Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

what growing medium is that? they look like marshmallows lol

He uses that stuff like pillow stuffing, I tried it. It was ok, but seem to go south quick and dirty if it did. Way over priced and not as forgiving as hydro-ton or as supportive. I didn't like it, plus the guys were jerks when I ordered direct from company. I wasn't going to buy again if it did work or not, and it did just not as well as other mediums. At least for me, OP might be liking it.
what growing medium is that? they look like marshmallows lol

It's Stg (Sure to grow) hail, it's spun plastic and looks like a cotton ball up close.
I pay 25$ for a 2 cubic foot bag, a bag will fill 24 6" net pots, 1$ spent on grow medium per plant is pretty cheep. I throw it away when done no mess no balls to wash no clay in my system.
It's Stg (Sure to grow) hail, it's spun plastic and looks like a cotton ball up close.
I pay 25$ for a 2 cubic foot bag, a bag will fill 24 6" net pots, 1$ spent on grow medium per plant is pretty cheep. I throw it away when done no mess no balls to wash no clay in my system.

I throw my clay away too at 10 bucks a bag that out lasts that pillow stuff too, that means cheaper to throw away and works every bit as good. Except for the prep on the hydroton, but for 2:1 cost ratio I am all about bit of work. I bought direct from those STG monkeys that are another "ridicuolous claim" catagory with over priced pillow stuffing (thats all it is). If the balls are rinsed good there is no clay in your system, but that is back to the work part.

That is just how it worked for me, seems like you got it going good with it. I just don't see the need for over 2:1 cost factor for it.
I throw my clay away too at 10 bucks a bag that out lasts that pillow stuff too, that means cheaper to throw away and works every bit as good. Except for the prep on the hydroton, but for 2:1 cost ratio I am all about bit of work. I bought direct from those STG monkeys that are another "ridicuolous claim" catagory with over priced pillow stuffing (thats all it is). If the balls are rinsed good there is no clay in your system, but that is back to the work part.

That is just how it worked for me, seems like you got it going good with it. I just don't see the need for over 2:1 cost factor for it.

I don't understand why your all over my journal bragging about hydroton! I certainly didn't ask about hydroton and don't care to hear about your trials with it here.
what growing medium is that? they look like marshmallows lol

No sir not my point, I was just trying to convey my thoughts to someone else who doesn't have or want to spend money on that.

So your saying bigz came in asking if he should spend money on stg or not? That's not what he's quoted saying or asking! so who are you exactly conveying your thoughts too?
If you can't understand why I take offence to your comments than yes please don't come back.
I am posting and conversing to help your journal along

Implying I use pillow stuffing isn't helping me

He uses that stuff like pillow stuffing,

LOL... sorry I thought this was the internet... sad. Yes thanks for pointing that out he asked a question I gave an answer and my thoughts on them too. I am sorry if my answer was more then the simple "STG medium" like most the brain dead posters here.

Telling him it was stg hail would've at least been some help. Telling him pillow stuffing does nothing and you should have just kept your fingers shut
You not being able to grow in stg has more to say about you as a gardner than stg as a grow medium
It also sound like your very bias due to a bad experience with the owners and may have a vendetta

I am sorry again if you don't allow peoples opinions if they differ from yours.

I just don't appreciate shits being taken on my journal

If you have a vested interest in this mediocre company and medium, good for you if not I don't understand the hostility even from a Californian.

Again it sounds like you may have the interest
You should really think about changing your name to 1upR!

Looks as white as mine
I throw my clay away too at 10 bucks a bag that out lasts that pillow stuff .

you blew this much up over a little comment brother, you have other issues in your life you need to deal with. Hope you get those figured out before something else snowballs out of control that shouldn't in your life.


Your the one writing paragraphs
god damn. you took way to fucking much offense for that. I asked a question he gave me a CORRECT answer with more detail than you did and had real-world experience/reasons to back up his choice.
Wont post here again.
He uses that stuff like pillow stuffing, I tried it. It was ok, but seem to go south quick and dirty if it did. Way over priced and not as forgiving as hydro-ton or as supportive. I didn't like it, plus the guys were jerks when I ordered direct from company. I wasn't going to buy again if it did work or not, and it did just not as well as other mediums. At least for me, OP might be liking it.

It's Stg (Sure to grow) hail, it's spun plastic and looks like a cotton ball up close.
I pay 25$ for a 2 cubic foot bag, a bag will fill 24 6" net pots, 1$ spent on grow medium per plant is pretty cheep. I throw it away when done no mess no balls to wash no clay in my system.

god damn. you took way to fucking much offense for that. I asked a question he gave me a CORRECT answer with more detail than you did and had real-world experience/reasons to back up his choice.
Wont post here again.

So the CORRECT answer to "what growing medium is that?" is "pillow stuffing"!
Ok!... thanks for clearing that up bigz!
And me informing you that it "cost a dollar per plant" is less detail than "way overpriced"?
Your in a journal with over 3000 pics of stg working... but hey! take his real-world experience for what ever it is
I guess I just don't understand you and therefore won't miss you posting here
So you grow in tubs with pipes and hoses and stuff and use pillow stuffing to grow your stuff in, it will never work in a hundred years, I think the weak link is your pillow stuffing, you need to up your game to hypo allergenic pillow stuffing it's the shit. No bad reaction from your plants what more can you ask from your pillow stuffing, I forgot to mention the cost per pail will go up about 12 cents for the hypo allergenic pillow stuffing.

