Gay marriage should be legal for all of age?

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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I was thinking. I have no problem with it. But I want to know, if you're for real gay marriage, what about two brothers or two sisters? The only problem with incest is having a deformed baby with mental, etc, problems. Even if a man or woman gets their tubes tied, there's still a chance of pregnancy, no matter how minute. Ok, I get that. But when both are the same sex, there's zero chance of a baby. Besides the ick factor, what's wrong with it? Two of the same sex is already not natural. It
Opens the door for statutory rape, that one was used for gays no matter what. So was: pedophilia and bestiality. Let's get this straight, gateway theories of any kind are bullshit, so we don't need to go there either. It will break up the family is nonsense. That's an individuals choice. I'm sure you'd get kicked out of the family if you married a black guy and your father was David Duke. I can't find the law, but I bet in Massachusetts two twin brothers couldn't get married. Why?
Why stop there? Why not let brothers and sisters get married if one of them gets fixed...

HAHA man, homosexual behavior whether sexual or not, happens in nature on a pretty regualr basis, from birds to apes and bugs. same with incest, though i believe it happens on a much lesser scale.
i dont see a problem with gay marriage, but family memebers may be a bit to close, i dont believe in marriage anyway though , im not religous so why would i want to preform religous ceremony ya know./
its on a whole other level than being gay though in my opinion. given me the creeps just responding to this haha
I object to gay Married men or Women , Adopting children ,
I think this is a step to far.........
HAHA man, homosexual behavior whether sexual or not, happens in nature on a pretty regualr basis, from birds to apes and bugs. same with incest, though i believe it happens on a much lesser scale.
i dont see a problem with gay marriage, but family memebers may be a bit to close, i dont believe in marriage anyway though , im not religous so why would i want to preform religous ceremony ya know./
its on a whole other level than being gay though in my opinion. given me the creeps just responding to this haha

I'm not just an atheist, I wouldn't believe in god, even if god came to me and proved it. But I'm married with kids. My wife is the same.

What I mean by natural is, nature wants to live on. So like you said, it would happen on a lesser scale than with humans. But those are deviations. I should have probably said natural state. Just like cancer happens in nature, but it's not the natural state. Neither is gay.

You can't tell me you would be creeped out by a video of two hot twin sisters getting it on? See, I'm married, getting turned on by anything doesn't happen anymore. :fire:
I was thinking. I have no problem with it. But I want to know, if you're for real gay marriage, what about two brothers or two sisters? The only problem with incest is having a deformed baby with mental, etc, problems. Even if a man or woman gets their tubes tied, there's still a chance of pregnancy, no matter how minute. Ok, I get that. But when both are the same sex, there's zero chance of a baby. Besides the ick factor, what's wrong with it? Two of the same sex is already not natural. It
Opens the door for statutory rape, that one was used for gays no matter what. So was: pedophilia and bestiality. Let's get this straight, gateway theories of any kind are bullshit, so we don't need to go there either. It will break up the family is nonsense. That's an individuals choice. I'm sure you'd get kicked out of the family if you married a black guy and your father was David Duke. I can't find the law, but I bet in Massachusetts two twin brothers couldn't get married. Why?

Following this logic there should be no problem with a gay dad marrying his gay son and or a gay mother marrying her gay daughter....

It is obvious that gay people are being seriously repressed here.

I am sure a liberal politician will take up the cause shortly...
I object to gay Married men or Women , Adopting children ,
I think this is a step to far.........

This is my thread, so we make everyone happy. No gays get to adopt or even look at children. Now what's your problem? The issue at hand is gay siblings, both over 18. Each living on their own. No government aid. They are both millionaires who became rich finding the cure for AIDS and all other gay diseases.

So, it's the ick factor,
i would participate in this thread, but i am not the type to mock a group of my fellow citizens who are being denied their equal rights.

i save my derision for the irish.
oh americans. who really gives a shit if gays get married or adopt children like really get over it already. i say let the fags have the some rights all the rest of us have ffs
This is my thread, so we make everyone happy. No gays get to adopt or even look at children. Now what's your problem? The issue at hand is gay siblings, both over 18. Each living on their own. No government aid. They are both millionaires who became rich finding the cure for AIDS and all other gay diseases.

