The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
shes ugly . i fried her with some funky nutes in foliar. sprayed crap out her n then noticed the fan leafs looking bit ill. ended up lossing most leafs. nutes had changed colour too n i didnt notice.stoned to much i guess. she recovered but not a great plant. wish had pic off last round i did. had funky plants as my led was new and i didnt no how close to have it.
was to close in end, but didnt bleach it just made the bottom buds huge and main colas way smaller.
only 2 oz yeild tho but was very tasty n looked mental.
my next grow after dam i will throw up a lil journal for u all too see n help n rip to shreds haha.
well i will prob get the mrs do it as i ent computer friendly hence no av pic hahahaha
u got clones today u say? cool b good see them in few weeks after some tlc
U can stil throw a pick up, we wnt be cruel, well Sambo, TTT etc mite be lmao... Just got the 1 but its a belter, root a little damaged but the bioroots should repair that. JSt hopin she'l spurt once in the farm n fill ma screen, if not the fairy's goin to drop some bad ass seeds ma way in a day or 2, a no 12/12 from seed in the farm will fill the screen and with the scrog it will spread the light more evenly meaning bigger yield than the cotton candy, or at least not so much popcorn nugget... NEver dnt a scrog so the SLh if works will be a good practice run.... Jst got the bug mate dnt wanna pack up even if it is for a few wks, a no its goin to be a few wks more to get back up n runnin n its pissin me off.... Me thinks hypothetically I will send u some cash to post some weed back from the DAM lol (I wish)


Well-Known Member
Yeah thought as much him and sambo were having a rite chops before i left for work lol
As far as a know its wnt from a him, to a her, to a him, to a past member to a her again. I gave up after the 1st 10 pages, think everyones retreated to individual threads for some respite lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yours prob ent far off the quality off the dams smoke. wen i went only handful strains was better then wot i could buy here.
na i like the ttt comments n sambos and mantiszns etc etc comments, they r normally needed to b honest.
rather b told if im doing something braindead then having smoke blown up my arse haha.


Well-Known Member
yours prob ent far off the quality off the dams smoke. wen i went only handful strains was better then wot i could buy here.
na i like the ttt comments n sambos and mantiszns etc etc comments, they r normally needed to b honest.
rather b told if im doing something braindead then having smoke blown up my arse haha.
Too true m8, fairy stole a coupla bits of mine n took them to certain RIU's, was kinda weary cos a wasnt impressed with the bud quality but a suppose in the end its not all about that if your smokin it yourself, its more the flavour n the high.... Still am loving the denseness of the livers n blue cheese n if correct and the bc is the ronnie biggs pheno I CANT FUCKIN WAIT!! hehe!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
like u say a true smoker likes to try all sorts,dont have to cabbage ya to be a good smoke.
sometimes just a change off smoke for a day is the spice off life haha
i bet they b happy matey, just with the token like let alone the weed.
wots this ronnie biggs u talking?? wasnt he one the train robbers. is this some super pheno or sumthing?


Well-Known Member
like u say a true smoker likes to try all sorts,dont have to cabbage ya to be a good smoke.
sometimes just a change off smoke for a day is the spice off life haha
i bet they b happy matey, just with the token like let alone the weed.
wots this ronnie biggs u talking?? wasnt he one the train robbers. is this some super pheno or sumthing?
Haha a like bein a cabbage though..... But yeah nice to have weed you can function on rather than sit on the couch and stare at the telly not even watchin it.

Yeah mate something like that read about the Biggs pheno on here when a was growin Barney's Farm Bc, but from what am lead to believe its from Big Buddha and it should be the Ronnie Bigs if it came from the same place as me livers. Super excited, been told grown properly n rite out it'l send u to sleep so should do ma foot wonders & ma relationship cos al be too stoned to argue,brucey bonus lmao


Well-Known Member
i did fuck all just stuck up for my self,it was only a bit of chit chat on the wild side lol ;-) to many bud bombs
Haha,hello & welcome hope uv settled in well. At least u can gve as good,u'll feel rite at home. Drink ran out n hangova kickin in so off to bed. Jaha ma dog's jst started cryin at aleksander the meerkat on the telly,av neva seen a dog that loves telly as much as mine haha

night night riu :-D


Active Member
To each their own mate, i've eaten far better from far lesser chefs.
TBH I think that so long as the ingredients are top quality, and the dish is fairly simple, it'll be the ingredients that do it for me. The best fish I ever ate was prepared by a shepherd up in the mountains somewhere once - he caught several and cooked them over a fire and sprinkled them with a little bit of salt and lemon and that was it. Don't even know what the fish was.

Or, for example, a perfectly ripened fig. Surely the most amazing dessert chef in the world couldn't improve on that?


Well-Known Member
TBH I think that so long as the ingredients are top quality, and the dish is fairly simple, it'll be the ingredients that do it for me. The best fish I ever ate was prepared by a shepherd up in the mountains somewhere once - he caught several and cooked them over a fire and sprinkled them with a little bit of salt and lemon and that was it. Don't even know what the fish was.

Or, for example, a perfectly ripened fig. Surely the most amazing dessert chef in the world couldn't improve on that?
Shepherd,mountains,fish??? Somethin not quite right there??


Active Member
Everybody's avatar has changed...

The subject has changed...

What happened? How long have I been asleep? What year is it?


Active Member
Shepherd,mountains,fish??? Somethin not quite right there??
Hmmm dunno how it works in the UK but in some countries they have shepherds who herd sheep and goats from fresh pastures to fresh pastures up in the mountains =) Waterfalls, rivers, streams and so on are the natural habitats of certain freshwater fish. And, erm, when you put these together, you get my scenario... Unless I'm missing something here? *sudden moment of grave self-doubt*