Most Overrated Strain?

OK... i had to go to the corner store and buy alkaline batteries to get my camera working as it no longer likes rechargeables, but i had to do it to prove i'm not lying.

View attachment 2039972

starting with the back row left to right...

jack's cleaner 2 (3x), C99 x A11, sativa trans love

3-4 masterkush with 1 possibly being something else as the peat pellet i started one of them in had something that didn't pop the 1st time start with the MK & 1x thai fantasy

malawi gold (4x) & sour cream

haze skunk, thai skunk (3x), C99 x A11

auto jack, amnesia haze, sweet haze, mozambique poison

PLUS i have C99 crosses i made popping in my humidity dome and more beans soaking waiting to join them. the last 50% columbian gold might be a gonner as the center of it's stem looks dried out with some root fuzz higher up. i'm NOT liking what i'm guessing are cocoa coir pellets as nothing likes to root properly in them. i'm REALLY psyched though that at least 1x super cali haze x C99 popped and looks healthy. i'll be transplanting those and the jack i'm worried about that sprouted upside down and might be dried out too.

if you like getting high... ADMIT IT... you'd really like to taste that malawi gold and see if it's for real or not. i decided to roll the dice on holy smoke seeds there AND got 2x each malawi, mozambique & mulawi freebies for it.

as the last of the haze skunk didn't fare well and the one that is still growing looks a little mutated, i dropped the last of the thai skunks as a replacement so there should be 4-5 of those soaking for transplanting tomorrow along with the el dorados i lost some interest in because they stretch like mofos.

go ahead and hate on me all you want, but if you hate on my gear... then you just don't like getting high.

plan 1: breed everything with a C99 x A11 male
plan 2: jack's cleaner 2
plan 3: super cali haze x C99

i think i'll save the rest of the SCH x C99s for next falls grapes & fruits breeding session. THAT is the cross i'm most excited about though as joey weed's C99s are grape pheno and @ 45 days flowering, could only speed up the grapey haze lowryder. i'm not keen on using it to create the home seedbank i'm going for here as pure SCH is a slow 120 day strain, but really nice.

everything will be growing on 2 3x3 SCROG screens hanging from 2x4 light rails i made & under a 400w halide and another 400w sodium. i'm still learning as a grower and hope i don't fuck this shit up, but i have total faith that most of these strains will make me smile from ear to ear as C99, 8 miles high & haze skunk already have. my 2nd lemon skunk freebie dried out sadly, but the 1st one was a lot better than i expected. just keeping it 100% real AS ALWAYS.

What happened to the sign saying Hazey Grapes? Or even a newspaper with a date would work. I have seen your "fake" pictures in the past.

Your POST AT 4 AM says you havent STARTED YET. AT 5 AM YOU TAKE A PIC of a week old plants....
How did you get a weeks worth of growing in an hour?
What happened to the sign saying Hazey Grapes? Or even a newspaper with a date would work. I have seen your "fake" pictures in the past.

Your POST AT 4 AM says you havent STARTED YET. AT 5 AM YOU TAKE A PIC of a week old plants....
How did you get a weeks worth of growing in an hour?
Love this thread, should continue to be interesting for a while!
Soooo going back to the original point of this thread lol. Bleu cheese is definitly the worst weed I've ever had. I've had reg that's destroyed it. O off topic again has neone grew berry bomb or thc bomb. If so ur opinion on it?
Lol I'm not mad at blueberry haha but the other two id agree as well. I'm really curious on the seeds I jus ordered a week ago I ordered berry bomb and thc bomb I got three freebies as well la diva. shark attack. And somethen else I forgot lol go figure however the la diva looked pretty promisin
I agree, blue cheese, blueberry, blue widow, come to think of it, I dont like blue anymore.

I had some bluehash (dinafem) that after 45 days in the jar turned out to be some pretty decent buds. But one day before 45 days and all it did was put people straight to sleep.
Learn how to clone and a pick & mix of 10 seeds +freebies for 100bucks. = Never having to buy a seed or plant again. = Priceless.

Of course you can grow without spending money on seeds every single time. I was just trying to explain why cannabis seeds that ought to cost pennies each cost $10 each (or in some cases more), and why some strains cost less than others, even if the cheaper ones aren't any lower quality.

As an alternative to cloning, you can just buy a pack of (non-feminized) Skunk #1 or Northern lights (or any other line of your choice), keep one male, and allow it to fertilize one female. Since these are true inbreeding lines you don't even have to do any selection, and the offspring should be genetically identical to the parents.

