MOLD!!!!! Help!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i have my headband in a airtight container and when i went to check on it, i notice that there was some very light fuzz DSCF0414.jpgDSCF0415.jpgDSCF0416.jpgDSCF0417.jpgon them. i think its mold and i dont know what my options are. please help. should i get rid of it or should i just take off the fuzz?
Doesn't look bad from the pics.

Take a spray bottle and spray them with %91 alcohol - it will kill any mold, then quickly evaporate.

If you have to, use a food dehydrator on low heat to dry them to the point they'll quit molding.
i wouldnt touch it now. make food with it or risk being ill, its inside it now so washing buds dont get rid of mold. mold is systemic
Damn, I was afraid that was going to be my solution. I guess I will just throw it away :(, they just look so nice!
Washing buds actually does get rid of mold. Jorge Cervantes has a video where he does exactly that on youtube. Do not throw your buds away make bho or something similar.
actually, you can kill the mold with pm wash and redry it. I have saved some bud this way. The pm wash is mostly water, it's safe enough to drink it and it kills mold.
Geeez alcohol will leach the good stuff out of the bud.

Look, watch this it may help: from someone that might know.

I have heard of good results in making hash from bud that has molded somewhat. Cant say from personal experience, as all the hash I have made was from non-moldy bud using ... alcohol.
Don't buy spray for mildew ypu can just use milk and water but it won't matter now anyway, just dry the buds somewhere warm and use In food
Don't throw it away! People are retarded, I had a thread a month or so back where people were telling me to throw shit away for mold.

Alcohol evaporates fast just because it's alcohol (The ~10% water will take longer to evap). Spray them a bunch and put them in a dehydrator. Pull them out and if there still looks to be mold, try and pick it off. If it's really covered, then throw it away, or crush it into shake and throw it in with some nice buds and sell it as like 1-2g / oz.
Don't throw it away! People are retarded, I had a thread a month or so back where people were telling me to throw shit away for mold.

Alcohol evaporates fast just because it's alcohol (The ~10% water will take longer to evap). Spray them a bunch and put them in a dehydrator. Pull them out and if there still looks to be mold, try and pick it off. If it's really covered, then throw it away, or crush it into shake and throw it in with some nice buds and sell it as like 1-2g / oz.

Nobody should be inhaling moldy shit. Don't pawn that off on someone else, possibly making someone very sick. You wouldn't want that done to you.
mycilia live hidden in plants till they fruit it remains hidden... slash burn then clean house and grow ... start fresh//// sorry bro next of luck next show...
Mold can get you sick but we have all smoked it. Dip in pm wash. It's from MPK and sold at hydro stores re dry. And after that it's up to you if you smoke but I would hash or bho it.
powedery mildew isnt mold and noither is just washed off. old man cerventes dont know his stuff then. they are both a systemic disease and isnt washed off. the fuzz might be but there more to the disease than the reproductive stage..
if i ever found someone hand me moldy shit would be lats grow they ever do. just make foods with it and your fine. but dont smoke it if you care about your health.