Is this Section all about Pushing your Beliefs on others?


Well-Known Member
Whether you are Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, whatever. Every thread is like this...

"This is true, so you all should accept it and what you think is true is wrong and dumb and I will make a million threads about it."


"You are wrong and stupid and an idiot"

I thought the cannabis community was suppose to work together and fight the real stupid laws on cannabis and its misunderstandings? Not endless bickering that goes nowhere and blaming people about shit they never did.

If someone believes in whatever, no one from rollitup is really going to give them a life changing moment(haha like this thread ;) )
for me, its about trying to help people understand that beliefs are not true, nor are they real. they are merely thoughts, merely ideas meant to be shared to give each-other a sense of comfort in a existence without any true meaning. in an existence without certainty, without absolutes.
Whether you are Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, whatever. Every thread is like this...

"This is true, so you all should accept it and what you think is true is wrong and dumb and I will make a million threads about it."


"You are wrong and stupid and an idiot"

I thought the cannabis community was suppose to work together and fight the real stupid laws on cannabis and its misunderstandings? Not endless bickering that goes nowhere and blaming people about shit they never did.

If someone believes in whatever, no one from rollitup is really going to give them a life changing moment(haha like this thread ;) )

Religious people tend to ignore truths. You can't be mad because they are pointed out to you and offend your beliefs. Religion will never be proven to be true, it hasn't in thousands of years and it never will because it is a blatant lie. You are a victim of brainwashing and believe it or not, it affects others in a VERY negative way, so don't ask others to kindly shut up about it! If you think you're right, PROVE it! The burden of proof is on those who make claims, not the ones who don't believe them.
Religious people tend to ignore truths. You can't be mad because they are pointed out to you and offend your beliefs. Religion will never be proven to be true, it hasn't in thousands of years and it never will because it is a blatant lie. You are a victim of brainwashing and believe it or not, it affects others in a VERY negative way, so don't ask others to kindly shut up about it! If you think you're right, PROVE it! The burden of proof is on those who make claims, not the ones who don't believe them.

Prove to me how humans were created, go head prove it
Prove to me how humans were created, go head prove it

We know how evolution works, pick up a book.


When you don't know the answer to something you don't simply make something up like "Oh, God did it" When a LOGICAL person does not understand something they simply settle with not understanding it, oh well! We aren't entitled to knowing everything, and we might never.
VILEPLUME: did you read what category you are posting in?

Maybe Galileo should have kept his tthoughts to himself because it would hurt the church's feelings and beliefs.
Holy Cow! I can only comment on what I see. Forget the religion aspect, I see a bunch of angry people. Why are you so angry? Because you want to believe that life has a purpose and a meaning. But, you are not 'stopping to smell the roses'. You are wasting your time trying to prove that there is no higher power guiding your path. And maybe there isn't. But, for all your arguing and 'superior intellect' what do you gain?

I am not a religious person myself. Not into ceremonies and altars etc. I have faith that there is a reason for our lives. What the reason is I don't know. But, life without a purpose is worthless and wasted.
Whether you are Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, whatever. Every thread is like this...

"This is true, so you all should accept it and what you think is true is wrong and dumb and I will make a million threads about it."


"You are wrong and stupid and an idiot"

I thought the cannabis community was suppose to work together and fight the real stupid laws on cannabis and its misunderstandings? Not endless bickering that goes nowhere and blaming people about shit they never did.

If someone believes in whatever, no one from rollitup is really going to give them a life changing moment(haha like this thread ;) )

Whatever our philosophical, epistemological or religious differences on this subforum may be, I'm sure we all endorse the decriminalization of weed. Granted, there is a lot of pointless bickering and name calling, but there is some really worthwhile, eye-opening debates that go on here, and I have learned a lot from reading and participating in them. I've also seen people's attitudes mature over time and if their views weren't changed outright, they at least have learned to apply critical thinking toward their own beliefs and better debating skills. S&S&P is like Idol, if you tune in on the wrong night (which is most nights) you'll wonder, 'what the fuck is the point of this show?' ;)
Holy Cow! I can only comment on what I see. Forget the religion aspect, I see a bunch of angry people. Why are you so angry? Because you want to believe that life has a purpose and a meaning. But, you are not 'stopping to smell the roses'. You are wasting your time trying to prove that there is no higher power guiding your path. And maybe there isn't. But, for all your arguing and 'superior intellect' what do you gain?

