Stoner's views on Barack Obama as President

Your views on President Barack Obama

  • I voted for Obama, but regret it.

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • I voted for Obama, and im still glad.

    Votes: 39 23.9%
  • I voted for Mccain, but Obama is doing good.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I voted for Mccain, why didn't you?

    Votes: 28 17.2%
  • I didnt vote, but im glad Obama won

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • I didnt vote, but i wish Obama lost

    Votes: 17 10.4%
  • I voted for Ron Paul, but Obama is doing good

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • I voted for Ron Paul, Why didn't you?

    Votes: 29 17.8%
  • I didnt vote, and i could care less.

    Votes: 13 8.0%
  • This poll is stupid, fuck the asshole who posted it.

    Votes: 16 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
lol you wish it was fringe,

did you see what happend in November? the libs can stick thier heads in the sand all they want, its only gonna hurt you even more than if you were just honest with yourselves and just coped with the realities presented to you rather then pluggin your ears and humming as the world passes you by.

Obama has lied and fucked us in the ass royally, now he will pretend all is good and lie some more so we forget what hes done and re-elect him. then hes gonna bait and swtich once again and do more fucked up shit clearly against the will of the people.

Did you see the house voted in huge majorities last night to repeal Obamas corrupt Health care law and replace it with an actually viable option.

More than half the states have filed suit against the federal government over the health care law.

thats 26 States. How many others will join? :D

by the way have you guys see gas prices latley? obama and the libs want high gas prices so you are forced to try thier uncompetative alternative energies. Man they tried to force through cap and trade which would have crippled businesses and the energy consumer

we all us lights on this website to grow our fruits. You think the price of weed will go up when energy prrices will necessarily sky rocket? thats an actual quote from OBAMA the bitch man swindler.


wake up and smell the burning economy

Well first off, it is possible to disagree with policy without referring to your president as a socialist - not every person who voted republican holds the view that Obama is a communist socialist Kenyan.

That meme was started by the fringe and caught on with many of unfortunately blind people of your country

Second, I'm Canadian so as long as there isn't another Christian neocon deciding policy for the western world, I've got no problem. Your country is free to vote against its own interests as much as it wants.
Second, I'm Canadian so as long as there isn't another Christian neocon deciding policy for the western world, I've got no problem. Your country is free to vote against its own interests as much as it wants.

As an American who left the States in 2005 during King George II tyrannical rule for greener pastures (pun very much intended considering this sites main topic) and has been enjoying Socialist Single Payer Health Care (my 2 kids are fully covered for free until they are 18, doesnt even cost me a co-pay to take them to the doctor) for almost 6 years. We have a strong social net, strong union and yes slightly higher taxes than most countries. Weed growing is legal (for "personal" LOL use) and life is good. I couldnt imagine going back to the so called "greatest country that God created in the world"(tm) ever. However I do find it amusing watching Conservatives light themselves on fire and watch themselves burn, all the while blaming liberals for the how god damned hot it is. Oh well. Empires only last so long, and it looks like that one is going the way of all the rest.
I think you meant to spell douchebag, apparently education hasn't improved much since I left. You do realize most web browsers include a spell checker? It`s that squiggly red line under the words your ignorant ass misspelled.

By the way, I am a big fan of your growinpalooza. Not so much now I know what a dick you are. I had read every post in that thread and am currently emulating some of the things I learned. This is why I hate talking politics with friends who otherwise I would love.
Disrespect my country and that is the response you get.
And sorry you think spelling correctly on a pot growing site is important.
And i don't really care if i do spell words wrong.
In what way did I disrespect "your" country? Pointing out the shitty healthcare system that doesnt care about "your" country`s people? Pointing out that GWB was a shitty President that over 70% of "your" country thinks he did a crap job? And unless you are a bankster or multibillionaire it hasnt been "your" country for some time now.

Last time I checked my passport still says USA so it is just as much mine as yours. And dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

You should try living outside of your box and get a good idea of what life overseas is before you assume anything. Living overseas has opened my eyes to so many things, many of which you will continue to be blind to you, until you do likewise.

