Patrick Bateman
Active Member
lol you wish it was fringe,
did you see what happend in November? the libs can stick thier heads in the sand all they want, its only gonna hurt you even more than if you were just honest with yourselves and just coped with the realities presented to you rather then pluggin your ears and humming as the world passes you by.
Obama has lied and fucked us in the ass royally, now he will pretend all is good and lie some more so we forget what hes done and re-elect him. then hes gonna bait and swtich once again and do more fucked up shit clearly against the will of the people.
Did you see the house voted in huge majorities last night to repeal Obamas corrupt Health care law and replace it with an actually viable option.
More than half the states have filed suit against the federal government over the health care law.
thats 26 States. How many others will join?
by the way have you guys see gas prices latley? obama and the libs want high gas prices so you are forced to try thier uncompetative alternative energies. Man they tried to force through cap and trade which would have crippled businesses and the energy consumer
we all us lights on this website to grow our fruits. You think the price of weed will go up when energy prrices will necessarily sky rocket? thats an actual quote from OBAMA the bitch man swindler.
wake up and smell the burning economy
Well first off, it is possible to disagree with policy without referring to your president as a socialist - not every person who voted republican holds the view that Obama is a communist socialist Kenyan.
That meme was started by the fringe and caught on with many of unfortunately blind people of your country
Second, I'm Canadian so as long as there isn't another Christian neocon deciding policy for the western world, I've got no problem. Your country is free to vote against its own interests as much as it wants.