Grow Goddess
Well-Known Member
O.k so i ran into a very very old c.d with some stuff saved on it from overgrow...
Im finding shit that says seeded weed is more potent then no seeds, all kinds of crazy shit.
Hey you never know maybe the book needs to be rewritten lol
Here's just a taste..View attachment 2023264
The value of the crap you read in many cases can be worthless. Unfortunately I am a victim of finding this out the hard way. Well more than a decade actually. I could give hundreds of examples, just about everything I have read one way or another has been debunked or I have personally been able to prove it wrong. In many other cases it has been proven true. It all depends on your exact scenario on whether words you read will have positive effects.
Keep this in mind. A lot of these books and documents are written by people that have less experience than you may have. I am sure in some strains, that it being pollinated, it may be more potent. How pollinated are we talking? 100%? At what stage were these pollinated plants compared? This is an example of why what you read is more than likely B.S. You would need to know the exact scenario that the studies were done, and the writers usually do not provide that information. You are left to guess. What may be more potent for the book writer may be far less potent for you or me.
Keep these things in mind when you read books, articles, or forum posts. The best way I know of to get a high percentage of female plants is start the seeds in a 12 or 16 oz cup, no smaller. After you plant them in the cups, put a baggie over the top to keep the moisture in. Maybe even until the plant is root bound in the cup, not too root bound though. Here is why: In my opinion, you cannot truly determine the sex by looking at the seed. The plant after a certain age, determines its own sex, (excluding feminized seeds of course). The more stress (like early transplanting, lack of light, too cool, too hot, etc.) these things cause a plant to choose to be male. The more stress, the higher the odds that it will become male. Going less than a 12 oz cup, the plant must endure an early transplant before it can determine what sex it will be, chances are that plant will decide to become male. Over 100 plants that I have grown from bag seed, I probably had around an 80% female rate. I believe it was due to low stress at a young age.
Just my opinion.