400w Querkle Grow


Active Member
Thanks bro. It's only my third grow, so I've still got a lot to learn myself. But if there's anything I can help with I will.

Let me know if you start a journal, or feel free to post some pics here.


Well-Known Member
hi pyste have bein following along im harvesting my chesse tomoro let them run close in ten weeks and time to chop all lokks good sorry i have no shots,
yours look good bro very well done. i saw u tried a water cure and im thinking about doin a water cure also.any tips for me man.
keep up good work


Active Member
Hey trek, that's great news, congratulations!

I have a thread about my water cure on another site. I've been avoiding linking to that site because I hear people are getting banned for linking there. I don't get why that's happening, but if I'm not around anymore after this post you'll know why and can find me on the other site if need be.


Regarding harvest timing, you may also find this interesting:


Well-Known Member
I hope my querkle is authentic. Its taking forever to veg but it is the bushiest plant ever- closest ive had to indica


Active Member
Sorry for not keeping up to date on the journal. I've been very sick for the last few weeks and have been in and out of the ER and going to doctors appointments and doing lab work almost every day.
I've been unable to keep a close eye on the plants and it takes all my energy for the day just to water them when they need it. Luckily this is a very hardy strain and I don't seem to have experienced any issues. The plants are still nice and green with very little yellowing and a decent amount of purple on both phenos. I've been keeping them on 1tsp/gal 20-20-20 along with some cal-mag. I would have preferred to use 10-30-20 towards the end but I just can't keep a close enough eye on them to make sure there aren't any problems, so 20-20-20 is just a safer bet. I was able to check trichomes the other day and I'd say I'm about a week from harvest at the most. Unfortunately I also broke my camera so I don't have any pics to share. I may take some cell phone pics at harvest but my cell camera is total crap so no promises.

I hope my querkle is authentic. Its taking forever to veg but it is the bushiest plant ever- closest ive had to indica
Definitely sounds like querkle to me. Clones seem to veg a bit quicker than seedlings from what I've experienced, but it does really take off in flower (and gets even bushier). The one I'm vegging right now has been topped twice so far and it's bushing out very very thick. We'll see what happens in flower but so far I prefer this over just topping once at 2-4 nodes.


Active Member
^Very nice!

Today is 66 days 12/12 and they're looking about ready for harvest, so I'll probably be chopping em in the next couple days.
According to the UPS tracking I should also be getting my new camera tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to post up some harvest pics.


Active Member
Yeah both phenos purpled up pretty good. I didn't intentionally lower the temp, but since it's winter the temps are down a bit. Lights on is probably 75-80F about a foot under the HPS and at night it's about 60F in there. I've heard that around a 20F difference between day and night temps brings on the purple better than dropping both the day and night temps. No idea if that's true though.

Harvesting today so I'll hopefully have pics posted today or tomorrow.


Do they nugs seem pretty dense? the sample i got that came from my clone looked rock hard on the plant but then ended up being a litte airy and not as full as i thought it would be


Active Member
Just got done chopping up the first plant. The colas and nugs on the tips of each branch feel very dense but below that is mostly popcorn... probably cause it's so damn bushy that not much light penetrated past the canopy. I could have cut the colas and top nugs and let the rest keep going for a bit, but I like making butter so I don't mind some popcorn.


hell butter sounds good. even though i have never had a good edible. how much do you think you got off your plant?


Active Member
The secret to a good edible is a shit load of very dry weed chopped up very very fine (coffee grinder works great). I use 1oz trim/popcorn or 1/2oz buds to each stick of butter.

Usually I estimate dry weight by wet weight, but I'm trying something new and doing the initial drying with the leaves still on. I don't have enough harvests to be good at estimating just by looking at it. I want to believe there's about 5oz per plant but all the leaf could be making it look like more than it is. I'd be pretty happy with 4oz per plant but will be disappointed if it turns out to be less than that.


Active Member
Yep. But as long as you don't starve (flush) plants at the end, the nitrogen in the leaves starts the cure while still drying via alcohol ferment. Since I'm making medicine and not a commercial product I don't mind spending more time on it.