Another Gop Debate

The irony is you have no idea what irony means, and instead of responding like a logical human being you sink to condescending words (like a bitch), because your faced with hard facts that you can't refute or call me up on. I reiterate You.. are.. an I-D-I-O-T.

i'm better at trolling than you're.
He also wants farmers sent to factories in space to produce food. Newt's handlers are losing control of him. He can never keep that fucking ego in check. In case any of you are wondering, Newt has mental health issues. Just wait. He is going to unleash a hate campaign like nothing you've ever seen. It's coming.

That I'd like to see, TBH The only reason newt is still in the race, is because some people are just anti-mormon. He is just... soo bad.. And people who say oh, they're just voting for him cause of his tough stance against terrorists (Everyone who isn't america mind you). But truly their just bigots, but what can you do, I'm still divided whether a newt pres would be better then obama.
I bet you are :).

I'm merely making the assumption on previous posts, of your obvious distaste for Congressman Paul and your lack of knowledge about the entire election process.

the dislike of ronald the millionaire is there, i wouldn't call myself lacking in knowledge about the election process.
I'm not a big fan of Obama but Newt Gingrich is a slimy piece of shit and Mormons are completely insane. Newt Gingrich is a hypocritical, fucktard who sings the praises of family life while being a debaucherous waste of skin and Mitt Romney succumbed to a religion that was founded by a fraud who believes Indians were Israelite.

Mormon cartoon:
the dislike of ronald the millionaire is there, i wouldn't call myself lacking in knowledge about the election process.

I just called you out about your misinformed, debate assumption that its only college stoners, who attend and cheer for "ronald the millionaire"? Also your pretty misinformed about how states give out the delegates to gop candidates, saying you can't win without florida. I'll back up what someone said in response to you (I can't find the thread.. :() The states that moved their nominations up early, are penalised and lose half the delegates, so where florida was worth 99.. its worth.. 50 now.. (I think). So.. your historically right about no gop candidate winning without florida, but this time around you could be wrong as its affect now is more about media hype, and throwing the candidates who aren't worth anything to the side. The deciders are super tuesday with I think 400+ delegates up for grabs, Texas 150 & California 170.

So I'm sure you'd agree with where I'm coming from in calling you misinformed.
I just called you out about your misinformed, debate assumption that its only college stoners, who attend and cheer for "ronald the millionaire"? Also your pretty misinformed about how states give out the delegates to gop candidates, saying you can't win without florida. I'll back up what someone said in response to you (I can't find the thread.. :() The states that moved their nominations up early, are penalised and lose half the delegates, so where florida was worth 99.. its worth.. 50 now.. (I think). So.. your historically right about no gop candidate winning without florida, but this time around you could be wrong as its affect now is more about media hype, and throwing the candidates who aren't worth anything to the side. The deciders are super tuesday with I think 400+ delegates up for grabs, Texas 150 & California 170.

So I'm sure you'd agree with where I'm coming from in calling you misinformed.

if you find that thread, you'll find that i claim that you can't win a general without florida, and i assert that ron paul can't win florida in a general based on his israel/iran views.

i had no idea hat historically the winner of the nomination has taken florida, that is interesting.
I'm not a big fan of Obama but Newt Gingrich is a slimy piece of shit and Mormons are completely insane. Newt Gingrich is a hypocritical, fucktard who sings the praises of family life while being a debaucherous waste of skin and Mitt Romney succumbed to a religion that was founded by a fraud who believes Indians were Israelite.

Mormon cartoon:

Before I start I'll say I'm an anglican. I work sundays, so I can't get to church that much, the wife goes with the kids, but I'm there for religious holidays or trade shifts. I'll agree that the mormon religion.. is just... well the south park episode speaks for itself. But I have to say, people who identify with the mormon religion are just like super nice people. Seriously, I have maybe 3 mormon families in our suburb, and all 3 of them are a part of the community (by that I mean active community, not just neighbours who you say hi to and only see when theyre going to work or working on their lawn), they'll respect your right to not be mormon and won't push their religion on you. I'm not saying you should like them, I'm just saying my personal experience with mormons, so I don't have a problem with a mormon president.
Before I start I'll say I'm an anglican. I work sundays, so I can't get to church that much, the wife goes with the kids, but I'm there for religious holidays or trade shifts. I'll agree that the mormon religion.. is just... well the south park episode speaks for itself. But I have to say, people who identify with the mormon religion are just like super nice people. Seriously, I have maybe 3 mormon families in our suburb, and all 3 of them are a part of the community (by that I mean active community, not just neighbours who you say hi to and only see when theyre going to work or working on their lawn), they'll respect your right to not be mormon and won't push their religion on you. I'm not saying you should like them, I'm just saying my personal experience with mormons, so I don't have a problem with a mormon president.

