If you have a baby, and kinda don't want it...


Well-Known Member
Where are you supposed to sell it?

Do people really put ads out in the newspaper like Juno?
Or is there some kind of agency? Is orphanages the only way?
Or how does it work?
you can swap him for an ipod nano.

Some Asian hospitals are paid good money by couples who cant have there own baby ,but also dont want to adopt so they pay money and the baby appears to be legititamately theirs all of a sudden as if by magic (money).
Its not so rare for mothers to be told their baby died,if they ask to see there dead child they are shown a dead baby that is kept for many to be told it is theirs...
Its a sick world...why im up my hill........B.
Some Asian hospitals are paid good money by couples who cant have there own baby ,but also dont want to adopt so they pay money and the baby appears to be legititamately theirs all of a sudden as if by magic (money).
Its not so rare for mothers to be told their baby died,if they ask to see there dead child they are shown a dead baby that is kept for many to be told it is theirs...
Its a sick world...why im up my hill........B.
That's crazy.
They just dump them off at the firehouse or emergency room in Detroit, no questions asked.... aslong as it's in like the 1St 30date...crazy shit. But it's better than a dumpster I guess.
Well when ever i have a baby that I don't want anymore, i normally sell that thing on craigslist

No I'm just kidding, but in all seriousness I think you contact an adoption agency, and any one who wants a baby contacts them, and the agency relays them to you etc
They just dump them off at the firehouse or emergency room in Detroit, no questions asked.... aslong as it's in like the 1St 30date...crazy shit. But it's better than a dumpster I guess.

That's how its done around here cuz people are forever throwing babies in dumpsters. Everytime it happens the news says to take it to a fire house PR something no questions asked. One lady went as far as to put her baby in the oven. Wtf is wrong with people. If you don't want a baby stop fucking you damn whores.
its extremely shading to sell your kid. something has to be very wrong with you. like zero compassion or empathy. and I know people are raped and blah blah blah but thats what abortions are for. and thats a shitty alternative too.
Back when eBay was still a bit like the Wild West, there were some grin-inducing auctions. One fellow placed an entire second grade class from China up for bid. The picture showed a cute twentyish teacher ... she was optional, with a surcharge.
its extremely shading to sell your kid. something has to be very wrong with you. like zero compassion or empathy. and I know people are raped and blah blah blah but thats what abortions are for. and thats a shitty alternative too.

That's what I'm saying.

If you sold your kid would ANYONE not:
1.Freak out for the rest of their lives, about having sold a baby.
2.Freak out about who the baby may have been sold to.
3.Want to SEE their BABY.

What if a fuckin Asian sex slave trade gang gets a hold of that baby in the end?
I could never sell a baby.
There was a story a few month ago a lady at wallmart mis carried in the bathroom there and left the unborn fetus in the shitter :(
Baby swap meet at Slauson's

[video=youtube;wXPQ5gxnVio]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXPQ5gxnVio&search=to live and die in l.a[/video]
give th child to a couple who wants one. the world is too horrid to bring a child into it. sorry for the negativity.

I don't really have a baby that I want to get rid of.

I'm just asking how people go about finding a couple that will take their baby.
That just seems sketchy to me.