True HP Aero For 2011

Well, credit due where it's due... If you think it's ass kissing, then so be it. People learn more by being open minded and humble. If you already think you know it all and everything you do is perfect, then there isn't much room for growth- is there? I'm just getting into this hpa stuff, I know I have things I have mastered, I usually master everything I work on eventually if I keep at it long enough, and try to follow others who know more than me on the subject until then. I like helping others along the way, because I have learned alot by sharing my info, and getting feedback and additional info from all of you guys. In the end, make no mistake, the design of my HPA is based off of tree farmer's posts. Atomizer directly helped me more than anyone private message wise so far, so I'd kiss his ass too I suppose. ;) I consider it having respect though.

Ok call it 'respect',.. it needs to be spewed almost every post tb?.. You parrot a lot, and you push shopping lists a lot. They put that icon on here for a reason i supposed, and it fit IMO. Now,.. tell me how that makes me any here less to learn? Get the fuck over yourselves kids. Mike your roots kick ass, with that much room and spacing it should, absolutely. Go you. I'm not going to apologize for questioning what anyone thinks they already know. In the end ill just have been here asking questions and learning like all of you.
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]It's tbs thread get lost if you don't like how the guy operates its KIDS like yourself that come in with a Shity attitude and ruin it for people who aprreciate this thread. Please stop with the nonsense it's issues like this that tf will stop posting! [/FONT]
Mike- really proud of those roots for you man... Dickhead, awesome man, glad to hear you've done good with your bodybuilding, and I know eventually you'll get your aero just right, that's why it's nonsense when you said you might give up.

DIYer, just chill out, we all have our opinions here, and if they're not nice, then why not keep them to ourselves. If by parroting you mean that I repeat information, then guilty as charged. How else are we gonna spread info. The thing is, I try to be as careful as I can before I repeat information that I might not know firsthand myself, because that is one of the worst problems with these threads with people repeating misinfo. As for pushing shopping lists? You said you wanted to get full HPA roots, and there is no way in my mind you'll get them without buying something more than what you have. HPA is not for people trying to grow as cheap as possible. Anyway, enough about all of this. The one thing I hate most is squabbling in the thread. So all I ask is everyone stick to the topic at hand. When trolls come by they get ignored. I'm not calling you a troll btw, just saying one sided arguements don't last very long. I'm sure there are alot of people who don't agree with me or this thread, but lucky for them they don't have to read or post here. I am always up for an intellectual debate, and I am sure that I have alot to learn still. Information is much easier exchanged without a side if BS though.

I've had alot of famous people come into my work, and I'm not the type to get star-struck. But I've read a whole lot of threads on aero, and I am actually a little giddy when tree farmer stops by because I have alot of respect for him and he doesn't post alot anymore. Imagine reading alot of books that you really liked and learned alot from, and then you have a chance to have an exchange with the author... Youd take the time to thank them too- Is that so weird?
Is it the Lucas formula your refering to tb?

No, dickhead, somewhere canna stats has a nice nute calculator... You can break down the independent elements in your nutes and play around with the mix in the spreadsheet, so you can try to come up with just the right blend. I'm not a big fan of lucas. It grows plants, and is easy for people- but in the end I don't think it's all that people make it. Plus, it's designed for recirculating nutes anyway.
Ok call it 'respect',.. it needs to be spewed almost every post tb?.. You parrot a lot, and you push shopping lists a lot. They put that icon on here for a reason i supposed, and it fit IMO. Now,.. tell me how that makes me any here less to learn? Get the fuck over yourselves kids. Mike your roots kick ass, with that much room and spacing it should, absolutely. Go you. I'm not going to apologize for questioning what anyone thinks they already know. In the end ill just have been here asking questions and learning like all of you.

