Iran kick off looking iminant?


Well-Known Member
Anyone thinks Iran would attack Israel is a fucking batshit crazy moron and they need to take off their tin-foil hat, stop watching Fox and voting for the likes of Romney...

Attacking Israel would ensure one thing for the Persian people, complete nuclear annihilation. Why the fuck would they bring that upon themselves? Common sense people.


Well-Known Member
Anyone thinks Iran would attack Israel is a fucking batshit crazy moron and they need to take off their tin-foil hat, stop watching Fox and voting for the likes of Romney...

Attacking Israel would ensure one thing for the Persian people, complete nuclear annihilation. Why the fuck would they bring that upon themselves? Common sense people.

Maybe because they will never learn.

Maybe because they have no common sense.

Maybe for the same reason Hezbollah send rockets into Israel.

Maybe for the same reason schmucks strap bombs on themselves to blow up crowds in Israel.

They will never be happy and they will never learn.


Well-Known Member
Maybe because they will never learn.

Maybe because they have no common sense.

Maybe for the same reason Hezbollah send rockets into Israel.

Maybe for the same reason schmucks strap bombs on themselves to blow up crowds in Israel.

They will never be happy and they will never learn.
Who is they? All the things you mention above are "blow-back" from Israels occupation of The West Bank and the Strip...where does Iran come into it?


Well-Known Member
Who is they? All the things you mention above are "blow-back" from Israels occupation of The West Bank and the Strip...where does Iran come into it?
Blow back ?

These tit for tat killings have not taught the Palestinians anything. Israel is armed to the teeth and for every Israelli that is killed, at least ten Palestinians die. Probably more. Israel knows where these rockets originated from. They hear the rhetoric coming out of Iran threatening their existence. It won't be long.....


Well-Known Member
Blow back ?

These tit for tat killings have not taught the Palestinians anything. Israel is armed to the teeth and for every Israelli that is killed, at least ten Palestinians die. Probably more. Israel knows where these rockets originated from. They hear the rhetoric coming out of Iran threatening their existence. It won't be long.....
Yeah no shit Sherlock, they know they originated from the territories they violently occupy.


Well-Known Member
I think the people in Syria might tell you who is guilty of slaughtering a large group of people..And it ain't Israel!!


Active Member
I hope everyone does realize that if war with Iran does happen you can say good bye to the dollar. Oil prices will sky rocket so the cost of everything will also skyrocket. We are looking at going in to a worse recession then the 08 one.


Well-Known Member
Iran has stated that, if Israel does launch an attack on them, they will retaliate militarily and block off the oil supply to 40% of the world.

In fact, here in the big ol' bad west (Canada/US) we have just as much oil under our soil as all Saudi Arabia/Iran/ Irag combined. But because of bleeding heart Libs and the Bran Muffin Brigade, we can't drill or scoop out the goo in the Alberta Oil Sands. We have to rely on the fiddle east. It's an appeasement and a cause/celeb for the the west to feel guilty for the British domination of Palestine.

I say "Go ahead, block the oil. Once we stop buying their high price oil and start making use of our own resources, those silly kings and sheiks will be overthrown and all of the middle east will dry up. Sure, China and Russia will take the oil. But who cares? We'll be back to east v west again.


Well-Known Member
Iran has stated that, if Israel does launch an attack on them, they will retaliate militarily and block off the oil supply to 40% of the world.

In fact, here in the big ol' bad west (Canada/US) we have just as much oil under our soil as all Saudi Arabia/Iran/ Irag combined. But because of bleeding heart Libs and the Bran Muffin Brigade, we can't drill or scoop out the goo in the Alberta Oil Sands. We have to rely on the fiddle east. It's an appeasement and a cause/celeb for the the west to feel guilty for the British domination of Palestine.

I say "Go ahead, block the oil. Once we stop buying their high price oil and start making use of our own resources, those silly kings and sheiks will be overthrown and all of the middle east will dry up. Sure, China and Russia will take the oil. But who cares? We'll be back to east v west again.
The cost of drilling that oil and the initial shortage would cripple your economy, the sand-people won't revolt, why? Cos they already have nothing.

Youve no clue what a 40% shortage would really do, do you?


Well-Known Member
If it helps defeat Obama, I say go ahead and encourage Israel to bomb the shit out of those sand flies. It will be safer in the long run!


Well-Known Member
Iran has stated that, if Israel does launch an attack on them, they will retaliate militarily and block off the oil supply to 40% of the world.

In fact, here in the big ol' bad west (Canada/US) we have just as much oil under our soil as all Saudi Arabia/Iran/ Irag combined. But because of bleeding heart Libs and the Bran Muffin Brigade, we can't drill or scoop out the goo in the Alberta Oil Sands. We have to rely on the fiddle east. It's an appeasement and a cause/celeb for the the west to feel guilty for the British domination of Palestine.

I say "Go ahead, block the oil. Once we stop buying their high price oil and start making use of our own resources, those silly kings and sheiks will be overthrown and all of the middle east will dry up. Sure, China and Russia will take the oil. But who cares? We'll be back to east v west again.
HMMM, you wouldn't think people planned it that way would you? The EPA is a sequestering agency designed to keep the resources in the USA untapped until all the other countries have been tapped out first. Once that happens you can bet there would be a political move made to get rid of the EPA and we would survive the inevitable crush of uncontrolled population expansion coupled with massive consumption. The USA wants to be able to survive IMO. NAFTA, the Free trade agreements only made this easier and more profitable to suck all the other countries of the world dry of their wealth.

Opinion only.


Well-Known Member
If it helps defeat Obama, I say go ahead and encourage Israel to bomb the shit out of those sand flies. It will be safer in the long run!
"I'm willing to see a certain violent conflict between nations to keep a democrat who vaguely opposes wars out of office..." Please don't breed, the world has enough idiots.