Feds raid Oaksterdam University - cannabis persecution Obama's highest priority

desert dude

Well-Known Member

"U.S. attorneys have a message for California's medical marijuana advocates: Don't blame Barack Obama.After it was announced that the crackdown on medical pot establishments in the Golden State was a collective decision by the four U.S. attorneys in California and not the result of any directive from Washington, spokeswoman Lauren Horwood emphasized that the administration never even green-lighted the ramped-up enforcement actions."

Why do you guys think the actions of the IRS,DEA etc are under direct daily direction of the President?
The departments themselves have their own agendas, its not necessarily from the White House.
What the fuck are US Attorneys doing campaigning for Barack Obama?

You cannot be naive enough to believe that a US Attorney would simply act on his own in defiance of presidential or attorney general directives? If the Holder memo meant anything, then there are only two responses that any US attorney could give in response to the attorney general directing him to ignore MMJ operations: yes sir, or here is my resignation. The Holder memo is meaningless, of course. It makes no promises whatsoever. Some time ago I posted a link to the Holder memo, go read it yourself; Google "holder ogden memo".


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are US Attorneys doing campaigning for Barack Obama?

You cannot be naive enough to believe that a US Attorney would simply act on his own in defiance of presidential or attorney general directives? If the Holder memo meant anything, then there are only two responses that any US attorney could give in response to the attorney general directing him to ignore MMJ operations: yes sir, or here is my resignation. The Holder memo is meaningless, of course. It makes no promises whatsoever. Some time ago I posted a link to the Holder memo, go read it yourself; Google "holder ogden memo".

Google Attorney Generals suing for the Healthcare plan. Pretty sure that is a prime example of Attorney Generals working on there own prerogative.


Well-Known Member
The DEA was formed under Executive Order, it's operations can be directed by the President. Obama sits on his hands whilst people like you and me get fucked, he may aswell be fucking you himself.
lol, had no idea obama was president of ireland.

jesus fucking christ with the obama derangement syndrome already.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt this was on the List of Obamas things todo this morning.. yeah ill pass on believing that.

Things todo Today ::

1. Meeting with DOJ & Military officials.
2. Send out a Raid on Oaksterdam.
3. Give the OK to assasinate a somali terrorist leader.
4. Take several minutes to giggle about his secret agendas
5. Lunch with daughters & wife.


Well-Known Member
Google Attorney Generals suing for the Healthcare plan. Pretty sure that is a prime example of Attorney Generals working on there own prerogative.
don't you dare inject facts into this hyperbolic obama butt fuck thread.

a navy seal workign on his own took out osama, and barack single handedly swooped in and shut down oaksterdam with his bare hands. also killed some kiddies down the street while he was at it.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt this was on the List of Obamas things todo this morning.. yeah ill pass on believing that.

Things todo Today ::

1. Meeting with DOJ & Military officials.
2. Send out a Raid on Oaksterdam.
3. Give the OK to assasinate a somali terrorist leader.
4. Take several minutes to giggle about his secret agendas
5. Lunch with daughters & wife.
no, busting oaksterdam was obama's top priority, just listen to desert douche who is in no way ever wrong or hyperbolic in his pathetic attempts to troll.

obama had oaksterdam in his eye for 3+ years now but waited until there was a code violation to shut them down. surveillance tapes show that the wrong types of nails were used when replacing the carpet, and this was obama's only single opportunity to pounce.


Well-Known Member
don't you dare inject facts into this hyperbolic obama butt fuck thread.

a navy seal workign on his own took out osama, and barack single handedly swooped in and shut down oaksterdam with his bare hands. also killed some kiddies down the street while he was at it.

I would love to see the protesters attempt to walk up to obama yelling @ him as they did to the dea in oakland... Secret Service would get one hell of a workout & would need some new suits with all the tackling & faceplants being spread around.

Also, stocks in Zip Ties would sky-rocket.


Well-Known Member
no, busting oaksterdam was obama's top priority, just listen to desert douche who is in no way ever wrong or hyperbolic in his pathetic attempts to troll.

obama had oaksterdam in his eye for 3+ years now but waited until there was a code violation to shut them down. surveillance tapes show that the wrong types of nails were used when replacing the carpet, and this was obama's only single opportunity to pounce.
I like this post with a passion.


Well-Known Member
lol, had no idea obama was president of ireland.

jesus fucking christ with the obama derangement syndrome already.
Anyone with half a brain knows American drug policy is the basis for drug policy worldwide (you guys made sure of that in the UN). Only Americans think their actions only effect their country.

