Telling the sex of a seed just buy looking at the seed* Pictures*

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
O.k so i ran into a very very old c.d with some stuff saved on it from overgrow...
Im finding shit that says seeded weed is more potent then no seeds, all kinds of crazy shit.
Hey you never know maybe the book needs to be rewritten lol
Here's just a taste..View attachment 2023264
i believe in it. others will tell you its bullshit. go buy some mids and try it yourself. this is how i got my first harvest i looked so hard for that doc. about 4 years now it seems to be popping up everywhere. and i have heard that seeded weed can be more potent but sounds like bullshit to me( i dont know mother mj lookin out for her babys maybe?)
i think i should also mention when i did this i was quit the pothead and had been collecting seeds for a long time no particular seeds just seeds from weed i liked. but it was like 10,000 seeds i went and bought a magnifying glass and began to go thru them i was super meticulous i had this image in my head of a concave volcano with no ripples around the edge/base, and the base had to be very round. i picked 8 seeds over the course of several hours and grew all 8 (i had alot of practice germinating). i have found that a glass of water and a warm window sill will always give you 100% i even trust my barneys farm seeds to this method. all where female no hermies or nothing and back then i was doing some crazy shit with the light cycles i was always experimenting and not always for the best.
it's quite old that doc, saw that floating about a good 10-15 yrs ago, don't quote me but i'm sure it was from some journal back in the 70/80s, maybe someone can track down it's origination.
Man, that is a very interesting picture you posted there. That changes everything, I am going to thoroughly examine some of my seeds and put it to the test this outdoor growing year. If I could separate male seeds from female seeds I would be one happy man.:bigjoint:
I can't find any up to date info on this topic , why was it laid to rest if it had any substance , i have a pretty extensive library to search but it's looking like a lonely article with no substance , i hope it isn't as i find this interesting ,
anyone have anything else ??
I got three fems and none of them have any indentations one even has a protrusion all are nice size and color
if this were true at all, i would guess it would be common knowledge. even though i think its a wonderful fairy tale, im going to try it anyway.

There are a number of things that are true about growing that are as far from being; "common knowledge" as you are from galactic central point. Much of what is considered to be "common knowledge" about growing is opinion and belief built on speculation and assumption.

The seed indentation thing has been known about for a good while by many people, but it has never been accurate enough to really rely on.
Interesting. I just checked ~ 50 random seeds from various genetics (none feminized). Seems impossible that I would have 90%+ females. So???????
i think were to dependend on new ways, scoping our trichromes like fanatics. some old schoolers say if it looks ripe it looks ripe chop her down, ever watch strain hunters some of the best growers in the world live like cave men in the mountains lol. and that todays weed is way more potent then grandpas weed is all bullshit, even marijuana man says it, in his uvb video.. DJ shorts won the high times cup before hes from Detroit, and some of his genetics to this day is from some bag seed he bought in the D" in his younger yrs. nothen wrong with looken back to the hippie days for some knowledge..
my cousin said he can tell female seeds, I though he was full of shit untill I had him pick me 3 out for me. All 3 female, maybe it was luck IDK
i got a cuzen who says putting a banna peel in with the seed some how will give you a definate female, some shit like that i forget.
maybe the seed companies are in on it for ca$h lol. You know how clones lose vigour after a while.. Shantibaba says put the plant outside in the spring sunshine, and it will gain all its vigour back. You can hurt the seed companies if your smart enough
I believe sex is determined after germination. There are a few environmental factors that can influence sex from what I've read, like Nitrogen, heat and other stuff.