Now you have hundreds of seeds, probably enough to last you for years.
I hate when ur side effect is straight sleep effect its a wase to me unless I juss really need to sleep

Yep, I didnt like it AT ALL. Only time I smoked it was to go to sleep. After that 45 day mark though, the buzz matured into a nice, mello, relaxing stone far from being sleepy.
i keep hearing good thing about bluecheese everywhere else i kinda got it for the genetics tho. i got it from barneys farm. but if its not a blueberry much type i wont be surprised all of mine have leaned towards the cheese/skunk side of things with very serrated leaves
The bleu cheese I had was a nice tennis ball green. And I'm not I didn't get high but as much as it was hyped to me I juss didn't get the same effect but evryone has a different effect from smoking. Lol I got a friend who can't smoke point blank simply he juss freaks out off reg ol stuff. Lmao luck bastard
man do i ever hate trying to get a point across to people with no sense of empathy whatsoever... as long as most people get theres... everyone else can fuck off. your point about "how much faster & productive" indicas grow is MY point exactly... selfish greedy people grow inferior indicas for their own selfish interests and screw anyone that doesn't go along with THEIR program. the first time i smoked a couple grams of 2 different indies for just $8, i was insanely pissed off and wanted my money back because it didn't get me high, just tired which i can do for free. they don't flood the market because of demand, they flood the market because that's what people in it for the money WANT to grow.

i KNOW some people prefer indicas... about 1/4 of smokers and 1/2 more like them to tolerate them, but there's about a 5% overall leaning to the side of preferring to get high and at the extremes, more people hate indicas than sativas. the thing thatdrives me nuts is how everyone just keeps "going with the program" and anyone like me who militantly opposes it is a "threat to the new world order".

people who prefer or need to get stoned have no business trying to claim the higher ground in this debate because they can go anywhere and get what they want and i've TRIED for 25 goddamn years to find a connection that'll get me high and it's NEVER happened once. can you understand that? can you put yourself in my shoes a second and see what i'm talking about? no, i'm sure you can't... standing up for right and wrong and fairness only pisses sheep off and i'm not a go with the flow kind of person.

me? i HATE having to invest in gear and grow it myself and deal with all that risk. i shouldn't fucking have to!

Stop smoking weed then.

when i DO have bud, i won't sell shit, i'll GIVE IT AWAY! anything i have i can't smoke will be someone else's freebie like the kali mist i begged and pleaded to pay $120 an eighth for in the late 90s.

i've made the same point 1,000 times in 100 ways and those that don't want to hear it will just never get it. people that DEMAND to get high CAN'T in most places outside so-cal or better med use markets. everywhere else, indica is the ONLY option. it isn't fair, it isn't right... it's CORRUPT.

It's not about what you want. It is about market demand.

you know, when i started blazing i was getting REAL california grown & imported to NY columbian gold. i was high as a mofo almost constantly until i'd take a week long vacation every month when tolerance built. i was paying just $40 a quarter too. then, after the corrupt attempt to eradicate weed by the US government illegally poisoning both US & mexican citizens with paraquat, a year later, i was RIPPED OFF with that 1st $8 gram and a half of useless get the fuck out of my face with that stony shit indicrap and could not understand how greedy fucks could then more than double the price from $40 a quarter to $50 an eigth! they were asking more for useless shit and trying to put a positive spin on on what's known today as "bag appeal" traits like stinking like a skunk's ass, buds that are impossible to break apart with your fingers or sticky resin that makes a mess. i never drank thew kool aid. everything that weaker minded people have been BRAINWASHED into thinking are signs of quality are indicators of useless overpriced schwag to me. that's why i've told EVERY dealer i've know to eventually go fuck themselves for pushing that shit and expecting me to act like they're doing me a favor for it.

i'd rather smoke pissweak mexican brick than ANY shit i've run into on the streets for 2 decades plus. 25 years, as many dealers and probably 10x that in dollars... ALL wasted and never getting high one motherfucking time! status quo apologists in their small minded, stupid, unable to look at the big picture way like to come back with "you just don't know the right dealers" all the while closing their eyes to 25 out of 25 useless fucking ones. it isn't about ME either. it's about the CONSPIRACY.

It's not a conspiracy, it's capitalism. Why the hell would I grow 17 week sativas when I can grow Indica in less than half the time and get a lot more product. In the end it is about the money, not what you think is right or fair.

it's the same exact thing as the issues brought up by occupy wallstreet...

