Well-Known Member
Wow how did you calculate that???? I'm using sub second timing (probably 0.5 seconds). I got the diversified electronics (same manufacturer as the flip flop one everyone uses) 12volt TBG series which doesnt have a dial but little switches that are in increments of 0.1 seconds and a max range of 142 seconds. I thought i messed up being the popular target time is 2 secs on five minutes off, but as ive been reading sub 1 second on and 1 minute off is even better (once again correct me if I am wrong). I had to special order it and its pretty much the same price as the flip flop everyone uses. I wanted everything to use 12v. For the power supply I'm going to granger to get a really nice 12v deep cycle marine battery and using the battery tender plus water proof edition. Ive been so excited and fixating on these mundane (but important) details that my sleep cycles are messed up!