that has been my experience as well. such nice people and i would not hold someone's religion against them in seeking the presidency.
if you find that thread, you'll find that i claim that you can't win a general without florida, and i assert that ron paul can't win florida in a general based on his israel/iran views.

i had no idea hat historically the winner of the nomination has taken florida, that is interesting.

Ah, the thread was about the gop nomination, so you'd understand my confusion. Its the second biggest take all state, so you would see why historically the winner of florida would go on to win the nomination. I'll agree with you kind of about his israel iran views. Israel doesn't want US support, but the average american just sees it as the only free democratic state in the middle east. Which is fine, but people will argue that islamic culture and values are incompatible with a true democracy, so there's no point in the US forcing themselves on the middle east to make them democratic, even if its supposedly democratic it isn't we saw the arab spring which is true democracy of what the people wanted, but now we just see a much bigger islamist goverments rising up. (Sorry droned on), but his real objective is to build a movement that will long outlast him and his campaign, and make the average american aware of whats really happening. The effect of our support, and our pressure on other independent nations.

He is the modern barry goldwater, The man credited with building the movement that brought reagan into power :). So if ron paul loses the nomination, his existence and message will no doubt, ensure us a man (or woman) on either side of the spectrum that will bring personal liberty back to this great country of ours.
I've had a Mormon solicitor offer to help me clean my yard after telling them I'm a practicing Satanist (I'm not). Being nice doesn't make you any less of a crazy person. We certainty don't need that kind of nonsensical indoctrination in the White House. I'd vote for Ron Paul before I vote for any of these other swine.
I've had a Mormon solicitor offer to help me clean my yard after telling them I'm a practicing Satanist (I'm not). Being nice doesn't make you any less of a crazy person. We certainty don't need that kind of nonsensical indoctrination in the White House. I'd vote for Ron Paul before I vote for any of these other swine.

Thats hilarious :) Good call on the satanist play. I believe their own religion shouldn't dictate what to do, what they do is whats best for the country, and the only text they should follow in regards to our country is the Constitution. Like how ron paul says, he is a practising Anglican, but he states his religion shouldn't matter when it comes to running the country. And I think he has it right. He doesn't tout his religion like some people do, and base his decisions on that. He said he is pro-life and is against abortion, but has also firmly stood behind the belief it is not his decision to make, and wouldn't illegalise abortion, but work on the morals of people, and let them know that abortion is wrong and life is a life.
That was quite fun last night, had a bunch of bubble and my old school Graffix bong to keep me company for the debate.

Newts handlers must now understand why his previous staff all resigned. First he tries to be and constantly mentions Regan, then this brilliant idea of a colony on the moon and JFK.

Lol it isn't easy to make Romney look good right now, but Newt pulled it off.

Ann Coulter was right
(ron paul) is the modern barry goldwater, The man credited with building the movement that brought reagan into power :). So if ron paul loses the nomination, his existence and message will no doubt, ensure us a man (or woman) on either side of the spectrum that will bring personal liberty back to this great country of ours.

i hope that personal liberty is all that ronald re-introduces to the GOP. i would prefer a gary johnson instead, a true social liberal with proven executive experience, but that is just me preaching to the quire.
i hope that personal liberty is all that ronald re-introduces to the GOP. i would prefer a gary johnson instead, a true social liberal with proven executive experience, but that is just me preaching to the quire.

I din't share your fear of Ron Paul and I don't understand the implication that Ron Paul is a "SoCon", but I actually agree with your point about Gary Johnson, I would prefer his as well. I think GJ would make a terrific president.