I think I understand where you're coming from. If I didn't receive the help I did from tree farmer, I might think trichy's level of respect for him was.... abundant, maybe. But I also think his intentions are pretty noble. He's a better man than me, in that he will always make a point to give credit to the OGs that've paved the way for us. I'll be completely honest, it's my intention to try & exceed that which has been done before me, and what's being done now. I chub up a bit at the thought of having some of the healthiest roots/plants on the planet. And I expect others to do the same, as it really pushes the limits of what's possible. I am competitive, what can I say? At the same time, I try to help people to the best of my ability. It's an open forum and I guess that means anything goes. Perhaps we could all benefit from trying to excercise a little more patience...
Yeah, I agree with you too mike, and as all our experience and knowledge becomes cumulative, we have a good shot to make some interesting advancements. I am a firm believer that all there is to learn about growing and or aero has not been learned. But first, it made most sense to me to emulate others who are getting some of the best results, and once I conquer that, then I can try to put my own twist on things.

Really? abundant? now I'm getting a complex... lol
Well, something that's always stuck in my mind is Atomizer telling me about a certain person who became an aero expert overnight after spending some time with him and tf... And then he took over the thread... -A- wasn't very happy about it- I could tell. So I always wanted to be extra careful to not inadvertently do the same thing.
Not to change the subject, but what do y'all think about this whacky idea? A female plant develops trichs to catch male pollen. the reason buds now get so swollen, is because we've isolated males, and the female plant is basically frustrated & swells up to try & increase the chance of getting lucky. Plants are actually smarter than most people give them credit for. What if we could keep a male near-by, and keep the pollen from escaping with silk screen or something? Would it be a tease to the female, & would her raandiness result in better yeild?
Not to change the subject, but what do y'all think about this whacky idea? A female plant develops trichs to catch male pollen. the reason buds now get so swollen, is because we've isolated males, and the female plant is basically frustrated & swells up to try & increase the chance of getting lucky. Plants are actually smarter than most people give them credit for. What if we could keep a male near-by, and keep the pollen from escaping with silk screen or something? Would it be a tease to the female, & would her raandiness result in better yeild?

Oh really? I never knew that was what trichs were for. I thought they were for protection against bugs and sunlight, but never thought too much about it. To be honest, it seems like mj is the most horny plant there is... :o I dunno Mike, you'd probably have to create those conditions over a few generations for any appreciable change if it were to make a difference anyway. The best thing you can do, is by constantly selecting the frostiest phenos and rebreeding them in a selective process. I think I've also read that the trichs are not necessarily indicative of thc content either, but they sure have curb appeal! I have to think waay back, but I think I;ve also read that stronger UV exposire increases trich production, which is what led me to believe they were a sort of sunblock. I wonder if a black light in the mix would help things, but I think others have tried this and it's wife's tale that it would make a difference. Again, unsure of all of this, it just seems like something I've read.
didn't you just say you dont spread misinformation?.. and now you're talking black light hippie wives tales.. lol
...and,.. didnt you just say you quote,.. i mean kiss, only the growers with the best ass,.. yet you link to a guy with 1 post.. i know you said take it with a grain of salt, but come on,.. he says its got to be indica to get max trixs,.. lol,.. i got a sativa he needs to smoke.

if silk screen was actually a good enough cock block to stop all the pollen from getting the the bitches, and since we don't need seeds it better be, how are ladies gonna know stoner dudes even in town?
Previous photo taken 1/21.

New photo: It is growing fast. Alas, probably a male, but I have others in the bubbler. Mist cycle 1:5-6.5. Just increased this morning to 2: the Sentinel MDT-1 is not accurate at 1 second setting. Experiencing a bit of spittle after the cycle, though it does not spray.

Root shot was taken right after a mist cycle, so there are some droplets.

Previous photo taken 1/21.

New photo: It is growing fast. Alas, probably a male, but I have others in the bubbler. Mist cycle 1:5-6.5. Just increased this morning to 2: the Sentinel MDT-1 is not accurate at 1 second setting. Experiencing a bit of spittle after the cycle, though it does not spray.

