I should not have to explain this to you, but here goes: The attorney generals you are talking about are attorney generals for individual states, they are not part of the DOJ and not part of the Obama administration. State attorney generals do not direct the actions of the DEA, that is done by the US attorney general. State attorney generals are elected representatives of their individual states, hence they do have their own political agendas.
The DEA is under the department of justice, a federal government agency. The US attorney general is Eric Holder, a federal employee and Obama appointee, he is not a state attorney genera and is not electedl. US attorneys work for Eric Holder and are federal employees. Eric Holder directly implements Obama's agenda.
It's no fucking wonder the drug warriors are able keep their boots on our throats with this level of understanding out there!
Naturally UB fell right in with it, but he is not this stupid.