Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
Hey rainbow no worries luv, we share the same view, but the boys only care about one thing, so they will find any excuse to ensure they always get their pics ;) Funny the ladies get attacked by the men for protecting a younger female, lmfao we care about her future and they defend her right to humiliate and degrade herself ;) so i question who has kurois BEST interest at heart, but again we cannot convince her to make proper choices, as someone said she needs to learn for herself, i personaly don't care anymore, if she values the kind of attention she gets on her over her own morals we can't help her there sweety, don't beat a dead horse i've tried and again give up, let her make huge mistakes and learn the hard way, seems the boys wanna see her hit rock buttom as long as she still posts her "sexy" pics


Well-Known Member
What are you revolting against?
Everything and anything.
Mostly against the world and being told what we can and cannot do, what is acceptable and what isn't.

We're being held back from life by people we don't even know.

This is our time, we live but only short lives... It's time to we start living them our way, no chains to hold us back.

This is the revolution.