new growth looks good to me as well. Curious though- why don't my girls like the fans I have? If I turn one on for 6 hours.... most of them start to fold their leaves, so I shut it off. I'm not even pointing it at them...


Active Member
Looking at your earlier pics i'm having trouble figuring out your ventilation. It seems you posted pics of different set-ups as you worked things out. Can you take a picture of the ventilation system as it is now? It is weird that they don't enjoy the breeze. Perhaps they are blowing hot air I thought, but they would point up, not curl down. It seems you have enough exhaust. What are the dimensions of your tent and the CFM rating on the exhaust fan?

If your intake is passive of insufficient to supply the exhaust with the air it attempts to suck out, it just wont. So, you could pick up an intake fan that would match the cfm rating. That would reduce temperatures within the tent to around 2 or 3 degrees above the intake airs temperature.

If the yellow girl is a THC Bomb, then she definitely needs Nitrogen. All of mine have always been a deep green with fat, thick fan petals. Always really short in veg too. This is another strange problem because you're using a good soil that has enough nitrogen in it for such a young plant to thrive.

I think the Bud Gods are making you earn this crop. Patients is a virtue. Just give them enough time to recoup and get a bunch of healthy growth before they flower and so any abuse they endure in veg only makes them stronger and your harvest heavier.



Well-Known Member

-29 days from seed on 24/0 on the two big pots
-26 days from seed '' '' on the four smaller. The smallest plant couldn't shed it's seed casing for a while, so it's lagging behind.
-My guess is- the tallest plant is a male. It's bagseed and 2 years old. It sucks, because it's been so healthy, and the stems are purple in normal lighting :neutral:
-ALL of the plants are loving the tap water, ph'd down to 6.6-6.8 w/ 5 nutrients at VERY small dose w/ epsom salt as well (keeping ppm at or below 500). I found out our city has some of the best tap in the state, so might as well use it. About to up the dose next week on the nutes.
-Getting crowded already (definitely not fitting all 6), don't know how I'm going to choose who stays and who goes :(.

-dont mind the terrible quality/flash/or brightness of the MH bulb

(Just got watered)



Active Member
They are looking great now bro! Nice save. I don't see any problems except the older leaves that retained the early stress. It is my experience, that in veg, males and females are identical. I used to say, "this one is a male because____ too." Then, being wrong so many times, I learned different. I would slowly raise your ppm by a 100 or so until you get to the recommended dose of your nutrient line. Pay close attention for stress or nute burn. You can test your runoff water after a water feed for a good PH reading of the soil. This way, salt buildup from excess nutrients can be monitored. I do this with one plant, at random, every water day. My double buckets allow the runoff to be collected in the second bucket, which is great for such testing. If you have a drip tray under your girls, it would serve the same purpose.

-The Dude