So let me get this straight, when something good happens its all Obama...but when something had happens "you can't Blair the president"?

You talk about Obama Derangement Syndrome, when infact you clearly have "Involuntarily Fellate Obama Syndrome".


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are US Attorneys doing campaigning for Barack Obama?

You cannot be naive enough to believe that a US Attorney would simply act on his own in defiance of presidential or attorney general directives? If the Holder memo meant anything, then there are only two responses that any US attorney could give in response to the attorney general directing him to ignore MMJ operations: yes sir, or here is my resignation. The Holder memo is meaningless, of course. It makes no promises whatsoever. Some time ago I posted a link to the Holder memo, go read it yourself; Google "holder ogden memo".
campaigning for barack obama? i see 4 US attorney's looking for reasons to keep their budgets.... they need some proof that the portion allocation of their budget destined for investigating and prosecuting drug related activity is actually doing something. this is exactly the type of raid they pretty much 'have' to make.

i mean imagine being grilled by the boys up in DC: "well we'd give you all this money... but the forest service has confiscated over 10 fold what you have... maybe they should get your budget.. you even have a 'weed college' operating and you've yet to do anything...."


Active Member
The DEA was formed under Executive Order, it's operations can be directed by the President. Obama sits on his hands whilst people like you and me get fucked, he may aswell be fucking you himself.
What people dont realize is that you are breaking the law. POT is still ILLEGAL everywhere. Its the same thing as drinking and driving.. you knows its illegal and you dont always get caught but when you do dont blame anyone else but yourself!


Well-Known Member
DEA did not wake up one morning and say Hrmm lets get Oaksterdam..
Because the DEA never just decides to just go after people in the cannabis business just to fuck with them like Tommy Chong right????? I'm sure no one at the DEA ever said 'hey these guys are teaching people to grow weed let's take their asses down!' They're all just going 'Gosh, we don't want to arrest anyone but they're violating the law so what choice do we have?!?'

More BS from the dam revenuers. In a civil society, an agent or two from the feds would go oaksterdam and tell them they have gone over board. You have 48 hours to cease operations and get rid of your plants.
See you in two days

It is almost as bad as entrapment where officers of the law entice you to commit crimes, even small offenses can get you killed.
Ask Randy Weaver. Feds shot his wife while she was holding a baby and shot his 6 year old son in the back.
We have mostly forgotten about Waco as well. Feds were told Koresh comes to town every weekend and that is the best place to talk to him or arrest him.

But the feds are smarter then that so they burned 76 people to death including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, 24 british nationals and the leader David Koresh after losing a few of Clintons ex bodyguards to bullet holes
Amazing how many people here are for DEA thugs breaking in your doors like stormtroopers.

^^^ Exactly. All those Assholes were promoted to there DEA positions durring bushes presidency. Blame Bush for allowing these assholes to be hired !
And they serve at the President's leisure -- he could get rid of them at any time with people he selects who won't go after the MMJ industry but would instead go after organized crime and cartels.

Meh I doubt there is a lot of real transparency within the DEA itself. It has gotten too big and now is trying to do whats best for itself. The president usually doesn't get the full story when it comes to these multiple departments. Its happened to a ton of presidents.

Remember its the IRS that is truly behind this. They are the ones almost commandeering the other departments to enforce Nixon era drug laws about companies trying to file for non profit status.
This is in the news on a weekly basis. If the president doesn't keep up on the news he's a shitty president. I guess because he's a democrat he doesn't have to live up to what he promised before the election eh? Face it, he's a drug warrior like all the rest. He is no longer for medical or decriminalization just like he is no longer for 'shades of purple'.

Hard to believe gestapo lovers and excusers exist on a site for growing mj.


Well-Known Member
don't you dare inject facts into this hyperbolic obama butt fuck thread.

a navy seal workign on his own took out osama, and barack single handedly swooped in and shut down oaksterdam with his bare hands. also killed some kiddies down the street while he was at it.



Well-Known Member
Because the DEA never just decides to just go after people in the cannabis business just to fuck with them like Tommy Chong right????? I'm sure no one at the DEA ever said 'hey these guys are teaching people to grow weed let's take their asses down!' They're all just going 'Gosh, we don't want to arrest anyone but they're violating the law so what choice do we have?!?'

Amazing how many people here are for DEA thugs breaking in your doors like stormtroopers.

And they serve at the President's leisure -- he could get rid of them at any time with people he selects who won't go after the MMJ industry but would instead go after organized crime and cartels.

