Gay marriage should be legal for all of age?

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Well-Known Member
i think gays should be able to adopt.

some of the gayest fools I know come from straight parents so it's not something that rubs off...

some of the worst parents i've ever known about are straight couples who just decide to be awful human beings.... sexual orientation has no bearing on how good of a parent you'll be.............


Well-Known Member
I object to gay Married men or Women , Adopting children ,
I think this is a step to far.........
I oject to people like you telling other people how to live their lives when really it's none of you business. My wife and oldest child feel the same way, the other two children of mine are still too young to understand what being gay is but they will see through the bullshit of people like you soon enough because this BULLSHIT in this country has got to stop. What the fuck makes you think you are so righteous and holy that you think you can place a wall of adoption up in front of a gay couple? Seriously, these are human beings we are talking about here. I bet you preach your right to smoke pot freely, but then you flip around and say that two men/women can't be marriend and adopt kids. So one personal freedom is okay, but another is not in your mind.

My wife and I, we have 3 amazing kids together. The feelings I get from seeing my kids grow and learn is just amazing, I can't explain it. Now what kind of a fucking monster would I be to take all these good feelings and hoard them for myself and say that gay people can't enjoy being parents? Yeah, thats fucking bullshit, your opinion is about as solid as swiss cheese.

Being gay isn't a choice, it's just who they are. I like fucking women, I didn't pick it that way I just woke up one day and had a boner for girls that never went away. If I had woke up wanting dudes, then I'd be fucking dudes, and what business is that of ANYONE?
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