Telling the sex of a seed just buy looking at the seed* Pictures*

O.k so i ran into a very very old c.d with some stuff saved on it from overgrow...
Im finding shit that says seeded weed is more potent then no seeds, all kinds of crazy shit.
Hey you never know maybe the book needs to be rewritten lol
Here's just a taste..View attachment 2023264

The value of the crap you read in many cases can be worthless. Unfortunately I am a victim of finding this out the hard way. Well more than a decade actually. I could give hundreds of examples, just about everything I have read one way or another has been debunked or I have personally been able to prove it wrong. In many other cases it has been proven true. It all depends on your exact scenario on whether words you read will have positive effects.
Keep this in mind. A lot of these books and documents are written by people that have less experience than you may have. I am sure in some strains, that it being pollinated, it may be more potent. How pollinated are we talking? 100%? At what stage were these pollinated plants compared? This is an example of why what you read is more than likely B.S. You would need to know the exact scenario that the studies were done, and the writers usually do not provide that information. You are left to guess. What may be more potent for the book writer may be far less potent for you or me.
Keep these things in mind when you read books, articles, or forum posts. The best way I know of to get a high percentage of female plants is start the seeds in a 12 or 16 oz cup, no smaller. After you plant them in the cups, put a baggie over the top to keep the moisture in. Maybe even until the plant is root bound in the cup, not too root bound though. Here is why: In my opinion, you cannot truly determine the sex by looking at the seed. The plant after a certain age, determines its own sex, (excluding feminized seeds of course). The more stress (like early transplanting, lack of light, too cool, too hot, etc.) these things cause a plant to choose to be male. The more stress, the higher the odds that it will become male. Going less than a 12 oz cup, the plant must endure an early transplant before it can determine what sex it will be, chances are that plant will decide to become male. Over 100 plants that I have grown from bag seed, I probably had around an 80% female rate. I believe it was due to low stress at a young age.
Just my opinion.

The Op above my post did Umbre ......;)
I was replying to both of you :)
It would be great if this did work though, i'm lazy and don't like wasting time on males. It's like taking a ladyboy out for dinner.... it wasn't what I was looking for and I wont be finishing up with them lol
oh and your right you cant see any "visible indentations" but they are there and you can look at plenty of pics of that part of the seed other places. also i dont know if your seeds all came from high quality weed if they did they are also probably hermie from a commercial or inexperienced grower growing from fem. seeds

1 Dinafem blue widow fem
1 g13 Auto Ak fem
1 g13 Pruple Haze Fem
6 Emerald triangle Cherry Kush Reg
6 Emerald Triangle Purple Kush Reg

Lord I hope attitude didnt rip me off lol. but I will pop them with Dutch Passions technique and let ya know what happens in a couple months
i got a cuzen who says putting a banna peel in with the seed some how will give you a definate female, some shit like that i forget.

Ethylene gas. I tried it and just got moldy seeds. I need to try again.

    • Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.

      • Ethylene is a plant hormone. It has to do with plant germination, fruit growth, and fruit ripening. It is widely used in agriculture to make the fruits sprout quickly, fully, and uniformly.
try to scrutinize them more, i believe in this mehod tho for real. i bet i could pick 10 female seeds only out of a thousand.

to all those that are questioning whether sex is determined b4 or after germ, its predetermined. there are variations since plant chromosomes dont work the same way as humans ones. there are in betweens, that can express traits from the opposite sex only.(males that act female, females that act males, male hermies, female heries, non flowering plants, ect) has a lot to do with genetics and chance.
Well interesting information, where did you get it?

environmental factors play a lot into the fact of whether a plant is female or not you can begin influencing your plant's sex the
moment the seedling has three pairs of true leaves(cotyledons don't count!) ((this is from the Elite Growers Book))(((another thing a lot of you might be wondering why fem. seeds from seed companies don't follow the instructions from the picture that is because they all have hermaphrodite DNA they have lowered chances of hermie thru special breeding but especially all fem. seeds are hermie the better the enviroment the less chance of hermie)))

