Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

What I really don't get is how a isolationist wants all of these diplomatic solutions? Also what happens if heaven forbid war does come? I'm a vet as well as Mr Paul, and I know fighting is hell, but in this world, not having a game plan will hurt us badly. I'm not being argumentative I just don't understand that part of his policy.

He's not an isolationist.

He's all for free trade.
When did Russia fight Afganistan?

Let me quote from ... *cough* wiki for ya...

Hmm... War with Russia over 1989.... Foundation of Taliban 1991... Unless we used a TIME MACHINE we simply could not have funded the taliban (which didnt exist) in the war in Afganistan against Russia.

I know that facts are inconvenient when you are bowing to your master. You know... Ron Paul could actually be WRONG about what he said. Shocking I know. He isnt a deity he is an 80 year old white scarecrow in a big suit.

"In the power vacuum left by the USSR's departure, Afghanistan was torn apart by civil war between rival factions of the Mujahadeen. The atrocities and constant fighting between the Mujahadeen warlords left the people of Afghanistan totally war-weary. It was in this context that the Taliban came to power."
"In the power vacuum left by the USSR's departure, Afghanistan was torn apart by civil war between rival factions of the Mujahadeen. The atrocities and constant fighting between the Mujahadeen warlords left the people of Afghanistan totally war-weary. It was in this context that the Taliban came to power."

IN 1991!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you keep repeating the facts do you think that they will somehow change? That mysteriously the taliban will suddenly be formed 2 decades prior when Russia was actually fighting Afganistan?
It is just a random militia one of many that formed in the war torn country, made up of the same people who fought the soviet union, supplied by America. It is not so separate from that like they are a separate people, as if they migrated to the area or were birthed in it is is the same people created from the war. Technically and Formally sure, but practically no, they are the same warriors who fought the soviet union.

Further their whole ideal has to do with exactly that, driving foreigners from the land. This doesn't keeep them in power so they crave it...It is their purpose. The author uses conjecture to connect dots that shouldn't be connected moreso then Ron Paul, the very theorizing he is railing against I see him as even more guilty.
It is just a random militia one of many that formed in the war torn country, made up of the same people who fought the soviet union, supplied by America. It is not so separate from that like they are a separate people, as if they migrated to the area or were birthed in it is is the same people created from the war. Technically and Formally sure, but practically no, they are the same warriors who fought the soviet union.

Further their whole ideal has to do with exactly that, driving foreigners from the land. This doesn't keeep them in power so they crave it...It is their purpose. The author uses conjecture to connect dots that shouldn't be connected moreso then Ron Paul, the very theorizing he is railing against I see him as even more guilty.

Of course you do because anything that doesnt comport with your ideals of Ron Paul being the 2nd coming of the 1st congress must be a lie or untrue.

I think that is what some people find irritating with your whole RP campaign. You refuse to accept your candidate has any weaknesses or problems whatsoever.

Both Romney and Newt come with baggage and things I dont like about them and I can admit it.
Ron Paul is not without his problems , he is old and a shitty speaker, because he doesn't use teleprompters he isn't that great with propganda, he says whats he thinks and not what people want to hear, people who use identity to judge candidates don't like him because he is about philosophy, he is not really taking his run seriously enough trying to do just hope the message spreads...I can go on and go about Ron Paul flaws..

The fact is Ron Paul is not corruptible, he has the most integrity, he is honest and consistent and yes because of this I will defend him against the other corrupt scum fucks to the best of my ability, because they are wrong in being corrupt scum fucks, and picking on loving old men like Ron Paul who is a defender of the Constitution, Civil Liberties, and Humanity. The only one who will end the wars and bring the trrops home and the only one who is talking about the issues and doesn't avoid questions. The only authentic person running in my view. I see all the rest like used car salesman..they speak in vague generalizations that everyone can agree with to pander to voters and have no real plan except to scam us it seems.
Yes he is incorruptible but he sounds like a fringe nut. I was undecided about him until I heard and saw him in the last debate. He has SOME good ideas but he comes across as an incoherent nut job. The other candidates were practically rolling their eyes at him. He really looked ridiculous and that is no way to look if you are running for pres. I think it should be a Romney Gingrich ticket. That would satisfy a lot of the party and give us the best chance of getting rid of that cocksucker in office now. Winning absolutely has to be the goal. Obama is the most corrupt president since Warren G. Harding.
i dont think an intelligent grasp of foreign policy is a requisite for the presidency anymore, look at the last ten years or so under both parties. nowadays, all you gotta do is get people in a huff, enough of a huff to hide the hand that you had in making the problems.
i dont think an intelligent grasp of foreign policy is a requisite for the presidency anymore, look at the last ten years or so under both parties. nowadays, all you gotta do is get people in a huff, enough of a huff to hide the hand that you had in making the problems.

