Does Isc New York (Usps) Mean It Got Past Customs?

Label/Receipt Number: LD00xxxxx831G B
Class: First-Class Mail International
Service(s): International Letter
Status: Inbound International Arrival

Your item arrived in the United States in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 12:19 AM on September 16, 2009. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

Enter Label/Receipt Number.
Enter Label / Receipt Number.
Detailed Results:
Inbound International Arrival, September 16, 2009, 12:19 am, ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

still waiting:wall:
I got myseeds from and it arraived today therewas no sign at all it was open by anyone and the seeds themselves were just in a bsggie in bubble wrap. nothing else in the envelope but the seeds. so I am guessing noone at all was inspecting it
No it does not mean it has passed through customs yet my mom works at the post office and she did a little research at work for me and she found out that the "ISC NewYork" is customs and that is what is taking so long for it to get through because of all the packages they inspect so you are not out of the clear yet and neither am I mine have been there for 8 days so I am in the same boat like they said though just kick back fire it up and forget a bout it maaaaan. peace later and good luck to all of us that live in a country where we have to worry about this kind of shit.
No it does not mean it has passed through customs yet my mom works at the post office and she did a little research at work for me and she found out that the "ISC NewYork" is customs and that is what is taking so long for it to get through because of all the packages they inspect so you are not out of the clear yet and neither am I mine have been there for 8 days so I am in the same boat like they said though just kick back fire it up and forget a bout it maaaaan. peace later and good luck to all of us that live in a country where we have to worry about this kind of shit.

Liquid how sure are you ? did it pass customs? I thought if it got to ISC then it already passed can i find out
My 1st order from attitude arrived in California a couple of days after the the New York sorting center. Didn't order stealth or anything. Shipping took a total of seven days. My second order hasn't arrived in New York yet, it's been six days. USPS tracking is crap though, I have had normal packages delivered without any tracking information being posted.
Did ISC New York (USPS) lost your package? Read this!

I may not be related to marijuana smoking, but I do receive collectibles via Registered Mail from other countries and lost a great deal of Registered Mail to thieves in ISC New York.
ISC (International Service Center, New York) since 2009 especially has become the infamous place for theft of foreign inbound (International mail that arrives into the U.S.) Registered Mail. We believe that the enactment of the following rule: www . thefederalregister . com /d.p/2009-04-02-E9-7373 (end).

Rules: International Inbound Registered Mail Procedures, » Federal Register [FR Doc E9-7373] [39 CFR PART 20] to no longer treat foreign inbound Registered Mail securely has been allowing possible corruption and mail theft in the International Service Centers throughout the United States.

If you can not assemble and view the above link please contact me (or Google the rule yourself) and I will send you it by personal message.

Therefore avoid sending Registered Mail to the United States (especially if value of the contents of your shipment is much more than US$40 or equivalent), because it is no longer safe
and no longer secure(d) once it arrives to the U.S.

And, PLEASE contact your local state senator, US Postal Inspectors, US Postal Inspector General and what's most important - contact Barack Obama (The President) at and express your concern about massive mail theft at the International Service Center ( ISC) NEW YORK (USPS). The more people do this, the more chance that this new Rule wil, be recalled and foreign inbound Registered Mail made secure again!

I lost numerous Registered Mail pieces arriving to USA from abroad and all of them ended up "getting stuck" at ISC New York for good. Also some outbound (destined to abroad) registered mail also has disappeared without the trace and some of it displayed tracking info as "Arrived at ISC New York" and no more news... I suspect, though not accuse, that some folks at the higher posts could be profiting from this m,ail theft scheme, since this new rule is very controversial in it's nature. Who wuld benefit from it? The thieves, that's for sure. Who else would benefit? No one, but those who want the overseas Registered Mail senders hurt. Perhaps it's a payback to all those countries who did not weant to raise the indemnity level from $45 to much more? And payback to those foreign postal authorities who never respond to USPS's lost mail inquiries? Well, but who gets hurt? The Americans! Except a handful of thieves, at USPS. The theft could be on relatively small scale, probably "just" 10% of Registered Mail stolen at ISC New York could account for millions of stolen R-mails and huge profits not only to the USPS thieves at ISC NY but to their masters who enacted this suspicious and totally unnecessary new rule in 2009.
ISC New York NY is nothing but bullshit and pissing me of. My glorious been's have been sitting at some lazy fucks desk for over a week now. Somebody needs to go in there guns blazing and get their asses to work.
I to have a scare, its always gone through Jamaica, NY and straight to me. This time its bounced around and went to a city that I do not live in last Friday. Its 15 miles from me. Hoping it comes today :/

Class: First-Class Mail International
Service(s): International Letter
Status: Processed through Sort Facility

Your item was processed through and left our ROMULUS, MI 48174 facility on September 18, 2010. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

Detailed Results:
Processed through Sort Facility, September 18, 2010, 7:59 pm, ROMULUS, MI 48174
Processed through Sort Facility, September 17, 2010, 11:27 am, BETHPAGE, NY 11714
Inbound International Arrival, September 15, 2010, 1:22 am, ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS)
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
something to keep in mind is that if you are using the usps tracking website you will probably have the seeds in hand before that stupid thing updates. i ordered a bunch of shit during that big volcano this past april and i was all paranoid that it would be delayed. royal mail said they sent it days earlier but usps had no record. i even called usps and talked to a person and i am convinced they are nothing more than government bots. long story short i woke up one morning, usps finally said isc new york, that day i had my seeds, i look again and it says delivered. like someone woke up and did 4 days worth of updating in 10 minutes. don't even bother looking at the tracking unless a full 7 days have already passed.

edit: this is evil post 666
Googling ISC brought me here.

As you can tell I am an expecting ather.

This thread is still useful in 2012.

^ Yepp, mine were in ISC over the weekend ad yesterday but today they moved to a different part of NY so im assuming the will ship to meh soon, expecting them by the end of the week! :D
Shoot mine says its still in ISC NY since the 11th. Oh well hopefully i will have them by this weekend so i can try out the free la diva auto flower they sent with my order. Attitude rocks ISC NY sucks balls just