I just called you out about your misinformed, debate assumption that its only college stoners, who attend and cheer for "ronald the millionaire"? Also your pretty misinformed about how states give out the delegates to gop candidates, saying you can't win without florida. I'll back up what someone said in response to you (I can't find the thread..

) The states that moved their nominations up early, are penalised and lose half the delegates, so where florida was worth 99.. its worth.. 50 now.. (I think). So.. your historically right about no gop candidate winning without florida, but this time around you could be wrong as its affect now is more about media hype, and throwing the candidates who aren't worth anything to the side. The deciders are super tuesday with I think 400+ delegates up for grabs, Texas 150 & California 170.
So I'm sure you'd agree with where I'm coming from in calling you misinformed.