Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
I raise and smoke my bowl to you.

Lol @ psycho.

Interesting how you have fluctuating leaf gloss.
like you said earlier, with hydro visual things happen almost straight away, and as i have a recirculating res, my nute level drops off somewhat towards the end of the week, i believe this has to do with the fluctuating, i have done some research, and i dont know if this applies to cannabis, but i assume it does, plants with dark / shiny leaves show higher levels of phosphorus.... one of the key elements for photosynthesis, greater levels of phosphorus allows for more transpiration through the leaves, utilising more of the suns energy, instead of bouncing off the leaves, i found this interesting anyway.
i thought it would be the other way around. but i'm not a leaf


Well-Known Member
like you said earlier, with hydro visual things happen almost straight away, and as i have a recirculating res, my nute level drops off somewhat towards the end of the week, i believe this has to do with the fluctuating, i have done some research, and i dont know if this applies to cannabis, but i assume it does, plants with dark / shiny leaves show higher levels of phosphorus.... one of the key elements for photosynthesis, greater levels of phosphorus allows for more transpiration through the leaves, utilising more of the suns energy, instead of bouncing off the leaves, i found this interesting anyway.
i thought it would be the other way around. but i'm not a leaf
That sounds pretty reasonable to me. Phosphorus. I'll read more about it. I think you're correct because I haven't seen any of that 'leaf sweating' that is consistent with transpiration.

Great info. Cheers, mate.


Moderatrix of Journals
Jambo = Jam Tart = Hearts supports (Hearts = Hearts of Midlothian FC). As you walk up to Edinburgh Castle there is the Heart of Midlothian emblem non the square where they use to hang people, and it's traditional to spit on it as you walk past, lol. It normally looks pretty gross!

My mate still knows him as it was him that told me about the book (he was going around asking peoples permission to put their names in the book), I am sure I could get an interview with him as well. He would probably love it. I believe his sons now into el soccer violencia!

Well bed time spliff for me.

Welterusten allemaal!

thanks for that, i figured it was something to do with the whole hearts vs hibs thing but i had no idea how one gets 'jambo' from 'hearts'. :lol:
hardest part abooot reading welsh (for us flat-accented north americans anyways) is the killer slang.


Well-Known Member
Madonna on concert tickets: Save your pennies because I'm worth it

Yo, when I was a little kid, and she was still "Like a Virgin" I thought she was kinda cool. But look, after she did that stupid kiss with Britney Spears and started auto-tuning her voice so she could fit in with the Beyonce/J.Lo genre, I started seeing her for the desperate, shriveled dinosaur she is.

When I first saw this shit, I though it was a photoshopped fake. Nope. Those are really her arms. Y'know why old ladies wears shawls and sweaters? Someone should clue Madonna in.

I mean, come on. That's just fucking' gross, yo.

Direct quote from Madonna:
"So start saving your pennies now," she said. "People spend $300 on crazy things all the time, things like handbags. So work all year, scrape the money together, and come to my show. I'm worth it."

People spend 300 bucks every day on crazy things. Right. Like food, clothing, and shelter? Madonna? I hate this bitch.

Again, here I thought someone photoshopped Madonna's head onto Iggy Pop's body. Nope. That's really her. Fuckin' repulsive.

Totally not hot anymore. Totally not cool anymore. Recede into the shadows, Madonna. You didn't die a cool rock star death. You're still alive and just getting older and less cool every day... Accept it.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what. There are few things in the entertainment industry that have a really sentimental place in my heart. Three's Company is one of the few.

I fuckin' loved this show. I grew up on this show. Janet and Chrissy helped me discover my libido as a kid becoming an adolescent. They were both so hot.
The show explored themes of young contemporary adult life in a way that really took chances. Sexuality was an important part of the show. Jack was pretending to be gay to live with two hot chicks remember? And that was a looong time ago this show.

