trayvan martin

Are you white and do you live in a suburb mindmelted? Please answer honestly
The MOST racist thing I have heard in years , right here for all to see. How come you hate white people so much bundee? And don't tell me you are white either, you are as racist as Hitler and its totally obvious when you keep calling the kettle black.
The MOST racist thing I have heard in years , right here for all to see. How come you hate white people so much bundee? And don't tell me you are white either, you are as racist as Hitler and its totally obvious when you keep calling the kettle black.

Really, that's the most racist thing you have heard in years?
mysunnyboy,,i'm not ashamed of Florida.... lets not forget the criminals brought to justice by serving life or getting fried. I was in Florida for 40 years before i came to Tn.. and i'm moving back soon..
I told everyone what pov im coming from. At least im honest about it not trying to hide my upbringing and environment and say it doeant influence my thought. i get mistaken for jewish all the time. Little old ladies speak to me in yiddish and chabad lubavitch tries to convert me all the time (hq is on 5th ave ). People always assume im theirace and project what they want to see in me. Then they reveal their true thoughta to me . You should hear the ahit that people say and then the looks on their faces when they find out im latino.
DelSlow,,,,from my understanding after talking to 1 of my sons in Florida,,, this law "stand your ground will not apply",,,only as a possible example of something.. Zimmerman was told to back off and he didn't..self-defense isn't going to be the issue,,,he was up to no good from the get-go..I believe it was UncleBuck that said he was a murderer,, and without a doubt i agree.. Zimmerman executed a minor..and this is enough to make any-one sick..,,I don't think race was a motive,,,,i believe Zimmerman would have shot any-one that night..
DelSlow,,,,from my understanding after talking to 1 of my sons in Florida,,, this law "stand your ground will not apply",,,only as a possible example of something.. Zimmerman was told to back off and he didn't..self-defense isn't going to be the issue,,,he was up to no good from the get-go..I believe it was UncleBuck that said he was a murderer,, and without a doubt i agree.. Zimmerman executed a minor..and this is enough to make any-one sick..,,I don't think race was a motive,,,,i believe Zimmerman would have shot any-one that night..

Damn someone who actually gets it !!!!!!!!!!!
i can say this ,,,,,Florida and Tn. do have 1 thing in common,,,,they both have Govenors that suck..,,i'm from Fl.,,,,now living in TN.
ink the world,,,most of his family has something to do with the county,,,,,and the rest,,,,Law enforcement,,,biggest reason he is walking around a free man.and this is going to get worse,,,,,Just heard the Black Panthers just put out a $10,000 REWARD for ZIMMERMAN"S capture...Was on Cnn.
DelSlow,,,,from my understanding after talking to 1 of my sons in Florida,,, this law "stand your ground will not apply",,,only as a possible example of something.. Zimmerman was told to back off and he didn't..self-defense isn't going to be the issue,,,he was up to no good from the get-go..I believe it was UncleBuck that said he was a murderer,, and without a doubt i agree.. Zimmerman executed a minor..and this is enough to make any-one sick..,,I don't think race was a motive,,,,i believe Zimmerman would have shot any-one that night..

I'm just surprised that he hasn't been arrested yet. If nothing happens soon, I see riots in the near future.
Again him saying fucking coon makes it racially motivated. If he didnt have it on his mind why did he say it? If it was a white guy do you think he would have muttered fucking cracker? I would love to see an incident log with all of his stops to see what "assholes" are always getting away from him. Hispanic are racist too. Latin politics have been dominated by white and mestizo candidates and only recently have native indian candidates been winning elections and getting representation. There is a skin color hierarchy. but of course everyone here already knew that
How the fuck do you not detain the armed suspect at a murder scene. Even if it was self defense you need to gather evidence and question the only armed person involved! Zimmerman's self-defense case falls apart if you breathe on it. They can do all kinds of drug investigations but when a black kid gets shot they don't give a fuck. Speaking of drugs what kind of monster tests the UNARMED kids corpse but not the shooter?!?!

I can understand that crazy assholes like Zimmerman exist but a whole police department tried to bury this. Zimmerman is still a free man! I'm used to fucked up shit happening in this country but this makes me physically angry. What if it were your kid, wouldn't you want justice, or at least to know that crazy asshole is locked away from society?

At 3:30 Steven Oh does a great job of explaining what the cops should have done.