whats the beef with LEDs??

Ive been reading alot of threads about lighting and I see a lot of hating against LEDs. And I'm just curious to why? LEDs put off more PAR than any light out there, which the plant uses the most out of all the light it gets. It may not create more Lumens than some HIDs but whats the point if the plant doesn't use all of the light the HIDs put off?


Active Member
I just hate the price for the good ones. Even making your own panel is pretty expensive right now. They do work but on a big scale they just aren't cost effective enough. Maybe a couple years down the line when you saved a bunch of power from cooling but its a big plunge.


Well-Known Member
No beef here! Check out the led and other lighting subsection of indoor growing. Lots of good info over there, hating kept to a minimum!


Well-Known Member
As an LED owner, all I can say is the advertising hype remains at an all time high. That said, there is great promise, but quality is not cheap. Until I see quality at a reasonable price I will stick with HO T5s using aquarium bulbs, which are available in LED spectrums. Lower price + more coverage


Active Member
LEDs will be the future of growing once prices fall in line, and we can weed out who is actually making the good quality. I'm ready to switch everything over.
As an LED owner, all I can say is the advertising hype remains at an all time high. That said, there is great promise, but quality is not cheap. Until I see quality at a reasonable price I will stick with HO T5s using aquarium bulbs, which are available in LED spectrums. Lower price + more coverage
Thanks for the reply petflora+rep. so do you run leds with the t5, or is it led spectrum t5? how baddo those t5 affect your power bill? any t5 setup you could suggest? sorry for all the questions but just doing my homework.
I just hate the price for the good ones. Even making your own panel is pretty expensive right now. They do work but on a big scale they just aren't cost effective enough. Maybe a couple years down the line when you saved a bunch of power from cooling but its a big plunge.
what is a big scale? im just planning on a few plants. will they be affective IYO and will i want to stack it with other lights? +rep for reply


Well-Known Member
Using the same cuttings, the best I could do with 600HPS is .5 gr/watt. The best from DIY LED has been 3+ grams per watt with frostier stinkier buds. Even better results with vegging and easy to control internode length by adjust red/blue ratio.


Well-Known Member
LEDs will be the future of growing once prices fall in line, and we can weed out who is actually making the good quality. I'm ready to switch everything over.
Yeah I think in a couple more years we will start to see some seperation in the better manufacturers and the better overall lights.

I am very interested in seeing how it goes and for them to drop down into my price range.
Using the same cuttings, the best I could do with 600HPS is .5 gr/watt. The best from DIY LED has been 3+ grams per watt with frostier stinkier buds. Even better results with vegging and easy to control internode length by adjust red/blue ratio, Im a cop so i should know.
how many watts do use with the DIY LED.


Well-Known Member
Using the same cuttings, the best I could do with 600HPS is .5 gr/watt. The best from DIY LED has been 3+ grams per watt with frostier stinkier buds. Even better results with vegging and easy to control internode length by adjust red/blue ratio.
Why does PARforgreen's quote from you contain the phrase:"Im a cop so i should know."? It doesn't appear in the thread. How many grows are we talking here? 3+ grams per watt doesn't seem realistic. I'd like to hear more about your DIY LED.


Well-Known Member
I just bought a lighthouse hydro blackstar 500 with uv/ir for $550 , I don't consider this an unreasonable price and these panels seem to hold their own to ones that cost double. I intend to buy a couple more 500s and possibly a couple 240s.
I just bought a lighthouse hydro blackstar 500 with uv/ir for $550 , I don't consider this an unreasonable price and these panels seem to hold their own to ones that cost double. I intend to buy a couple more 500s and possibly a couple 240s.
i looked at the blackstars and im sold. i think ill be ordering mine soon. i read a pretty sweet grow journal using 2 500 watts. Really sweet setup.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Ive been reading alot of threads about lighting and I see a lot of hating against LEDs. And I'm just curious to why? LEDs put off more PAR than any light out there, which the plant uses the most out of all the light it gets. It may not create more Lumens than some HIDs but whats the point if the plant doesn't use all of the light the HIDs put off?
they suck and do not come close to hid...and ridiculously expensive for mediocre results...that's why


New Member
I've been looking into them for a while. There were a few people that tried side by side grows and it seemed to me that LED's were great for veg but then the HID produced much larger plants for flower. I also read a couple guys saying that LED's should only be used as a supplemental light source during flower. I don't yet but I think with Induction, Plasma, and LED the future's gonna be so bright you'll have to wear shades! 8-)
they suck and do not come close to hid...and ridiculously expensive for mediocre results...that's why
why do you say they suck? Ive done alot of research and read a few grow journals on leds and the have amazing results. They are expensive but they are worth the money.imo
i've been looking into them for a while. There were a few people that tried side by side grows and it seemed to me that led's were great for veg but then the hid produced much larger plants for flower. I also read a couple guys saying that led's should only be used as a supplemental light source during flower. I don't yet but i think with induction, plasma, and led the future's gonna be so bright you'll have to wear shades! 8-)

really? Im going to use a 500watt blackstar. It has ir and uv. Its actual draw is 300 watt and im going to supplement the last two weeks with metal halide light to increase potency. Im might supplement a low watt hps light for veg. Im going to make a grow journal so i can put a end to the non believers.