These factors are:
Humidity: High humidity increases the chances of female plant
development. Low humidity increases male plants. Low grow medium
moisture also increases males. The same is valid for the moistness of the
Temperature: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female
marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
Lighting: More blue spectrum light energy increases the number of
females, whereas red light increases males. Fewer hours of
daylight(about 14) increases the number of female plants. Longer light
exposure(18 hours+) will tend to make more male plants.
Nitrogen: Increasing the level of nitrogen(N) makes more female
plants, lowering creates more males.
Potassium: Lowering levels of potassium(K) encourages the
development of female plants, increasing potassium(K) increases the
male tendencies. (So for the first two weeks a higher level of nitrogen
and a lower level of potassium will encourage female plants to develop.)
Environmental Stress. Any environmental stress will greatly increase
the chancesof male plants growing from your seed.
Colour of Light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from
seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
Hours of Daylight: few hours of daylight(i.e. 14 hours) makes for
more female individuals, a long day(i.e. 18 hours) makes for more male
cannabis plants.
Soaking: Soaking your seed(s) in Gibberellic acid makes it/them more
likely to produce a female plant.
i got it from a book ant it is true but if you read my post before yours it explains how this is possible gentically. all you will be doing is encouraging male hermies and female hermies to show only female traits.
i got it from a book ant it is true but if you read my post before yours it explains how this is possible gentically. all you will be doing is encouraging male hermies and female hermies to show only female traits.

what about plants that show both sexies?? ie, a true hermie?? how can they express both sets of chromosones if they're not already present in the seeds is what i'm asking??
Well interesting information, where did you get it?

I had a thread on RIU titled Make Your Own Feminized Seeds. Not sure if it is archived. Has 80% of the quote info. The more of these steps you take the greater the odds of growing females
I don't understand what you mean? I am just repeating the article from dutch passion. maybe I should put it in a different light. MJ has all sex traits at seed, environment decide what sex it will be. Some speculate MJ chromosomes are XX/X_ with a blank where the Y would go. humans don't have this ability, if your stressed out you don't grow tits lol. proof is in the pudding. more proof is colloidal silver to produce fem seeds.some angiosperms are what is called sequential hermaphrodites. If their sex was set from genetics alone there would be no hermaphrodites. hope that clears it up.

Oh you are referring to the volcano? Unless I need a scope to see it, I can affirm the 15 seeds I have now 3 are fem all from breeders do not have an indentation like the drawing. And the pictures I linked there is no indentation visible.

So how does what you say above resolve this: I used volcano selection, germing 4 of my F 1 cross at the same time. Everything was the same. I wound up with 2 females, one male, and one hermie. Kinda blows that up doesn' it?
what about plants that show both sexies?? ie, a true hermie?? how can they express both sets of chromosones if they're not already present in the seeds is what i'm asking??
thats the point if its a hermie environmental conditions will change the way it expresses itself, so your "female hermis" would show only female traits UNLESS you do something to make it bring out a a male flower, such as stress or a change a in the environment, or simply your conditions are stable enough to keep it from showing hermi traits.

genetics explain environmental influenced gender(or the appearance of such), there was a really good read on this i swear i should be sharing when i find stuff like this ill look around and post the link if i can find it.

has been described as having one of the most complicated mechanisms of sex determination among the dioecious plants.[SUP][66][/SUP] Many models have been proposed to explain sex determination in Cannabis.

Based on studies of sex reversal in hemp, it was first reported by K. Hirata in 1924 that an XY sex-determination system is present.[SUP][64][/SUP] At the time, the XY system was the only known system of sex determination. The X:A systemwas first described in Drosophila spp in 1925.[SUP][67][/SUP] Soon thereafter, Schaffner disputed Hirata's interpretation,[SUP][68][/SUP] and published results from his own studies of sex reversal in hemp, concluding that an X:A system was in use and that furthermore sex was strongly influenced by environmental conditions.[SUP][65][/SUP]
Since then, many different types of sex determination systems have been discovered, particularly in plants.[SUP][59][/SUP] Dioecy is relatively uncommon in the plant kingdom, and a very low percentage of dioecious plant species have been determined to use the XY system. In most cases where the XY system is found it is believed to have evolved recently and independently.[SUP][69][/SUP]
Since the 1920s, a number of sex determination models have been proposed for Cannabis. Ainsworth describes sex determination in the genus as using "an X/autosome dosage type".[SUP][59]