Root shot was taken right after a mist cycle, so there are some droplets.

View attachment 2022225View attachment 2022226

Congrats PF... Thats the best looking plant you've posted in a while. It seems all the little details you've addressed recently are gonna make a good difference!
Not to change the subject, but what do y'all think about this whacky idea? A female plant develops trichs to catch male pollen. the reason buds now get so swollen, is because we've isolated males, and the female plant is basically frustrated & swells up to try & increase the chance of getting lucky. Plants are actually smarter than most people give them credit for. What if we could keep a male near-by, and keep the pollen from escaping with silk screen or something? Would it be a tease to the female, & would her raandiness result in better yeild?

thats an idea! you wont know till you try!

Oh really? I never knew that was what trichs were for. I thought they were for protection against bugs and sunlight, but never thought too much about it. To be honest, it seems like mj is the most horny plant there is... :o I dunno Mike, you'd probably have to create those conditions over a few generations for any appreciable change if it were to make a difference anyway. The best thing you can do, is by constantly selecting the frostiest phenos and rebreeding them in a selective process. I think I've also read that the trichs are not necessarily indicative of thc content either, but they sure have curb appeal! I have to think waay back, but I think I;ve also read that stronger UV exposire increases trich production, which is what led me to believe they were a sort of sunblock. I wonder if a black light in the mix would help things, but I think others have tried this and it's wife's tale that it would make a difference. Again, unsure of all of this, it just seems like something I've read.

im currently doing a growers feed back program for the solar storm led light which has 2 uvb bulbs buil in that they reccomend swithching on the last 3 weeks of flowering. Im about 2-3 weeks away from flowering now. I have a bio terra plus and full canna line in a 10 gallon airpot that is thriving under this light. be interesting to see how it does in flowering. I also have 1 of the only full white spectrum leds in a grwers feed back next to that is also kicking ass in veg. cant wait to flower with them.
and on the light subject Id be willing to bet TF manipulates his light cycles while there flowering to be able to pull 2-3 lbs per 1000!
Yarrow is suppose to increases essential oil content... and This Other Site says Germain Chamomile does it when grown in the company of herbs and oil producing plants. Not sure if works in aero, or only soil, but if you could grow anything from your current runoff, and what light is hitting the floor, can't fucking hurt.

Good link, I have been playing around with planting marigolds and garlic in my organic veggie garden for the help they bring. I am curious if chamomile can help, would be worth trying I suppose- if nothing else you'll have some nice relaxing tea... ;)
and on the light subject Id be willing to bet TF manipulates his light cycles while there flowering to be able to pull 2-3 lbs per 1000!

Maybe, but I think it is because he is able to provide optimal condtions with his aero being dialed in, nutes and everything. When you finally get it right, it seems all the trouble and expense of going all the way with HPA could be made up for in the extra yeilds of your first good grow. I don't know anyone else who currently has as nice of roots, or as good of performance per watt. It's a good inspiration to know that these results are possible for us if we keep working towards it. Alot of growers consider 1gram/watt the target to shoot for if you have everything perfect, while tree farmer would be scratching his head wondering what went wrong with these numbers!

My chamber is nearly done being retrofitted with the foam application. It really looks ugly as crap inside, the outside hasnt been compromised except for a few ripples due to overexpansion luckily. Hope I will fill the inside with so many roots that it will camoflauge the ugly foam so I can take some nice pics ;). I have a feeling however, that this thing is going to perform like a giant 5 day igloo ice chest, and that's what I was hoping for. Atomizer once told me a possibility for a root chamber would be one of those freezers with the door on the top. It's well insulated and you could retrofit the thermostat with a different refrigerator model that would control it in the 60 degee tamp range. Not really worth buying a new one for the job, but if you have an older one sitting around, or can find one on craigslist for 50 bucks, wouldn't be a bad idea to try.