Feds raid Oaksterdam University - cannabis persecution Obama's highest priority


Well-Known Member
go find it and quote it then.

you won't find me expressing any love for him. you will see me defending him against dumb-dumb lies form partisan hacks like you, however.
I think both of your political parties are retarded, how am I partisan? I take a centrist approach, ie I'm a realist, Im not socialist or right wing like either of your crowds.


Well-Known Member
I think both of your political parties are retarded, how am I partisan? I take a centrist approach, ie I'm a realist, Im not socialist or right wing like either of your crowds.
lol, you sure showed me with all those quotes of me slobbering on obama.


Well-Known Member
you aren't intimating that there is political influence on the president's actions during an election year, just like every last president that has come before, are you?

why, that would be downright logical, and desert douche hates logic.
Yeah... Hope and Change was just a bullshit slogan to be eaten up by the masses. If you look at his record, in many ways it has been Bush 2.0....


Well-Known Member
Yeah... Hope and Change was just a bullshit slogan to be eaten up by the masses. If you look at his record, in many ways it has been Bush 2.0....
wanna play a game?

you name one way in which obama has been bush 2.0, and i'll name three ways in which he hasn't.



Well-Known Member
does not even qualify.
Damn he got you on that one!!

how about this one?

"As of last Friday, President Obama has authorized the government to take just about whatever it needs in the name of national defense. It is an Executive Order appropriately called “National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP).” This allows members of Obama’s Cabinet to take resources such as livestock, water, fuel, farm equipment, vehicles, planes, boats, food and just about anything the government thinks it needs for “defense preparedness.” I am just skimming the surface here as there are many more details in the order. (Click here for the complete Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness – NDRP.) Many are calling this a setup for peacetime martial law. After reading the Executive Order, I don’t see how anyone could disagree with this statement."


Well-Known Member
Damn he got you on that one!!

how about this one?

"As of last Friday, President Obama has authorized the government to take just about whatever it needs in the name of national defense. It is an Executive Order appropriately called “National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP).” This allows members of Obama’s Cabinet to take resources such as livestock, water, fuel, farm equipment, vehicles, planes, boats, food and just about anything the government thinks it needs for “defense preparedness.” I am just skimming the surface here as there are many more details in the order. (Click here for the complete Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness – NDRP.) Many are calling this a setup for peacetime martial law. After reading the Executive Order, I don’t see how anyone could disagree with this statement."
Wow, it really is looking more and more like 1930's Germany...


Active Member
^^^ Exactly. All those Assholes were promoted to there DEA positions durring bushes presidency. Blame Bush for allowing these assholes to be hired !

Obama could, if he wanted to, send a private message explaining that this was a career-limiting move, "don't let it become a career-ending one", and they'd get the hint. He doesn't even kinda-sorta take an active pro-cannabis position.


Active Member
Tell that to Capone...

They get you on the taxes :P
As any grower knows, after the first few cycles, the marginal costs of cultivation are not even worth a thought. In places with legal cultivation, it's really hard to understand why it isn't nearly free. One of the biggest problem patient cultivators have is what to do with the surplus.


Active Member
Listen here sluggo, so have you or have you not heard of executive orders?
The President cannot issue an order that contravenes any part of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the keystone of marijuana prohibition in almost every country where it is prohibited. An EO decriminalizing cannabis would constitute a crime, and would be grounds for impeachment.


Active Member
What people dont realize is that you are breaking the law. POT is still ILLEGAL everywhere.
Not everywhere. It's not technically illegal in Uruguay, and Iran allows cannabis cultivation on a limited scale. Yeah I find that ironic. No country that is a signatory to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs is allowed to legalize marijuana without running the risk of UN sanctions.


Active Member
Then send a couple bookworms over there to go over the books
There shouldn't be enough money involved to *need* books. If you're making a profit from cannabis, you're doing it wrong. You're helping sustain prohibition by making yourself a target. Whatever they are doing, they made enough money doing it to afford some prime California real estate. My sympathies lie with the individual grower, who never took a dime from anyone.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The President cannot issue an order that contravenes any part of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the keystone of marijuana prohibition in almost every country where it is prohibited. An EO decriminalizing cannabis would constitute a crime, and would be grounds for impeachment.
No it wouldn't! The president is only bound by the laws in the Constitution. It's the Constitution which defines the President, not UN. The President has a duty to the American people from the powers designated by the Constitution. The Constitution defines the conditions of impeachment, not the UN. You catching a pattern here? :dunce:


New Member
The president can actually end all the drug wars effectively by ordering the law not to be enforced and he could also pardon drug offenders.