The question of whether heteromorphic sex chromosomes are indeed present is most conveniently answered if such chromosomes were clearly visible in a karyotype. Cannabis was one of the first plant species to be karyotyped; however, this was in a period when karyotype preparation was primitive by modern standards (see History of Cytogenetics). Heteromorphic sex chromosomes were reported to occur in staminate individuals of dioecious "Kentucky" hemp, but were not found in pistillate individuals of the same variety. Dioecious "Kentucky" hemp was assumed to use an XY mechanism. Heterosomes were not observed in analyzed individuals of monoecious "Kentucky" hemp, nor in an unidentified German cultivar. These varieties were assumed to have sex chromosome composition XX.[SUP][70][/SUP] According to other researchers, no modern karyotype of Cannabis had been published as of 1996.[SUP][71][/SUP] Proponents of the XY system state that Y chromosome is slightly larger than the X, but difficult to differentiate cytologically.[SUP][72][/SUP]
More recently, Sakamoto and various co-authors[SUP][73][/SUP][SUP][74][/SUP] have used RAPD to isolate several genetic marker sequences that they name Male-Associated DNA in Cannabis (MADC), and which they interpret as indirect evidence of a male chromosome. Several other research groups have reported identification of male-associated markers using RAPD andAFLP.[SUP][75][/SUP][SUP][76][/SUP][SUP][77][/SUP] Ainsworth commented on these findings, stating,
"It is not surprising that male-associated markers are relatively abundant. In dioecious plants where sex chromosomes have not been identified, markers for maleness indicate either the presence of sex chromosomes which have not been distinguished by cytological methods or that the marker is tightly linked to a gene involved in sex determination.[SUP][59][/SUP] "
Environmental sex determination is known to occur in a variety of species.[SUP][78][/SUP] Many researchers have suggested that sex in Cannabis is determined or strongly influenced by environmental factors.[SUP][65][/SUP] Ainsworth reviews that treatment with auxin and ethylene have feminizing effects, and that treatment with cytokinins andgibberellins have masculinizing effects.[SUP][59][/SUP] It has been reported that sex can be reversed in Cannabis using chemical treatment.[SUP][79][/SUP] A PCR-based method for the detection of female-associated DNA polymorphisms by genotyping has been developed.[SUP][80][/SUP]
environmental factors play a lot into the fact of whether a plant is female or not you can begin influencing your plant's sex the
moment the seedling has three pairs of true leaves(cotyledons don't count!) ((this is from the Elite Growers Book))(((another thing a lot of you might be wondering why fem. seeds from seed companies don't follow the instructions from the picture that is because they all have hermaphrodite DNA they have lowered chances of hermie thru special breeding but especially all fem. seeds are hermie the better the enviroment the less chance of hermie)))

These factors are:
Humidity: High humidity increases the chances of female plant
development. Low humidity increases male plants. Low grow medium
moisture also increases males. The same is valid for the moistness of the
Temperature: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female
marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
Lighting: More blue spectrum light energy increases the number of
females, whereas red light increases males. Fewer hours of
daylight(about 14) increases the number of female plants. Longer light
exposure(18 hours+) will tend to make more male plants.
Nitrogen: Increasing the level of nitrogen(N) makes more female
plants, lowering creates more males.
Potassium: Lowering levels of potassium(K) encourages the
development of female plants, increasing potassium(K) increases the
male tendencies. (So for the first two weeks a higher level of nitrogen
and a lower level of potassium will encourage female plants to develop.)
Environmental Stress. Any environmental stress will greatly increase
the chancesof male plants growing from your seed.
Colour of Light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from
seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
Hours of Daylight: few hours of daylight(i.e. 14 hours) makes for
more female individuals, a long day(i.e. 18 hours) makes for more male
cannabis plants.
Soaking: Soaking your seed(s) in Gibberellic acid makes it/them more
likely to produce a female plant.

i had 3 plants, all in the same soil, same pots, same place. Low humidity 20/4 lighting the light fell on them once and burn them up quite bad, 2 were female, so if environmental stresses affect if the plant will be male or female should 3 plants with the same conditions all have the same sex? i think the sex of the plant is determined during germination and truly is random
I believe that you can't control sex, but you might be able to effect it, but if what some of what was said here is true my last few harvests were all male plants, and I was delusional and smoking pollen sacs, which is a heap of bull