Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!

Same thing with Khat, just think children across the states could be using tincture made inhalers (like the new Sativex inhalers) or trans dermal patches of the stuff... though I guess the pharm. companies thought beads of amphetamines and patches of methylphenidate were a physically safer candidates :roll:

Yep. It's all about money at the end of the day. The only reason why the FDA doesn't put a seal of approval on most vitamin and herbal supplements, is because they side with the pharmaceutical companies, which pay them off in return. If they notice people taking a holistic approach they try to interfere in any way possible; even though, the supplements at hand are not illegal in the first place.

Hmm, Khat. Is that where cathinones are derived from?
Yep. It's all about money at the end of the day. The only reason why the FDA doesn't put a seal of approval on most vitamin and herbal supplements, is because they side with the pharmaceutical companies, which pay them off in return. If they notice people taking a holistic approach they try to interfere in any way possible; even though, the supplements at hand are not illegal in the first place.

The first time I experienced kava kava I truly realized this; if such a great natural anxiolytic is available why do we need things such as Diazepam, Trazadone, Alprazolam, ect. ect.? Speaking of benzos, a friend of mine found 10mg of Diazepam at his work place simply lying on the floor... always hear about this happening, sadly it never happens to me :(

Hmm, Khat. Is that where cathinones are derived from?

Indeed it is, had a friend bring it up to me a little while ago when I introduced him to kratom. Though I guess there isn't much point in discussing its effects or what interesting chemical analogues it could produce considering probably half of them are already available on the grey market...
Indeed it is, had a friend bring it up to me a little while ago when I introduced him to kratom. Though I guess there isn't much point in discussing its effects or what interesting chemical analogues it could produce considering probably half of them are already available on the grey market...

Hence, the Balt Salt and Mephedrone phenomenon. :lol:

Off tangent. What do you deem more beneficial (medicinally effective) as a true stimulant. Cathinones or Amphetamines?
What do you deem more beneficial (medicinally effective) as a true stimulant. Cathinones or Amphetamines?

I can't give an honest answer to that as I've only had amphetamine and some of it's analogs since Cathinone is schedule 1 here in the US of A. Though they decide to ban Cathinone in 1993 which seems to be right around the time the whole ADD/ADHD child epidemic started to take hold here. An now apparently there is a mass adderall shortage, has this EVER occurred before with a prescription drug in this day and age? (possible but I don't have the energy to look it up now) Would this same issue had occurred if they used a faster growing plant instead of a tree for procuring the precursors? Anyways I'm being very to ignorantly biased in my answer, the truth is I haven't looked into the pharmacokinetics/toxicity of Cathinone (meph. never really appealed to me when there were more well documented/recreational drugs at my disposal) and need to brush up on my prior knowledge of amphetamine. I just think that despite what the FDA says they don't have our physical health at the top of their priority any longer. Just look at all the dangerous drugs they've let be released onto the market recently, saw two of them back to back last night. Though I could just be being a paranoid conspirator. I'll try to give a more in depth review on them after researching them both tomorrow when I have some more pep in my step. Sweet dreams ya'll!
The first time I experienced kava kava I asked truly realized this; if such a great natural anxiolytic is available why do we need things such as Diazepam, Trazadone, Alprazolam, ect. ect.? Speaking of benzos, a friend of mine found 10mg of Diazepam at his work place simply lying on the floor... always hear about this happening, sadly it never happens to me :(

Indeed it is, had a friend bring it up to me a little while ago when I introduced him to kratom. Though I guess there isn't much point in discussing its effects or what interesting chemical analogues it could produce considering probably half of them are already available on the grey market...

Exactly. Gordon Alles was definitely heading in the right direction by extracting the main alkaloidal content of Kava Kava. I truly sense the FDA will try to stop large shipments of Kava into the US. They fear it'll interrupt the sales of benzodiazepines and alcohol. Only if they knew this was a wholly different compound with a whole wide range of "medicinal" effects! :D
It would be very interesting to see some thorough testing of the kavalactones. Establishing a good SAR would probably lead to the development of a new class of anxiolytics.
It really saddens me that big pharma is all about the bottom line these days and using science to improve people's health is an after thought at best. Look at how many drugs are first released as a racemates and then as their patents are about to expire the active stereoisomer is released in pure form as a new drug with a whole new patent.
The way it's supposed to work is that we find plants with beneficial medicinal properties, and figure out what compounds are responsible for those properties. Then we study them and try to improve on them. But that takes work, and lots of it. So much cheaper to get double mileage out of a compound.
I couldn't have said it any better. :D

It's hard and time consuming enough to study and formulate a man made compound. Nevertheless, trying to study a plant specimen, isolate main compound, and try to formulate a means to induce subjects following specific criteria to diagnose and treat an ailment.