Anyway much respect for your grow journal, you are a hell of a gardener even if we completely see the world with different eyes.
see thats just it, if you dont like what america was founded on and its ideals, instead of trying to ruin it with more social policies just move to the many more socialistic states all over the world. that type of government has been proven to fail over and over again,

i cant understand for the life of me why fools want to emulate this in the usa, if you dont like it find another place to live, i immigrated to this country for its promise and ideal and so as not to get fucked with, i want to be fucked with as least as possible, i can pull my own weight, I dont want to live in a nanny state like libs do, thats why we come to america.

if you ruin america too where the fuck will we have left to go???????

its a fuckin sad state of affairs guys, but there is a universal reason people all over the world would give anything to get US citizenship. over any other country in the world theres a reason guys. and to "change" that is a foolish endvour

the european union nations are dropping like flies one by one. why in the world are we tryingt to copy their unwise and short sighted policies??????

honestly, the only way i can explain it is that many of you libtards are just not really studying whats going on but instead u are just foolish uninformed parrots, and the leaders of your lib clan, they are the worst because they know exactly what they are doing to this country but they dont care, they want more control. they do not love this country as I do.

I came from thousands of miles away and a differnt continent to be here to enjoy america as it was meant to be. just move to canada if you dont like it. pls, just leave us alone u neverendingly greedy leeches.
Big P you are the man.

All theses fucks who like to bitch and moan should just take their asses somewhere else.

America will not miss your dumbasses at all.

And we will have a little bit better of air without you peices of shit here in the first place.

And show me where health care is right for everyone to have.
the european union nations are dropping like flies one by one. why in the world are we tryingt to copy their unwise and short sighted policies??????

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Have you taken a look at Germany recently? #2. exporter in the world while maintaining incredibly high wages. Did you know in Germany it is LAW that workers representatives be a certain percentage of the board of directors of any company? . Have you even been to Europe? Asia? Im guessing you emigrated from some shit hole in South America, which in comparison the USA still looks like a shining light. You wont find much of this sentiment in Europe or Asia as most recoil in horror when they hear about people in America going bankrupt or have to sell their house because they got sick.

However in my opinion the funniest thing in the world is this: Most of the states receiving the most funding and subsidies from the Federal Government (more than the state pays in taxes, so net gain) are deep Red states. Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alaska. All deep red, all living on the tit of liberal blue states like California, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey and others that actually have invested in their people and education and are now receiving a return on that investment with higher economic output.

States Receiving Most in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:
1. D.C. ($6.17)
2. North Dakota ($2.03)
3. New Mexico ($1.89)
4. Mississippi ($1.84)
5. Alaska ($1.82)
6. West Virginia ($1.74)
7. Montana ($1.64)
8. Alabama ($1.61)
9. South Dakota ($1.59)
10. Arkansas ($1.53)

States Receiving Least in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:
1. New Jersey ($0.62)
2. Connecticut ($0.64)
3. New Hampshire ($0.68)
4. Nevada ($0.73)
5. Illinois ($0.77)
6. Minnesota ($0.77)
7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79)
9. California ($0.81)
10. New York ($0.81)
(anything above $1.00 means you pay more than you got)

All the while those Red State morons are bitching about high taxes (while most of them are getting more in their refund than they actually paid in).
(Im from liberal Massachusetts originally FYI).

But hey dont let my reality get in the way of your hyperbolic spin.

Anyway debating here will change nothing. America is screwed, and the crazy right will put the final nail in the coffin. Have you checked the dollar exchange rates recently? The Euro is WAY stronger than the dollar. Not bad for a bunch of states which are "dropping like flies". this what they are telling you in the American media to make you feel all superior?

But look, dont worry. Go watch some more Fox News and Glenn Beck and you will feel good about yourself real soon. Everyone knows that reality has a liberal bias.

America will not miss your dumbasses at all.
@Mindmeld: If the liberal blue states left the USA the red states would be bankrupt overnight.

One last thing I want to say is this: While living overseas I pay no taxes. Not one single cent unless I make more than 110k in taxable income per year (which with a good accountant is easy to do even if I make much more than 110k, its all about business expenses baby). While I do pay my local city taxes my current home country only requires citizens to pay their Federal taxes. So while I get to enjoy this wonderful socialistic country, I can take home something like 90% of the income I earn. U mad?
I immigrated from the middle east ive been all over the world europe asia south america canada all over
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Have you taken a look at Germany recently? #2. exporter in the world while maintaining incredibly high wages. Did you know in Germany it is LAW that workers representatives be a certain percentage of the board of directors of any company? . Have you even been to Europe? Asia? Im guessing you emigrated from some shit hole in South America, which in comparison the USA still looks like a shining light. You wont find much of this sentiment in Europe or Asia as most recoil in horror when they hear about people in America going bankrupt or have to sell their house because they got sick.