This is in the news on a weekly basis. If the president doesn't keep up on the news he's a shitty president. I guess because he's a democrat he doesn't have to live up to what he promised before the election eh? Face it, he's a drug warrior like all the rest. He is no longer for medical or decriminalization just like he is no longer for 'shades of purple'.

Hard to believe gestapo lovers and excusers exist on a site for growing mj.

Ok slugger. Im talking about his direct advisers that represent those agencies aren't always even in the loop about what is really going on inside the headquarters and satellite offfices of the DEA.. etc....

Theres a lot more to it then keeping up with what the mainstream media reports on a daily basis. You literally have no proof in your pudding. Im sure Obama is a hell of a lot more informed then you me and so forth..... and hes probably still not fully into the real workings of what goes on.


Well-Known Member
Obama fucked up, even if those individual agencies have their own agenda, he should be setting the tone. Im this close to not voting for him but Romney is Vazuzu and Santorum is Catholic Satan himself so... I wish there was another way to tell him that real voters would rather abstain than support this bullshit.

BTW all those Oaksterdam graduates will now become illegal growers all over the nation. Good Job DEA!

Kite High

Well-Known Member
The DEA was formed under Executive Order, it's operations can be directed by the President. Obama sits on his hands whilst people like you and me get fucked, he may aswell be fucking you himself.
Do NOT worry...HE is....and for him to say he did not know is just as fucked as his allowing or pushing it..HE CAN STOP IT...period...he is a douche

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Google Attorney Generals suing for the Healthcare plan. Pretty sure that is a prime example of Attorney Generals working on there own prerogative.
I should not have to explain this to you, but here goes: The attorney generals you are talking about are attorney generals for individual states, they are not part of the DOJ and not part of the Obama administration. State attorney generals do not direct the actions of the DEA, that is done by the US attorney general. State attorney generals are elected representatives of their individual states, hence they do have their own political agendas.

The DEA is under the department of justice, a federal government agency. The US attorney general is Eric Holder, a federal employee and Obama appointee, he is not a state attorney genera and is not electedl. US attorneys work for Eric Holder and are federal employees. Eric Holder directly implements Obama's agenda.

It's no fucking wonder the drug warriors are able keep their boots on our throats with this level of understanding out there!

Naturally UB fell right in with it, but he is not this stupid.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I should not have to explain this to you, but here goes: The attorney generals you are talking about are attorney generals for individual states, they are not part of the DOJ and not part of the Obama administration. State attorney generals do not direct the actions of the DEA, that is done by the US attorney general. State attorney generals are elected representatives of their individual states, hence they do have their own political agendas.

The DEA is under the department of justice, a federal government agency. The US attorney general is Eric Holder, a federal employee and Obama appointee, he is not a state attorney genera and is not electedl. US attorneys work for Eric Holder and are federal employees. Eric Holder directly implements Obama's agenda.

It's no fucking wonder the drug warriors are able keep their boots on our throats with this level of understanding out there!

Naturally UB fell right in with it, but he is not this stupid.
:hump: EXACTLY !!!


Well-Known Member
Do NOT worry...HE is....and for him to say he did not know is just as fucked as his allowing or pushing it..HE CAN STOP IT...period...he is a douche
I'm not even from the US and I got caught up in the Obamarama from the primaries right up to the election itself. I thought the guy was genuinely gonna bring hope and change, change which would've been reflected worldwide because as I stated before the US pretty much sets "Western World" drug (amongst others) policy. I supported Obama right the way up until it was obvious he wasn't really as "hopey changey" as we'd all wished.

Its a pity some on here missed the Newsflash, Obama is just Bush 2.0 with added race baiting.


Ursus marijanus
I'm not even from the US and I got caught up in the Obamarama from the primaries right up to the election itself. I thought the guy was genuinely gonna bring hope and change, change which would've been reflected worldwide because as I stated before the US pretty much sets "Western World" drug (amongst others) policy. I supported Obama right the way up until it was obvious he wasn't really as "hopey changey" as we'd all wished.

Its a pity some on here missed the Newsflash, Obama is just Bush 2.0 with added race baiting.
It's worth remembering that on something as big as Obamacare, he would need Congress on his side.
However, for something like "setting the tone" at agencies like DEA and ATFe and IRS ... he has that capability. Obama is in on this; count on it. It could be as lame as O simply wanting to deny the opposition the "soft on crime" allegation that the campaign won't be able to avoid, but i don't believe that. I think that something else is in motion here, with the perceived gains in MMJ civil liberties as the likely casualty. cn