Some people will never get it UnderCurrent, never. There are always peeps that if they saw Obama walk on water they would say he can't swim. LOL

It is clear that Stg works very well and others should check it out, some people do get tired of chasing and stepping on Hydroton.

90% of the people here only can wish to grow like you do, you got nothing to prove to anyone, and besides guys like you and legalyflying and me are on the cutting edge of what's happening in RDWC so there are always those that do not know or chose not to expand their knowledge.

Hypo allergenic!!!.... maybe that's what I need to knock out the P.m!


HAH. I'm on the cutting edge of a potassium deficiency.

It seems lately that I have become this bipolar dude in the grow room lately. The lights come on and I stroll down int he basement and then this jekle and hyde comes out.

"OK, I'm sorry honey, I shouldn't have yelled at you, do you want a little more EWC tea?"
Are your feet to warm, you want me to turn the chiller on for you?
How about I spend two hours draining, cleaning, and refilling your home for you?
You want me to lift a shop vac full of water across the room for you 3 or 4 times? Ok, sweetie. Anything else?
I can stop posting it doesn't bother me man

It doesn't seem like you can!

If it upsets you for some reason, then please let me know and I will not post.

Yes, please stop posting here you obviously don't bring anything to the table

Good luck with your grow, and toodles.


Yeah.... bye!

Haha he is still going on about the "pillow stuffing" nice. It's nice to see I was right, and he does have issues other then my answers to a simple question. I mentioned many times "STG medium" that he simply failed to mention to contort it to look like he is saving face.

You and I both said good bye why do you keep coming back, why do you care about any problems I have? yes, you mentioned stg many times after I corrected you.

Sorry chump, you lost but you are making a valiant effort to save face.

I see this is not the only thread you've been shitting on lately

Nah and "I" really don't care too but if your this loose and proud I don't think it will be long before someone or something does.

Keep the dogs and guns handy, Mr Botwin. Not hating, just trying to keep you from bad things coming. Also girl, and girlfriend? Haha you're an accident waiting to happen, or court time waiting to happen I should say. Search for all the oh my ex-girl, girl friends friend, friend of a friend blah blah... and you will be posting "Oh shit they raided me and I don't know why!!"

Now you can look back and come to the conclusion on "how" now.

Who/what is bowtin?
Not hating? bullshit.
You can keep your "advice" to yourself.
My girlfriend and I have been a couple for almost ten years, what your saying is obviously offensive. Not everyone is religious or chooses to marry.
As far as getting "raided" Maybe you are barley literate but my post clearly says that I am legal, further more I live in Humboldt County, look it up.
My family has done this since before I was born, Never a legal problem.
Been my sole income for many years with rooms bigger than this.
I really don't see what information I disclosed is so risky.

You simply don't understand where I live. Put it this way, just today at work I saw 20,000 watts worth of rooms.

I'm sure you like to come off as wise and experienced but you sound like a pompous ass.

Looks like your batting a 1000 bbc!

He should move to Michigan he would fit in with the resentful, hateful, looking to fight over nothing growers here.

This actually applies to you

You're also welcome in my journal anytime to continue looking like an ass with an attitude, I don't hate on facts, opinions or comments. Even the simplest ones, cause sometimes they blow out of proportion by troubled individuals.

Why would I want to talk to you more?

I mean it's kind of funny and sad the back peddling you are trying to do, to save face. Even after he is called out for taking too much offense

Your the only one back peddling lance! I've destroyed every argument you come in here with

he states the only thing "pillow stuffing" which it is just cut up, if he could read and do research on products.
I wish I was an expert and didn't have to research and learn about things I bring into my grow room.

You already have a phd in it why do you keep complaining?

I already said good bye

Oh since your simple mind thinks I was hating on "STG Medium" let me draw it in crayon for you.
I stated that stg medium (hail) as you state which is the same medium I bought is no better then hydroton at over 2:1 cost more.

I don't care what you pay for hydronton I'm not going to use it!

You get 24 nets with your $25 bag, I get 60 nets with hydroton at 10 bucks. I tried them BOTH and noticed NO difference, so why would I spend extra?

No one is telling you to spend extra!

It does require more work but at 2:1 its worth it IMO. It works for OP thats great, me I like to pay for better performance not the same. I even stated thats MY findings.

Do you want a metal or something?

WOW that is bad... LOL. Way to chastise me for that!

You sound like a child, maybe you should rename yourself BigBuddaBaby

He cries the mindless droves chime in to agree, before they can think or read the posts themselves. HAHAH classic RIU! I voice my OPINION on an product in anothers journal *GASP!* that is horrible.

The mindless droves chime in? Please compare your body of work to theirs then tell me who's without a mind!
Troll is as troll does. I'm going to get some of that pillow stuffing for the next round. If I never have to pick hydroton out of my drain filter or step in it with bare feet it's worth 10x the cost.
UC you got nothin to worry about... just another dumbass floating around this site. I checked out his grow... lanky plants with airy buds. pretty weak. hes saying hes thinking of leaving this site because of 'haters' and that he wont post anymore updates... LOL. maybe he actually killed his plants and he cant bear to show how much of a noob he is. i mean his netpot sits in the water FFS. and then he wonders why he got slime. adaptive grower, riiiiight... more likely just someone who keeps changing because he doesnt know what to do.

post some more bread cat UC. lol