However in my opinion the funniest thing in the world is this: Most of the states receiving the most funding and subsidies from the Federal Government (more than the state pays in taxes, so net gain) are deep Red states. Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alaska. All deep red, all living on the tit of liberal blue states like California, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey and others that actually have invested in their people and education and are now receiving a return on that investment with higher economic output.

(anything above $1.00 means you pay more than you got)

All the while those Red State morons are bitching about high taxes (while most of them are getting more in their refund than they actually paid in).
(Im from liberal Massachusetts originally FYI).

But hey dont let my reality get in the way of your hyperbolic spin.

Anyway debating here will change nothing. America is screwed, and the crazy right will put the final nail in the coffin. Have you checked the dollar exchange rates recently? The Euro is WAY stronger than the dollar. Not bad for a bunch of states which are "dropping like flies". this what they are telling you in the American media to make you feel all superior?

But look, dont worry. Go watch some more Fox News and Glenn Beck and you will feel good about yourself real soon. Everyone knows that reality has a liberal bias.

@Mindmeld: If the liberal blue states left the USA the red states would be bankrupt overnight.

One last thing I want to say is this: While living overseas I pay no taxes. Not one single cent unless I make more than 110k in taxable income per year (which with a good accountant is easy to do even if I make much more than 110k, its all about business expenses baby). While I do pay my local city taxes my current home country only requires citizens to pay their Federal taxes. So while I get to enjoy this wonderful socialistic country, I can take home something like 90% of the income I earn. U mad?


watching you hand big P and mindmelted their asses on a platter is highly amusing. succinct ownage done right!

watching you hand big P and mindmelted their asses on a platter is highly amusing. succinct ownage done right!

Dude I'm so high right now. I love this forum even though I recently found it. Thanks for the appreciation, it is appreciated.
States Receiving Most in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:
1. D.C. ($6.17)
2. North Dakota ($2.03)
3. New Mexico ($1.89)
4. Mississippi ($1.84)
5. Alaska ($1.82)
6. West Virginia ($1.74)
7. Montana ($1.64)
8. Alabama ($1.61)
9. South Dakota ($1.59)
10. Arkansas ($1.53)
So i had to look this up and first off, this is data from 2005. not soooo prevalent to today's argument, but I would assume that it is probably somewhat different today. Regardless we have to wonder why it is that the least populated state in the nation gets the most money. So i looked few things up and what I found out was amazing. Did you know that the 3 main reasons North Dakota gets so much damned money is because it is mainly an agricultural state and has high amounts of subsidies, It has a large arsenal of Minuteman ICBM Missiles and the most operational nuclear weapons in the nation with aircraft based warheads out of the TWO (2) Strategic Air Commands. Then you have to consider all the Native American Reservations, there are 4 of them. add all this up and then divide by the small TOTAL state population of 650,000 and I would imagine that the numbers will be skewed in favor of large ones when you divide by a small number. If you look at the bottom 10 states you will probably notice that they have much much higher populations, most have multiple cities that are larger than the entire population of North Dakota. Might have something to do with it?

No where was I able to find the reason of it getting large federal monies because it was democrat or republican. I think your list of states just happen to be "Red" ones by coincidence, I doubt the government gives them more money just because they are predominately republican.

Washington DC isn't even a state so I'm not sure why its even listed.

As far as bitching about high income taxes, now correct me if I am wrong, but I assume that you pay the same amount of federal income tax no matter what State you live in, so again im not really sure why the fact that "red" states get more is a concern, the money isn't going back to the citizens, they aren't getting a "return" on their money. No one is sending them a check, whats happening is that the federally funded programs in those particular states make up a disproportionate amount of total state spending.

Good info though, really makes a person think.
Lately Mr. Obama has been dodging youtube questions about legalizing herb. I wonder if the results would be different now.

fuck yea they would, this is from two years ago dude, why you bump this? We have had a lot of obama polls, one recent one Adoplh Hitler beat out obama.
fuck yea they would, this is from two years ago dude, why you bump this? We have had a lot of obama polls, one recent one Adoplh Hitler beat out obama.

barely surprising that hitler would get so much love on a board full of ron paul worshippers.
