Greenhouse or ploebarn?


Well-Known Member
So I currently run 32 lights, I get 1.6 gpw but it’s probably because I work solo, it’s a full time job then some, even with some automation. I could do a better job staying on top of things . Although I keep my lights at 75% week 1-3 and 9-10. I know I can get 2 per light if I wasn’t complacent from time to time and had my brothers help. However I do have help trimming at a difficult location which is an another expense. However I’m trying the t6 dry tumbler next run. I hope it retains the bag appeal. Time will tell. Anyways, i’ll get to the point I’m rambling lol...

Long story short it’s a headache. I want to expand and get everything in one location. So once the snow melts I’m going to buy another property with at least 20 acres and gas well. Now initially my thought was the put up a 40 x 80 pole barn and have two 32kw rooms in it.

But the more and more I think about this the more I’m tempted to try a greenhouse. I’m just imagining a life of smaller electric bills, no costly bulbs to replace and so on. Not to mention Rockwool expenses. I want to lower my overhead costs and become more eco friendly.

So I was thinking about the greenhouse idea. It would be nice to have something full functioning year around, a high-end 40x80 or so greenhouse with drop clothes, minisplits, quest dewies and some supplemental lighting. The works. Although, I would still have the pole barn for my veg and dry room, possibly for winter months or r&d. I dunno for sure yet.

Now with all this being said I don’t know much about greenhouses. However I’m an engineer graduate and I do all my electric, hvac and so on... also tackling this won’t be a problem. I’m very confident in my ability. I worked for several years in automation machinery on the ground floor, taking away Americans jobs. Shame on me. I know. Anyways,....

I have also used soil, coco/perlite, Rockwool mediums and dwc, dtw drip and ebb n flow methods. I understand that I would have to transition back from Rockwool to a coco mix and larger plants.
Im currently running 20 per light in Rockwool. I was thinking that I would be doing much larger plants in 5 gal pots. As my count limit is maxed out at 1500.

Also I’m assuming that Having a greenhouse that is completely sealed with co2, minisplits w/ heat pumps and quest dewies is only going to drop my electric bill by 60% or so depending on the climate at the time of the year. But it’ll give me twice the square footage and more intense lighting and spectrum variation, this leading to 100%~150% increase in yield I’m assuming. I hate to assume lol.

Also at this point I would be fine with just doing One or two grows a year. If the yield is on point. Thus providing more time for me to spend with my family and our newest addition. Maybe even build an actual farm. With some animals, that will be exicuted if they eat my dank lol...

Now my question is for you guys out there Who have had both indoor grows and greenhouses....

What else comes in to play with transitioning to a greenhouse from indoors?

My Main concerns are...

IPM programs? Security? Winter months?

Nitrogen inert gas infused packaging lol...

Besides that, is it really the way to go?

A high end greenhouse all geared out vs a normal greenhouse...? I love what I do and I wouldn’t trade it for the world but at the end of the day Yield is king. I would like to retire in 5 years tbh.

I believe in the long term it definitely is the way to go n grow. But I’d like some reassurance before I blow my life savings on this... maybe I’m just having second thoughts. But there’s no risk without reward.

I bought my first light 4 years ago and have given my entire life to this dream. I feel like I’m almost there. Just one more year of hard work and a few more years of operational intergration with my eldest son and brother. If that’s what my son wants....

I also have an interview for a consulting position with excellent pay, but tbh I’d hate to go back to a 9-5, ecspecially after coming this far. I’m not interested tbh. I Should probably call and cancel it LOL...

So any input would be greatly appreciated from you guys, ecspecially the professionals with the experience to tell me what it truly is.
So if you can comment on your opinion it would be greatly appreciated.

Until next time....

Peace, love and respect guys