I'm a huge John Ritter fan. I always thought he had a special something about his screen presence. He was memorable as the concerned, gay friend in "Slingblade."

And check out the Joyce DeWitt interview on Suzanne's talk show. Joyce aged like a human. Suzanne clearly wouldn't have any part of it. Weird. This interview should be very interesting for anyone who knows and loves the show like me. Pretty emotional.


Well-Known Member
ur grows encouraged me to purchase Tahoe and Larry... I cant wait to leave energy trails behind me.. hahaha

Looking great so far. cant wait to see the flower pics


Well-Known Member
I had to go and test some weed today, or at least collect a sample, oh my giddy aunt, this guy gave me half a fag packet with the sample wrapped up inside the foil from the packet:shock: (and I am sitting thinking, and you give this to me to rate knowing I am reporting back to someone on it, holly fukking cow you must be stoopid. The face I pulled when I opened the cig packet probably said it all. Anyway, got home and the so called "Top" looked like it had been ground up, it wasn't even a bud ffs. Shocking I tell you! The scope revealed some trichs but also some suspicious slighty whiteish looking stuff, I was a bit suss of it having PM. Anyway, I was shocked at the quality.

Hope you have a good Friday.


Well-Known Member
I had to go and test some weed today, or at least collect a sample, oh my giddy aunt, this guy gave me half a fag packet with the sample wrapped up inside the foil from the packet:shock: (and I am sitting thinking, and you give this to me to rate knowing I am reporting back to someone on it, holly fukking cow you must be stoopid. The face I pulled when I opened the cig packet probably said it all. Anyway, got home and the so called "Top" looked like it had been ground up, it wasn't even a bud ffs. Shocking I tell you! The scope revealed some trichs but also some suspicious slighty whiteish looking stuff, I was a bit suss of it having PM. Anyway, I was shocked at the quality.

Hope you have a good Friday.
That made me smile!

OMG! I totally forgot it was Friday until you reminded me! Pleasant surprises are the best! Lol!

Keeping warm, DST? I read somewhere that you guys are having a really cold spell right now. This is a lock that has been closed.


Well-Known Member
This clip from documentarian Keya Morgan, shows a home movie of the legendary movie star laughing, buzzing, and smoking something. Hey, she sure sems high to me. Haunting, isn't it?
Oh, if Marilyn could only see what the LA scene has become now.


Well-Known Member
that add is a crackup, i fuckin love acuras/ nsx, so yeah that new one looks the shit! jerry's a legend, i'll watch his repeats sometimes!

beautiful pics mate


Active Member
That is a very funny ad Jin; Seinfeld probably waived his fee for the first one off the line, that guy is crazy about his cars. I remember seeing some footage of his garage a few years back, damn thing was unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
Femen protests the International Ice Hockey Federation's decision to allow Belarus (a country notorious for human rights violations) to host the 2014 Hockey World Cup.

So a reminder to all!!! Slaves cannot play hockey!!! And nipples are erect in the cold!!!!



Well-Known Member
That is a very funny ad Jin; Seinfeld probably waived his fee for the first one off the line, that guy is crazy about his cars. I remember seeing some footage of his garage a few years back, damn thing was unbelievable.
I have no doubt Jerry's garage is incredible, but the commercial is actually right. When it comes to car collecting, no one beats Leno.


Well-Known Member
'League of Legends' Gamer Dies In Taiwan, Corpse Goes Unnoticed For Hours In Internet Cafe

From the article:
"Marathon sessions have been blamed in the deaths of a number of gamers. In 2005, a 28-year-old man from South Korea collapsed and died after playing "Starcraft" at an Internet cafe for 50 hours, BBC News reported. In September 2007, state media in China reported that a man died of exhaustion after playing videogames for three straight days, according to Fox News.
In both cases, investigators say the men had not slept or eaten during their marathon"

Death by nerdiness. Had they ever kissed a girl, went out on a date, got laid... they would still be alive today.