Why is Fried Chicken Racist?


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU. I am a black man, 32 years old. Not living in the hilarious United States. Why is a picture of the President Obama holding KFC and wearing bling racist? Appears to me that this idea was invented in the United States, and the retarded phenomenon does not exist anywhere else in the world. So tell me, Oh wise and advanced country, why do so many people get butt hurt about these images? Does it allude to some problem that exists in today's world? Why not embrace your history. If you family had member who were slaves (mine did), how about starting a new culture, instead of acting like such horrible idiots on the issue? I'm fucking black, but I am not offended so easily, unless a white man calls me a nigger and tries to lynch me. Then it's on!
it's a stereotype originating from the southern US (i assume). i grew up in south carolina. black people love fried chicken, but who doesn't? fried chicken and BBQ are the first things i get when i fly home to visit.

dont hate on the US. we arent all racist war mongers. every society has some bad apples.
it's a stereotype originating from the southern US (i assume). i grew up in south carolina. black people love fried chicken, but who doesn't? fried chicken and BBQ are the first things i get when i fly home to visit.

dont hate on the US. we arent all racist war mongers. every society has some bad apples.
Thanks knucklehead. Funny thing is, I was born there in Delaware. I lived there for more than half my life, and I guess that all the bullshit mindcontrol brainwashing that exists in american culture kinda losts it's effect on me. I laugh at all the crazed lunatics black and white looking for a reason to put someone in jail or kill a man for "being racist". IN my case, I posted a pic of obama with chicken and immediately the idiot brigade came out of the woodwork here
It boils down to economics and class warfare among the first generation of freed slaves and the dirt poor white sharecroppers stuck on the same land. It is bullshit mindcontrol when you realize that the government and big companies have contributed to this stereotype.
It's perpetuating a racial stereotype. Like black people only have the money, unrefined palette for and job of cooking fried chicken... Or something.
Damn Im being assaulted by KFC on TV and this site. Ever wonder if marketers are somehow tracking you better than you know? The nearest KFC is about 15 blocks away and Popeyes is a mile walk.
Damn Im being assaulted by KFC on TV and this site. Ever wonder if marketers are somehow tracking you better than you know? The nearest KFC is about 15 blocks away and Popeyes is a mile walk.
I get two dollars every time I mention fried chicken - see theres two more .
I posted a pic of Obama with chicken and bling, saying "where dem white women at" and people wanted to lynch me. That came from Google Images search "Obama LOL". Maybe Google is the racist antichrist who's ass needs to be taken to the curb for a california smile
It must have burned some rednecks to lose their free labor and then be saddled with the sucky life of being a farmer. Imagine seeing people you've mistreated and lorded over for years suddenly say they have a chance to be better than you and leave you behind. Im surprised the best they could come up with was Fried Chicken and Watermelon jokes (well and the KKK, but we're talking about stereotypes not physical violence and the systematic oppression of a race)
I posted a pic of Obama with chicken and bling, saying "where dem white women at" and people wanted to lynch me. That came from Google Images search "Obama LOL". Maybe Google is the racist antichrist who's ass needs to be taken to the curb for a california smile

Its not the pic itself that is racist as there are plenty of Bush regarding his retardness and being from Texas. I think the escalation came due to the context of the topic you were in and the way you used it.

The image itself is just the stereo-typical view of americans that has been influenced and encouraged by both Comedians and Politicians.

Frankly, while I can see the stereotypism in it, I thought it was funny.
You can be darker than wesley snipes & still be "white-washed" :) oohh. wait, lets discuss that one.

You can be Black, or you can be "Black".
I posted a pic of Obama with chicken and bling, saying "where dem white women at" and people wanted to lynch me. That came from Google Images search "Obama LOL". Maybe Google is the racist antichrist who's ass needs to be taken to the curb for a california smile

The funny thing is you could post the same picture just replace Obama with Bill Clinton and it would actually be true.

1)White Women check
2)I met him at an event and got to see what he ordered for lunch. He was on Atkins at the time and had some chicken salad then when the event was over, he went uptown to Sylvia's for fried chicken. He proceeded to have a heart attack the following week.
Fried Chicken check
3) Estimated net worth: $80 million
Bling check