So, it's the ick factor,

What ? who the F*** are you talking to , you asked and i quote " who is real for gay marriage "
This is a public forum and my post was on topic,
Calm yourself numpty...
How is it hurting anyone if gays get married? People should be able to make their own choices about their life regardless if others think that it is wrong. Who are they hurting? Who is the gay marriage victim?

no you're not, you're simply subtly reinforcing the "gay marriage = bad thing x, y, or z" slippery slope.

How so? You think this is some sort of reverse psychology thread? I'm dead serious. What makes me different from a liberal is I'm for consequences. I'd vote in an instant for gay sibling marriage being legal. Two gay siblings only affects those two individuals.

I'm all for compassion, but not when it's forced. Like with a tax,etc. That's why I'm pro-life, the baby has a choice, even though it has no voice. I'm liberal with economy and social issues, to the point you interfere with someone else. Not allowing twin brother marriage only takes away from them, not anyone else. So it should be legal, or illegal for everyone else too.
How so? You think this is some sort of reverse psychology thread? I'm dead serious. What makes me different from a liberal is I'm for consequences. I'd vote in an instant for gay sibling marriage being legal. Two gay siblings only affects those two individuals.

I'm all for compassion, but not when it's forced. Like with a tax,etc. That's why I'm pro-life, the baby has a choice, even though it has no voice. I'm liberal with economy and social issues, to the point you interfere with someone else. Not allowing twin brother marriage only takes away from them, not anyone else. So it should be legal, or illegal for everyone else too.

it already is, we call them incest laws.

this is just a thread hinting at the old slippery slope about gay marriage.
How is it hurting anyone if gays get married? People should be able to make their own choices about their life regardless if others think that it is wrong. Who are they hurting? Who is the gay marriage victim?

That's all I'm asking. DNA should have no bearing if it can't mix. Funny part is, I don't get why Bucky thinks I'm doing some slippery slope anti-gay thread... He must think Libertarians For Life is just another name for GOP.
Marriage.... Generally is a bad thing, most people move to quick on it and it tends to be because of pregnancy and ultimately ends in divorce in most straight couples...

I used to do sound and lighting for several community theaters and as one would imagine the scene is filled with plenty of the gay community, many of which I became friends with. One thing I will say, drama tends to run a little heavier in the same sex relationsships. So that goes back to my statement above....

But as I have said it before I am not sure why they want it tho!

"To have the blessings of churches and religions that have branded you as sinners for centuries?
To have a piece of paper from a corrupt govt that has shunned gays, just to say your a "legal" couple now?"

How so? You think this is some sort of reverse psychology thread? I'm dead serious. What makes me different from a liberal is I'm for consequences. I'd vote in an instant for gay sibling marriage being legal. Two gay siblings only affects those two individuals.

I'm all for compassion, but not when it's forced. Like with a tax,etc. That's why I'm pro-life, the baby has a choice, even though it has no voice. I'm liberal with economy and social issues, to the point you interfere with someone else. Not allowing twin brother marriage only takes away from them, not anyone else. So it should be legal, or illegal for everyone else too.

He just doesnt want to debate something that might conflict with his beliefs...
I was thinking. I have no problem with it. But I want to know, if you're for real gay marriage, what about two brothers or two sisters? The only problem with incest is having a deformed baby with mental, etc, problems. Even if a man or woman gets their tubes tied, there's still a chance of pregnancy, no matter how minute. Ok, I get that. But when both are the same sex, there's zero chance of a baby. Besides the ick factor, what's wrong with it? Two of the same sex is already not natural. It
Opens the door for statutory rape, that one was used for gays no matter what. So was: pedophilia and bestiality. Let's get this straight, gateway theories of any kind are bullshit, so we don't need to go there either. It will break up the family is nonsense. That's an individuals choice. I'm sure you'd get kicked out of the family if you married a black guy and your father was David Duke. I can't find the law, but I bet in Massachusetts two twin brothers couldn't get married. Why?

I won't even fart in gay marriage's direction, unless the fucking marijuana plant gets decriminalized first. WTF guys, take care of priorities first. Legalize Marijuana, and then the freaky shit can come next. :leaf:
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