

Well-Known Member
So my little brothers are watching "Finding Bigfoot"...

And my guess is, that when they find this "Big-Foot" (Based on the "Things it does") I think they are just going to find a hobo, with a bottle, or crack pipe in his hand. Running around with no clothes on, breaking branches, making footprints, and howling like a lunatic.

It'll be a GREAT episode.
I can't wait :D :D

And the fat long haired stoner dude on the show, thinks EVERYTHING is Bigfoot, and talks like he sees them do things all the time, and just knows what they do :lol: :lol: LOL

One guy just used the phrase "Swanky Pad". :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol:
Bigfoot is nothing more than those that live off the grid, it's a necessity to grow back hair in the wild to keep warm
Bigfoot is nothing more than those that live off the grid, it's a necessity to grow back hair in the wild to keep warm
But haven't they been around for longer than it has been weird to see super hairy men?

its about time you show some love to the big hairy guy lol
I was never hatin.
But they did need a thread.I just

I'm watching Colbert, and they just mentioned "finding Bigfoot" While I was typing the first part of this...
Finding Bigfoot is the first show that has ever generated the urge to punch the cast in the throat. Everything is a "squatch" to them. It is the most biased unprofessional group I've ever seen. Except for the female investigator. She tries her best to debunk but the men just run rough shod over her. I quit watching it last season. I was starting to fantasize about throwing them off a cliff.
Finding Bigfoot is the first show that has ever generated the urge to punch the cast in the throat. Everything is a "squatch" to them. It is the most biased unprofessional group I've ever seen. Except for the female investigator. She tries her best to debunk but the men just run rough shod over her. I quit watching it last season. I was starting to fantasize about throwing them off a cliff.

The stoner dudes ideas, and opinions are definitely seeming to get more credit, and air time on the show than the girls.
And she's the only REAL scientist.

They had a bigfoot meeting in some town...
And they were like...
Here's this guy (not stoner dude) he's a ...
Here's this girl, she's a biologist.
And here's stoner dude. He's just a general "Friend of BigFoot".

I bet they were hunting for bigfoot, and stumbled on him.
And asked him to join the team. :D :D :D
maybe the "Dog Whisperer" can call his cousin, the "Yeti Whisperer," to aid them. some tweeker in Oregon would have sold a Sasquatch for dope money by now, if they were real.
i gave up on bigfoot when those two idiot hicks in georgia staged that hoax as a commercial for their towing company a few years all remember? when it was on fox news that one had been found? like an idiot, i gathered my girlfriend and her kids around the set to be like "look! hes real!"....and then they showed it...i have yet to live it down, and everytime a commercial for finding bigfoot comes on and that fat pudgy dude is like "bigfoot is here, this stuff wouldnt happen if he wasnt" i just hang my head in shame.
Seriously though this legend has been around for thousands of years in native american history and stranger things have happened,Just last year a new species of gorilla was found by some researchers tracking a legend,it took them 1 year in the jungle to get just a couple pictures of it so it can happen.
Bobo definitely burns though,probably uses the bigfoot story as a ruse to keep people away from his outdoor patch...
Its my mission to smoke a doobie with the Sasquatch.

There are supposedly a race of like 4 foot, Bipedal monkeys in Africa. The African's see them all the time, but I'm not sure we've got one yet.
They come out to smoke tobacco, and to see fire.
I bet you could get one to take a tobacco/weed mix from you.
Seriously though this legend has been around for thousands of years in native american history and stranger things have happened,Just last year a new species of gorilla was found by some researchers tracking a legend,it took them 1 year in the jungle to get just a couple pictures of it so it can happen.
Bobo definitely burns though,probably uses the bigfoot story as a ruse to keep people away from his outdoor patch...

The Native American's had legends of "Windigos"
They were people that ate human flesh, went crazy, ran off to live in the woods, and became like wolfmen.
theres not enuf evidence to say it exsists, but theres way to much to just say it doesnt. theres some witnesess that are pretty reliable IMHO
Even if you didnt before, these idiots surely do make you appreciate the beef jerky commercials. hehehe.Ima keep wathcing just in case they manage to trip over one whilst running amok in the woods. Maybe their illustrious leader will manage to get mollested by a less than fully mentally developed member of their race.... or anything else for that matter.
Even if you didnt before, these idiots surely do make you appreciate the beef jerky commercials. hehehe.Ima keep wathcing just in case they manage to trip over one whilst running amok in the woods. Maybe their illustrious leader will manage to get mollested by a less than fully mentally developed member of their race.... or anything else for that matter.

If they actually find one, I would be really surprised.

I bet my kid brothers could come up with better animal trapping tactics.