Well-Known Member
Right on brother, no way was I cutting your grow down. I was just stating this so you can pinpoint your problems and get them corrected. Anyone can read, search correct information but understanding them, correcting them, adjusting or just learning from mistakes is more important. Also do what works for YOU not others, if you can think out side the box you will be way ahead of the curve.
I run my water to bottom of pot the ENTIRE grow, unless I don't top off that night. 5" nets are ok, but you're putting the seedlings in too early if you are not top feeding them or watering them by hand regularly. Either way note your progress and adjust, other poster is right we all start somewhere and I am no expert. All I can do is tell you what I encountered in DWC and how I corrected it.
Not sure if I missed them, but you say you are worried about giving them too much? Do you have a PPM meter? If not get one. Monitor the ppm daily or every other, and adjust. Lower ppm need more nutes, higher ppm more water etc. The plants will talk to you if you have the right gear to understand them, sad problem people want to cheap out on the most important aspect of hydro the WATER. You need to know what is in it, and how much at all times and what the plants are doing in it.
Good luck.
Bigz -- Definitely mate!
And I know u weren't picking on me bbc...I just need to not compare for my own peace of mind. Your plants do look real great though!
This time around I waited till the RW was full of roots out the bottom before transfer.
I do have a meter and I don't cheap out on my grow...I got almost 4k invested into it. But I got everything I need.
My main problem with reading my plants is I feel they don't drink anything cause I've never had the roots go into the water yet. So my water level stays the same and so does my EC. Which if my water level was dropping and ec was staying constant that would tell me I'm feeding the right feed. Butsince my water isn't dropping and ec isn't dropping so I'm going to assume they aren't drinking. I do top feed only once a day. I do have waterfarms I coulda hooked up to avoid top feeding manually. But too late now that my pots are full.
But once a day I do fill up a a measuring cup and pour about 2 cups of water from the buckets around the rw thru the stones. Then I check the ph of the water cause I've noticed it brings up the ph. Like ill check my pots and find out they're 6.0 so ill ph to 5.8 top feed check water again and it'll be 5.9 so ill ph to 5.8 pour over the roacks again and check ph till it stays 5.8