Another Gop Debate


Well-Known Member
alright people. stay strong, we can get through this.

they are gonna let the crowd cheer tonight, so get ready to hear a bunch of naive college stoners having orgasms every time ronald the millionaire speaks.
oh, and the supposed blackout that was supposed to happen on candidates whose names don't rhyme with schmon gaul is not happening. just checked
Politics is like driving, it's R to go backwards and D to go forward.

Backwards to lower deficits, lower spending, less regulation, lower taxes...

Yep, seems like the right direction to me when forward is a cliff...
Yes because less regulation AND lower taxes have worked so well for us up to this point. /sarcasm

hey, if we go back far enough we can get rid of civil rights legislation AND women's suffrage!

don't forget about higher rates of poverty among our senior citizens.

yes sir, the "good old" days.
actually, taxes go up as you go backwards for the last 65+ years. :dunce:

Depends on if you are talking tax rates, relative taxes, etc.

Sales tax wasnt 7-10%, property taxes were nowhere near what they are today... Taxes do not just = federal taxes.
hey, if we go back far enough we can get rid of civil rights legislation AND women's suffrage!

don't forget about higher rates of poverty among our senior citizens.

yes sir, the "good old" days.

People like you want to go just a bit farther back until we get rid of the constitution...
Depends on if you are talking tax rates, relative taxes, etc.

Sales tax wasnt 7-10%, property taxes were nowhere near what they are today... Taxes do not just = federal taxes.

no sales tax where i live.

and in your filthy shit hole of a state, sales taxes would go down only because the conservative governor raised them on you via a voter initiative.


People like you want to go just a bit farther back until we get rid of the constitution...

try again.

if you can find where i said i'd like to go back, i will send you a free ounce and suck your tiny, flaccid pecker.

as a progressive, i prefer to go forward.
Nope, I want more freedom for all Americans, not less freedom.

You must be high...

best way to do that is to go backwards.

because nothing says freedom like being able to own a man, or denying your wife the right to vote, or telling a soldier they can't serve their nation because they stick their pecker in places you might not.
best way to do that is to go backwards.

because nothing says freedom like being able to own a man, or denying your wife the right to vote, or telling a soldier they can't serve their nation because they stick their pecker in places you might not.


I never said any of those things.

Hey, I have an idea, why dont you try to win a regular debate rather than try to make up things I said so you can win.

I never said any of those things.

Hey, I have an idea, why dont you try to win a regular debate rather than try to make up things I said so you can win.

where did i say that you said those things?

all i did was humorously contrapose your positions of (1) wanting more freedom and (2) wanting to go backwards.

the two are incompatible. i was unaware we were even debating anything, i am just fucking around.

are you trying to "win" something?
where did i say that you said those things?

all i did was humorously contrapose your positions of (1) wanting more freedom and (2) wanting to go backwards.

the two are incompatible. i was unaware we were even debating anything, i am just fucking around.

are you trying to "win" something?

I say I want to go backwards in terms of taxes and somehow you make it out into the fact that I also want to go backwards into slavery...

The two really dont coincide in any way.

Lets add to the fact that I am Irish and my ancestors were still over in Ireland eating potatoes when America had slaves. We didnt get here till after all of that bullshit. Sooo, if you could leave me out of your racist slavery bullshit it would be appreciated... TIA!!

Added so you dont scream deflection.

I am not trying to win anything. Thus I am not creating strawman arguments like you are. You fail to see the difference. I cannot help you with that.