Bingo, this is the heart of your problem. You have an entitlement mentality. You think that other prople should be forced to cater to your needs so you don't have to. Why don't you grow the fuck up and take care of your own needs for a change?

i've been telling people how corrupt lobbyists affect their lives for decades, not because one has ever done anything specific to me, but simply because of how corrupt & wrong they are. in a way, i'm a little annoyed at all the assholes that are FINALLY waking up not because it's the right thing to do, but ONLY because it affects THEM. if you can't understand my war on ALL that is corrupt and unfair, then you're "one of them" and don't come bitching to me because you lost your job, house, pension, health care or fucking freedoms! i was fucking fighting for you when you didn't give a shit because those issues were someone else's problems. when the issues didn't affect you personally, (just like with my contempt for indica corruption) you didn't want to hear it.

ever heard of the really STUPID human tendency to "shoot the messenger"? that's what i've ALWAYS been and always will be and NOT because of injustices against me personally, but ALL injustices.

i was the ONLY person in a social studies class thought experiment to chose the 80 year old preacher and the mortally injured 25 year old mechanic for expulsion from a bomb shelter that had to get rid of 2 people because they were the LOGICAL choices where EVERYONE else chose one of the two and an otherwise healthy gay lawyer because that's how people ruled by the fidiot lizard part of their brain think, but not ME. i have no problems saying i'm homophobic, don't like to be around queers and expecially hate instigating queens, but would STILL make the same exact choice because it's RIGHT! you can't rebuild civilization with 2 people close to their death bed... an annoying queen that isn't dying would be more productive.

haters like that lying ass piece of shit stalker troll are the perfect example of what's wrong with the human race in general. i stand up for what's right, then everone else gathers around the instigating asshole all the while ignoring FACTS! i'll continue to stand up for what's right with my last breath and don't give a flying fuck that i only piss off go with the flow sheep who only care who their butt buddies are and how much power there is ganging up on people. when i'm ganged up on, i just aim for the instigator and then try and take out whoever else i can until defeated knowing that i'm right. i'll take right over popular every time.

My comments in blue.
OMG if i had a microphone and you all could hear... but i dont. and u cant! lol.

im so tired of people complaining to the core about the genetics now-a-days. I agree 100% that purple stuff, Kush anything, Diesel anything, Berry anything... those are all typically over-rated stuff. its only because people use those terms to get people to buy it and get hyped up about it. which is a damn shame because some of the greatest stuff ive ever had the pleasure of smoking WAS an OG kush, or Sour D. Shit, one of the strongest buds i ever smoked was an insane batch of Purple Haze, it even had that electrifying sativa buzz too... But, it was like 30 a gram... c'mon now. if it wouldnt have been purple i dont believe it would have costed that much.

And on the other end of things... take my fav strain for instance: Nirvana - Chrystal. Its not very well heard of... most only know from hearing about it from others that did grow it, if they didnt themselves. Its not fair to the strain because i gaurantee it will go up against just about any other strain and hold up to it or beat it. I mean the plant i had was almost leaf-free entirely, and the ones that were there were absolutely covered in resin. It had a beautiful berry-ish-fruity, sweet scent and taste. The high was out of this world and a good mix of indica and sativa qualities. Its even easy to grow, yields great, and finishes in 7-8 weeks flowering in my experience. Can you really beat that? i havent found a strain that does yet... and i have a LOT of strains.

BUT!!!!! this all doesnt mean that todays genetics are bad. IN fact its quite the opposite. We have achieved much better yields, flavors and even thc levels with newer genetics. Even old companies like dutch passion are trying their best to keep up and update their seed cataloge to be able to match the demand for better and better strains. i mean the new freddie's best even has some Chocolope in it! i was really taken back by that, but glad to see that we are finally seeing all the top strains starting to get made into even better new-age strains. i mean look at the number of new OG hybrids coming out... in about a decade the old OG may not even be considered a top shelf strain anymore! the newer ones will be just too much better. or maybe even another strain will come along and take its place in popularity!? lol its funny to think about really...

Ive been thinking about breaking down and getting one of the OG's myself. I just got my 600w going so now i can start a new batch, and even tho i have a ton of seeds(papaya, bubba76, blue widow, vanilla kush, red cherry berry, freeze cheese89, aroma, white castle, NYPD, Grape ape... and many more!) i still want to purchase a top notch OG strain since everyone begs for it.

ive been leaning towards the Big Buddah Tahoe OG cuz its more reasonable. but ive been considering the DNA Holy Grail Kush, and the Cali Conn. Buddah Tahoe OG.

What would you guys get? everyone around my hood likes the LARRY OG. i mean larry goes for no less than $25 a gram. and about $500 an ounce if your lucky. but... im convinced i can convert them once they see the TAHOE OG. it convinced me! i just cant really decide which of the three to get... OR EVEN THE DINAFEM so i can get the CRITICAL + freebies... what would you guys do!?
Buddha Tahoe og from big Buddha is not the real deal. In fact anything Tahoe,Larry, sfv, bubba I would get from Cali connect. Why because I grew them and love it and to my knowledge and from everyone in Cali who had the lone and grew Cali conn stuff says its the closest representation to the clone.

Bug Buddha all of a sudden has a tahoe clone and reversed it after the cup which is bs and raise red flags!!!! He bought some packs from Cali connection and found what he thought was a good pheno and femmed it.. Just trying to ride the og wave that's all.