mmma down???

Timmahh, Dude tell us the story? Did they need the jaws of life to detach your lips from Joes ass, or did you just come to reality?
is it true that its over and joe has flown the coupe?lmao:clap:

Could someone please give a quick history lesson on the MMMA. Was the Association formed after the ACT was passed or was it formed for the purpose of creating and lobbying for the ACT?
Timmahh, Dude tell us the story? Did they need the jaws of life to detach your lips from Joes ass, or did you just come to reality?

Bliss don't fault Tim. Tim was surviving by Joe feeding him farts. When Tim insurance ran out Joe had to take himoff life support. LOL no offense Tim but that shits funny!
Timahh had his nose so far up joe's ass i though timahh's beard was joe's pubic hair. They're birds of a feather.
Joe and his marine crap was so over the top and they all drank the kool aid. They took our money and we let them. Total ass scum. And people warned us over and over and called us lemmings, minions, followers, and more. And you know what, they were right. The only way the mmma can survive is to clean house like penn state did. Drop all of those thieves and start over.

I'm pissed off because I stupidly gave the mmma almost $3000 over the past year and now it looks like that scumbag used it as his own personal stash account. Fuc them. And fuc joe cain for not warning everyone sooner. There is no bigger piece of crap than a marine who talks about trustworthiness as he fuks you in the ass. Joe cain admitted that he knew for a long time what was going on yet he acted like he was working for us. he better hope I never see him on the steet. I want my money back. I went so far as to call the detroit fbi today. Apparently an agent is goin t call me back. I won't rest til this is blown wide open. That is money that could go to my kids instead of in cain's belly or up komorns nose. Joe cain is a slime ball piece of crap.
Dang not bad for a fist post.I don't see what your problem is with marines or timmahh though. Timmahhs been busting his ass on riu trying to get people off the damn couch.
Dang not bad for a fist post.I don't see what your problem is with marines or timmahh though. Timmahhs been busting his ass on riu trying to get people off the damn couch.

Marines? Nothing. People saying they are a marine and therefore trustworthy but turn out to be outhouse scum, big problem there.

Timahh is a misogynistic shit also. Talked down to me and many others on the mmma as he sucked joe's cock.
Heh! The 180 he did with regards to Joe Cain leads me to believe he'd make a good politician.

Joes compassion, or appearance of it was/is solid. Many Patients that utilized the JFM stated he gave meds away for free weekly.

The Question is what was his underlying agenda. He (Joke Cain) did help alot of patients on one hand while in public view, but it also appears he severely hurt many more on the other hand with his Piss Poor leadership, or as i just noted in another thread, Perhaps his Undercover roll (ahhh that felt good just to say that. lol).

As far as Mr Komorn, He is the President and owner of the 3MA organization. a fully Licensed 501c Non Profit Organization. If anyone is aware of the financial rules of a 501C non profit, is the Orgs books must be made public record. Not easy to steal anything that has So MUCH protective Governmental Oversite within its ranks.
I think Timmah is auditioning for the job.

He went from defending Joe Cain every chance he got, to calling him an unglued nutjob within a matter of hours.

Some matters have to be dealt with from within. Ask Agent Harris. He ll tell you, when running a covert op (like he is doing here right Joke. lol) staying in character is Essential to the op.
Once the time is ready, I am Sure Mr. Komorn will release a statement regarding this latest event.

You know what Mike Komorn is a scum just like Joe cain and most of the MODS that let this go on The MMMA is no more they lost respect to all the patients of michigan,

good riddance to you all, remember tim when Hitler went down so did his henchmen
Really Camille. I spoke down to you? unless you are a fool, or bob harris or joke cain, its not likely.
These guys here know I will give credit where credit is due, but I will Also treat others as I am treated.
If your story is Factual. I am all ears. Because You can count on one thing? If i and/or the other mods Do ever find out ANYONE embezaled money from the 3MA (books are public records being its a 501C fully licensed Non Profit here in the State) ie, the Patients and Members, I and other Mods would be the first group there presenting the evidence.
Once the time is ready, I am Sure Mr. Komorn will release a statement regarding this latest event.

You know what Mike Komorn is a scum just like Joe cain and most of the MODS that let this go on The MMMA is no more they lost respect to all the patients of michigan,

good riddance to you all, remember tim when Hitler went down so did his henchmen

Where the Mods are concerned, we were minimally privy to any type of information of this level right up to just recently as all of you are. We are mods. we dont get that type of information.
Really Camille. I spoke down to you? unless you are a fool, or bob harris or joke cain, its not likely.
These guys here know I will give credit where credit is due, but I will Also treat others as I am treated.
If your story is Factual. I am all ears. Because You can count on one thing? If i and/or the other mods Do ever find out ANYONE embezaled money from the 3MA (books are public records being its a 501C fully licensed Non Profit here in the State) ie, the Patients and Members, I and other Mods would be the first group there presenting the evidence.

I have witnessed you talk down to several people undeservedly so. You should pump your brakes a little and focus your aggression so you don't isolate a bunch of patients like the guy who you were jerking off a few days ago and publicly bashing today. You said you wanted the site to unite, but is your intention just to get more people on your side to bash bob?
I pmd you yesterday about the people you verbally abused on this site that politely tried to reason with you about Joe. I hope you address those men and women you attacked, that are part of the patients and caregivers you are trying to help?
The point you keep skipping is those people from the other organizations that were nice to you and tried explaining to you about Joe, but you then attacked them. And I do not know what you are asking in that last sentence. I am trying to change or add words to make sense of it, but gave up.
The point you keep skipping is those people from the other organizations that were nice to you and tried explaining to you about Joe, but you then attacked them. And I do not know what you are asking in that last sentence. I am trying to change or add words to make sense of it, but gave up.

  • I have had my concerns for a while, but one MUST use discretion to gain information that is factual.​

To stay in the loop and to get the info, one has to play the full part. cant let the gaurd down. Yes i was harsh on people. TO gain the trust of a psycho as manipulative as Joe Cain is, you have to be the "DEE DEE DEEE" so he will trust your the perfect fool for his games. Joe got played. He is gone. That is a benefit to everyone in the Movement.
I privately wanted to ask Timmahh specifically about the innocent, nice patients that tried to handle him with kid gloves and then he ATTACKED, and this was in direct connection to Joe CAin. And Timmahh was a rude fuck head to every single last one of them. Attacked them and their organizations. They DID NOT deserve your abuse. And they have been proven right.
Then in 3MA fashion, nothing is private. You ATTACK people then look for the facts. If you had your suspicions all along about Joe you wouldn't have been wearing his nut sack under your chin like you were. Joe is gone and it's the same ol shit already. Your pockets are getting closer to being filled though Timmahh. Spread more messages of unity in between your attacks on others. Very convincing.