Telling the sex of a seed just buy looking at the seed* Pictures*

I believe sex is determined after germination. There are a few environmental factors that can influence sex from what I've read, like Nitrogen, heat and other stuff.

i believe the same thing, otherwise how can one explain hermie plants??? if seeds don't already have both sets of chromosomes in them from the start, how can plants express both chromosomes at the same time, ie hermies???
i think were to dependend on new ways, scoping our trichromes like fanatics. some old schoolers say if it looks ripe it looks ripe chop her down, ever watch strain hunters some of the best growers in the world live like cave men in the mountains lol. and that todays weed is way more potent then grandpas weed is all bullshit, even marijuana man says it, in his uvb video.. DJ shorts won the high times cup before hes from Detroit, and some of his genetics to this day is from some bag seed he bought in the D" in his younger yrs. nothen wrong with looken back to the hippie days for some knowledge..
Strain hunters? really?
Strain hunters? really?

Oh ya Strain Hunting with Arjan, some of the guys in the country's they go to who help them live in shacks, tottal poverty no scope or nothen, lol But these guys know there shit! it is dangorous as fuck strain hunting where these guys go. I mean the locals are big time supersticious and won't exchange nothing from hand to hand cause your considerd dirty. You gotta set it on the floor then theyll pick it up and vice versa, you can get killed easy. But id still love to go to the himmalayas, yes i love weed that much
i believe the same thing, otherwise how can one explain hermie plants??? if seeds don't already have both sets of chromosomes in them from the start, how can plants express both chromosomes at the same time, ie hermies???

I think the seeds might be set as a male or a female or a hermie, say under good normal growing conditions 18/6 no real stress... but if you start lowering your light hours to say 12/12 from seed mostly blue light, nitrogen all that shit that gives majority females.. youll prob get all 95% femals. i dunnu just my guess..
environmental factors play a lot into the fact of whether a plant is female or not you can begin influencing your plant's sex the
moment the seedling has three pairs of true leaves(cotyledons don't count!) ((this is from the Elite Growers Book))(((another thing a lot of you might be wondering why fem. seeds from seed companies don't follow the instructions from the picture that is because they all have hermaphrodite DNA they have lowered chances of hermie thru special breeding but especially all fem. seeds are hermie the better the enviroment the less chance of hermie)))

These factors are:
Humidity: High humidity increases the chances of female plant
development. Low humidity increases male plants. Low grow medium
moisture also increases males. The same is valid for the moistness of the
Temperature: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female
marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
Lighting: More blue spectrum light energy increases the number of
females, whereas red light increases males. Fewer hours of
daylight(about 14) increases the number of female plants. Longer light
exposure(18 hours+) will tend to make more male plants.
Nitrogen: Increasing the level of nitrogen(N) makes more female
plants, lowering creates more males.
Potassium: Lowering levels of potassium(K) encourages the
development of female plants, increasing potassium(K) increases the
male tendencies. (So for the first two weeks a higher level of nitrogen
and a lower level of potassium will encourage female plants to develop.)
Environmental Stress. Any environmental stress will greatly increase
the chancesof male plants growing from your seed.
Colour of Light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from
seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
Hours of Daylight: few hours of daylight(i.e. 14 hours) makes for
more female individuals, a long day(i.e. 18 hours) makes for more male
cannabis plants.
Soaking: Soaking your seed(s) in Gibberellic acid makes it/them more
likely to produce a female plant.
i am no botanist boys but the seeds round fucking thingy everyone is looking at will appear on every seed if left to develop long enough. i think it all depends on how long the seed as been developing to get it volcano shape or whatever it is. like a tomato, looks fuck all until it develops. hope that makes sense.
its not just having a volcano shape because you are correct they all got it its the shape of the volcano and if you have noticed all tomatoes have different stem removal shapes and this could tell you info such as the size or ripeness of the removed tomato. in fact i bet a true botanist could tell you a shit load by just looking at a tomato.
I heard that you can lay your seeds out and subject them to a time period in front of a screen with images of succulent buds glistening with trichomes and sticky virginal white pistols. Come back after a while and some of the seeds will be sticking straight up in the air. These will tend to be the males. I dont know if its true or not...
I feel like im reading a post from the 60's, no shit, this is old proven stuff, of course your seeds got to be mature in order to tell or see the nice round. I found this 6mo's ago and im tellin ya, it works! All females everyone i picked. And, seeded weed is more potent too, just not millions of them.
A couple of years ago Dutch Passion released an essay on how to increase mostly females from a pack of weed seeds

To optimise the result, changes in one or more of the above-mentioned environmental factors for a certain period during marijuana growth, may be applied. During this time these environmental factors will deviate from the standard growing system for maximum harvest and quality, as described in nursery literature. The desired change(s) in the environmental factor(s) are started from the moment that the marijuana seedling has three pairs of real leaves (not counting the seed-lobes). This is the moment that male and/or female predisposition in florescence is being formed. After approximately two weeks the standard growing system can be reconverted to.
Of the 5 above-mentioned environmental factors the first three are the most practical:

  1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female cannabis plants originating from the weed seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male cannabis plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male marijuana plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female marijuana plants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.
  2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female cannabis plants from weed seed, a lowering for an increase in male cannabis plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.
  3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
  4. Colour of light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
  5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male cannabis plants.
Now let me just make a few adjustments here to this. You can do whatever you want to your cannabis plants in seedling stage and early vegetative stage of growth and it will not effect your final male to female ratios. The time when things should be near perfect is in or around the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth.

none of my seeds have a "volcano" and none of the pictures here show any either
your funny dont have a point where the "stem and seed meet". are you trying to fight logic? as if your specific fingerprint is not different than the guy right next to you?
I don't understand what you mean? I am just repeating the article from dutch passion. maybe I should put it in a different light. MJ has all sex traits at seed, environment decide what sex it will be. Some speculate MJ chromosomes are XX/X_ with a blank where the Y would go. humans don't have this ability, if your stressed out you don't grow tits lol. proof is in the pudding. more proof is colloidal silver to produce fem seeds.some angiosperms are what is called sequential hermaphrodites. If their sex was set from genetics alone there would be no hermaphrodites. hope that clears it up.

Oh you are referring to the volcano? Unless I need a scope to see it, I can affirm the 15 seeds I have now 3 are fem all from breeders do not have an indentation like the drawing. And the pictures I linked there is no indentation visible.
as i already explained breeder seeds are inherently herm and are also often immature so they will often not have the proper shape. second i do not disagree that sex is environmental i stated both of these facts earlier in the thread. and sex is for sure genetic but genetics can be altered by the environment (proof of evolution) with that said all humans begin female and evolve penis's based on the environment in the womb which is also based on the environment outside the womb. so say we are Neanderthals and we have a lot of meat currently what gender is more likely? a female because there are plenty of men to gather meat already this factor plays all the way down to condition the egg is in meaning genetics are affected by the environment.

oh and your right you cant see any "visible indentations" but they are there and you can look at plenty of pics of that part of the seed other places. also i dont know if your seeds all came from high quality weed if they did they are also probably hermie from a commercial or inexperienced grower growing from fem. seeds
I wouldn't even bother. I couldn't bring myself to throw out seeds guessing its a male. I notice in the wild MJ tends to lean on female side more with fewer males just an observation.
I have not even seen any evidence that has not convinced me that our beans are not sexually decided until after germination , or indeed during , if this is true, it wont be the only strain of plant to do so , throwing seeds away that dont look female is crazy.
who said anything about throwing seeds away?
if this technique has any viability then it would work both ways surely?
I'd love for it to be true but it seems unlikely, there may be a difference between strains too.