Yes, because we all know the best way to handle incompetence is to reward it...
i dont think an intelligent grasp of foreign policy is a requisite for the presidency anymore, look at the last ten years or so under both parties. nowadays, all you gotta do is get people in a huff, enough of a huff to hide the hand that you had in making the problems.

Yea it goes back to edward bernays theories of manipulation of democracy through public relations and exploiting peoples emotions.

Ron Paul is the best candidate on foreign policy
and he is not an isolationist he is all for free trade and open markets which is one of the things I disagree with him on to some extent.
During the Soviet invasion/occupation of A-stan, we gave weapons, revenue and even training to Osama Bin Laden and his ilk. In Afghanistan at this time, the CIA was working with the Northern Alliance which consisted of mostly Dari but also members of other non-Pastun speaking steppe tribes west of Bagram. When the Soviet withdrew, the Taliban set up shop. The Taliban had major support of Washington and Pakistan and Osama Bin Laden at this time. That is how we helped the Taliban gain power, by giving Afghanis RPGs. That is how we helped the Taliban before it officially existed. If that isn't true, then the crap the army had me study before I served in OEF was lies, which I could accept, but you seem more full of shit so...
During the Soviet invasion/occupation of A-stan, we gave weapons, revenue and even training to Osama Bin Laden and his ilk. In Afghanistan at this time, the CIA was working with the Northern Alliance which consisted of mostly Dari but also members of other non-Pastun speaking steppe tribes west of Bagram. When the Soviet withdrew, the Taliban set up shop. The Taliban had major support of Washington and Pakistan and Osama Bin Laden at this time. That is how we helped the Taliban gain power, by giving Afghanis RPGs. That is how we helped the Taliban before it officially existed. If that isn't true, then the crap the army had me study before I served in OEF was lies, which I could accept, but you seem more full of shit so...
During the Soviet invasion/occupation of A-stan, we gave weapons, revenue and even training to Osama Bin Laden and his ilk. In Afghanistan at this time, the CIA was working with the Northern Alliance which consisted of mostly Dari but also members of other non-Pastun speaking steppe tribes west of Bagram. When the Soviet withdrew, the Taliban set up shop. The Taliban had major support of Washington and Pakistan and Osama Bin Laden at this time. That is how we helped the Taliban gain power, by giving Afghanis RPGs. That is how we helped the Taliban before it officially existed. If that isn't true, then the crap the army had me study before I served in OEF was lies, which I could accept, but you seem more full of shit so...

Apparently you were not listening very closely in class...
Ron Paul's foreign policy: treat our global neighbors with respect. trade with them. follow the golden rule. don't bomb them if they don't bomb us.

Sounds like a great foreign policy to me.
Ron Paul's foreign policy: treat our global neighbors with respect. trade with them. follow the golden rule. don't bomb them if they don't bomb us.

Sounds like a great foreign policy to me.

Remove all sanctions from Iran because they are criminal and let them have a nuclear bomb because they have told us it is a bomb for peaceful use, not war....

True, the Taliban was officially formed in 1994 by an indigenous movement. The same indigenous movement that fought the Marxist government in Kabul from 1979-1988 and continued the fight after soviet withdrawal until they gained power by killing Najibullah. Just because they give themselves a new name in 1994 makes them not the same people??? That is your logic?

If you think the United States and Saudi Arabia didn't directly and indirectly fund the Taliban, so they could become an effective political and military entity in the wake of Soviet withdrawal, then you are blatantly choosing to ignore cold fact.
True, the Taliban was officially formed in 1994 by an indigenous movement. The same indigenous movement that fought the Marxist government in Kabul from 1979-1988 and continued the fight after soviet withdrawal until they gained power by killing Najibullah. Just because they give themselves a new name in 1994 makes them not the same people??? That is your logic?

If you think the United States and Saudi Arabia didn't directly and indirectly fund the Taliban, so they could become an effective political and military entity in the wake of Soviet withdrawal, then you are blatantly choosing to ignore cold fact.

All I am pointing out is that Ron Paul incorrectly attributes us giving aid to an organization that didnt exist at the time.

I have been pretty clear about that.