Also, I wonder what kind of governmental code name plant specimens would receive. MDA was classified as EA-1298. I would of been much happier induced by a drug by the name of Mandy then EA-1298. Sounds so cold and ridiculously threatening! As always, big corporations hate the idea of conservatism when it implies to the impact on there company. Ethnobotanical's are the Bee's Knees when it comes to conservation. It's not what's best for you, but what's best for ​them!
I think the common old mescaline producing cacti are the most interesting in the range of effects they can bring on if you go for a full alkaloid experience, therefore I would wager that quite a few of its essential components are active in some way or another.

That was next on my list. Quite surprised I didn't mention it before!

Based on numerous studies by private parties, mescaline is without a doubt one of most effective anti-depresssants. At doses ranging from 50-100mg's... it shows great therapeutic value without effecting other somatic regions. It has been debated that San Pedro and other columnar cactus containing other alkaloids contributed to the effects of a wholly integrated mescaline experience. As you mentioned, a full alkaloidal experience would present various other effects that would provide an synergistic effect with the main alkaloidal content of mescaline. There's been tremendous studies carried out evaluating the brain chemistry of Indians, which surprising show, that there excessive use of psychoactive cacti has not disturbed or diminished major neurotransmitter pathways. It would be a sly of relief if the "Multidisciplinary Acts for Psychedelic Studies" Foundation conducted a study on the effective means of mescaline combatting stages of depression. The studies were abandon some time ago and reviving such an ailing art of medicinal gratuity would bring about a transformation of all psychedelics alike! :D
not sure if it was mentioned in here already but anyone ever try ibogaine? It supposedly cures heroine addiction over night and gives you a crazy intense trip. But of course our government refuses to use because it wouldnt make them much of a profit to actually help these addicts. Instead they just feed them methadone.

GREED will ultimately lead us to our downfall
Right now im focusing on 2 ethnos mainly. Aya and Mescal. I need to try both and the more i read the more pressure builds up. I want to experience them and recap the knowledge i learn from it
Ayahuasca and Mescaline are two noble compounds. Ayahuasca being a scurry of a few compounds wrapped around one intoxicating drink. Mescaline Acetate is not too far out of my reach. But, for the meanwhile Kava Kava and Green Malay Kratom are the two main specimens of concern! Into the late of the night yesterday, I partook of a small pea size extract of Kava. I was clothed with intoxication following a few Rum n' Cokes and Coronas. Therefore, my equilibrium was already a bit off. However, the effects of the lemon scented extract took hold right away as a soothing numbing sensation enveloped my body. For the next ten minutes this sensation increased to a very pleasurable, almost euphoric state of being. I know for a fact the effects of Kava are intensified by alcohol but the intensifying effects of numbness was no fluke. Very reminiscent of cocaine as in terms of a numbing agent. The Kava Extract was indeed active. First trial was a success. A more in depth analysis will be coming to a thread near you! :D
I'm surprised. Nearly a day and no official comment on my Kava experience!

I painted a nearly soul embracing picture of my night and no one feels the need to partake in it? :(

Is Ethnobotany that boring? Or, are you fools that docile to such a discovery in human nature! :lol:
not sure if it was mentioned in here already but anyone ever try ibogaine? It supposedly cures heroine addiction over night and gives you a crazy intense trip. But of course our government refuses to use because it wouldnt make them much of a profit to actually help these addicts. Instead they just feed them methadone.

GREED will ultimately lead us to our downfall

I would not try Ibogaine outside of its traditional administration which can be a week long pocess. It has to do with protecting the brain else such a severe fight or flight response may be elicited as to cause sudden death.
That being said the chance is worth takeing for a heroin addict which is slowly dieing anyway. But if you take any before doing your iboga you are in for a nasty surprise
I'm surprised. Nearly a day and no official comment on my Kava experience!

I painted a nearly soul embracing picture of my night and no one feels the need to partake in it? :(

Is Ethnobotany that boring? Or, are you fools that docile to such a discovery in human nature! :lol:

i read and liked the response

ive just been alittle preoccupied at the moment i promise i will make more of a appearance
I would not try Ibogaine outside of its traditional administration which can be a week long pocess. It has to do with protecting the brain else such a severe fight or flight response may be elicited as to cause sudden death.
That being said the chance is worth takeing for a heroin addict which is slowly dieing anyway. But if you take any before doing your iboga you are in for a nasty surprise

Wait are you suggesting a bad trip from Ibogaine may lead to instant death!? Not that I couldn't see it being possible (not that I even think you would ever make a claim without having proper evidence to back it up) considering it is cornucopia of neurotransmitter deregulation (K-opioid, NMDA antagonist, and 5HT2A). Being an opiate potentiator and being metabolized by the CP450 cytochrome (same as GFJ) probably doesn't help either when your dealing with an addict who is ready to give up their use possible forever.. after all who doesn't enjoy a grand goodbye finally?