I am not a religious person myself. Not into ceremonies and altars etc. I have faith that there is a reason for our lives. What the reason is I don't know. But, life without a purpose is worthless and wasted.

I agree that life without a purpose is worthless and wasted, but I don't use faith to give my life purpose. There is real freedom in not having an ascribed purpose for one's life, my purpose in this life is not determined by anyone but me. Maybe it's because I have a problem with external authority, but I just wouldn't like the fact that I am just a pawn or player in something someone else wrote. I like to write, direct and star in my movie...
It is such a fallacy to think life has to have a purpose. Think about it, why does it have to have a purpose? To make you feel better? Look how small .
It is such a fallacy to think life has to have a purpose. Think about it, why does it have to have a purpose? To make you feel better? Look how small .

Have fun with it, that's all that matters. Do good things, be good to people, make something of yourself and have a positive impact on the world. You will feel good about it and have a healthy life. You can do this without believing there's a god or worry about what happens. If there's something more you will find out when you die, if not... it just ends and you can't complain when you're dead.

You can think of it this way. There may be no God, but for you to be here at all, to experience consciousness and everything that comes with it may be astronomically small. To me, that puts a fairly high value on life, higher than I could ever put on it had I believed some God created us for his own little human simulation game.
It is such a fallacy to think life has to have a purpose. Think about it, why does it have to have a purpose? To make you feel better? Look how small .

The universe is unmeasurable. Therefore it stands to reason that there is no known center of the universe. Ergo, we are all the center of the universe to ourselves.

This has been said many millions of times there is no proof of any reason for our existence. At times I think it may even be arguable that we even exist at all. But evolution, creationism, evacuation from another planet billions of eons ago...all are just theories.

My faith in the God of my understanding helps me to focus on being the best me I can be. Wether that has any meaning or purpose is debatable. But if I am wrong in believing what have I really lost...nothing.
I think this is where many of us skeptics and believers differ. Believers see an unfathomably large and complex universe and say, "It is so incomprehensible that a God must be behind it all." Skeptic says, "the universe is so big and complex, let me explore it to discover how it works."
Bkbbudz: you are so wrong. The universe is most definitely measurable. Read Brain Greene's book "The Hidden Reality"
But evolution, creationism, evacuation from another planet billions of eons ago...all are just theories.
Are you under the illusion that all three of these are equally likely? Evolution actually has evidence. Don't think for a second that it is merely some whimsical thought experiment, life evolves, we know this, it can be demonstrated. Evolution does not pretend to give an answer to how life got here in the first place, in spite of what you might be told by the fundies.
Are you under the illusion that was the point of my post? I don't care to debate your beliefs or disbeliefs nor mine. The point was that we are all individuals with the right to think, feel, and believe what we wish too. If you want to believe your life is pointless and meaningless. That is your perogative. I choose to enjoy the time given to me and help others do the same.
Are you under the illusion that was the point of my post? I don't care to debate your beliefs or disbeliefs nor mine. The point was that we are all individuals with the right to think, feel, and believe what we wish too. If you want to believe your life is pointless and meaningless. That is your perogative. I choose to enjoy the time given to me and help others do the same.
I'm not discussing a belief either. Just pointing out that lumping science in with fantasy and calling them all 'just theories' makes you sound pretty stupid.
I'm not discussing a belief either. Just pointing out that lumping science in with fantasy and calling them all 'just theories' makes you sound pretty stupid.

Picking pieces out of a post and judging them in an effort to invoke an argument and be insulting is pretty ignorant as well my friend.
I think this is where many of us skeptics and believers differ. Believers see an unfathomably large and complex universe and say, "It is so incomprehensible that a God must be behind it all." Skeptic says, "the universe is so big and complex, let me explore it to discover how it works."
I think that's too much of a general statement. A believer can say "the universe is so complex that a god must have created it. But why did he make it? And how did he make it"? Which makes them curious and learn more about the universe.

Then a skeptic could say "the universe is so big and complex, but it's too much to learn so I'm gonna rip my loving bong". See, you kinda stereotyped believers AND skeptics.