Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
so i won't get told off for this ;)
Melts me everytime........



RIU Bulldog
I am totally fascinated by Englands obsession with electronic1 It's like your guys's oldies.
You typical UK'ers playlist reads off like Cali rave set-list, it's incredible. You play that song in 95% of anywhere in america and you're gonna get strange looks. I love it.
But I'm one of the reluctant americans who loves just about everything British.


RIU Bulldog
Forgive me. I do make it a point not to get involved so I don't know ANY of the details (and I don't want to) so I don't know all the main characters that well. All I can do is judge Joey on some of his past replies, and well.....nuff said.
From what I've seen today though, you're right, kona could try a little harder at just dropping it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Kona can You quit fighting with Joey?And Joey can you quit fighting with Kona?Please and thank you.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;VxqaI_c9j_g][/video] BEANSLY.You're allways here!


RIU Bulldog
I don't know about the gay vampire hipster thing, but this song is awesome. It's about a woman so FOINE that you'd damn you God to be with her.


RIU Bulldog
BEANSLY.You're allways here!
Not a distinction I'm particularly proud of but what are you bastards doing that's any better huh?!
Lol jk
Good song


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to say this. The motherfucker bought yellow cake. All right! From Africa. He went to Africa and bought some yellow cake.


RIU Bulldog
I don't know about the gay vampire hipster thing, but this song is awesome. It's about a woman so FOINE that you'd damn you God to be with her.
I know aprils gonna make fun of me for replying to myself but I forgot to say that this is a really good song to have sex to. Especially if you have a woman that like to control once in a while and have a little fun. Can be quite memorable :mrgreen:


Pickle Queen
I like this better beanz :)[video=youtube;ccY25Cb3im0][/video]


RIU Bulldog
I like this better beanz :)
Ah yeah, that's a classic.
When I'm having that kind of night, Closer is definitely on the playlist ;)
I like 'She Rides' too by Danzig for the slow, greasy drum part. Slow and's great.
Gotta love the 80's white girl pancake booty in the video too lol