Well-Known Member
So giving your life for family doesn't countyeah but that's normal family shit. i mean for people who aren't relatives. anyone would do that for their family.

Not anyone would do it for their family, their dad isn't

And I was the CollieMan in my old neighborhood.
I saved everyone so much money, I was waaaayyy cheaper than everyone else, and the only one willing to drive far so everyone could have good shit, and smoke them out all day if they bought.
I got bad ass clones for a friend here, and I didn't get paid, or ask for smoke in the end or nothing.
He's gonna have some bad ass medicine soon, WAYY more than me, because he has better lights, and buckets, and fans. And the actual plant was on me

When I moved into my friends house in California, they were all tweaked out all the time, and not doing shit.
Their lawn was crazy, to the point of HOA letters.
I was the one that mowed the lawn when their mom was in tears, because they were being so lazy.
I did all their lawn work the whole time I was their, and I'm pretty sure they were charging me more than 1/3 rent, and their were 3 of us.
And I was the only one to EVER vacuum that house.
You don't know who I am.
I handle my shit, and other people's when I need to.

You do you.
I know who the fuck I am