Hell yea you guys are cool some people on here would have a shit fit, I am def moving to colorado. I dont want to move there only for medicinal reasons, I mean look at how beautiful it is there with mountains and streams ect... I am a real outdoors kind of guy, I enjoy fishing hunting camping and colorado would be a great place to do those things and get meds for my chronic pain. I have had 2 spinal surgeries my first consisted of 2-titanium rods 18" long, and 10 stainless steel screws, my second surgery I had some of the rod removed and the top screw. The reason for having these painfull surgeries was because I had severe scholiosis, or scientific name shermans kyphosis and it sucks. I love growing my own personal meds and I dont want to go to prison for my passion in life, my state is serious when it comes to marijuana with me being in the southeast and all. I dont want to worry about being jailed for smoking pot anymore so as soon as I get my finances strait I will be on my way to colorado. My doctor here tries to prescribe me percocets and norco 10-325 but I never take them, I have family members who end up buying all of them I just dont like pain medicine it isnt the same as marijuana it is much deadlier and can become overpowering on the addictive side. I have seen my brothers almost O.D. on prescribed pain pills such as oxycottin, and oxymorphine I dont want to end up like that taking enough pain killers to put down a small elephant. I am rambling now anyway nice to meet you guys, hope you like all the pics I have learned alot since my first grow with sour diesel as you can see.