Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
I never saw this thread haha! I love texas! Fort worth is were its at. Houston was pretty cool went to the rockets game. Remdinded me of LA! Gotta love it! I wanna go back to texas for a week or two just for the food and people haha


Active Member
House Bill 1491 is a Texas bill that was introduced in March of 2011 to legalize medical marijuana in the state of Texas. It was referred to the committee of Public Health for final say. The author of the bill, Rep. Elliot Naishtat is actually the vice chair of this committee. I urge all Texas residents that support legalization to write the members of this committee and tell them why you want medical marijuana legalized. I will remind my friends at RIU that you catch more flies with honey, so while this issue is frustrating I urge you to write them in a civil manner. For your convenience I will attach a link to this committee, all you have to do is click on the representatives picture and then email them.

The Link: http://www.house.state.tx.us/committees/committee/?committee=410&session=82


Well-Known Member
House Bill 1491 is a Texas bill that was introduced in March of 2011 to legalize medical marijuana in the state of Texas. It was referred to the committee of Public Health for final say. The author of the bill, Rep. Elliot Naishtat is actually the vice chair of this committee. I urge all Texas residents that support legalization to write the members of this committee and tell them why you want medical marijuana legalized. I will remind my friends at RIU that you catch more flies with honey, so while this issue is frustrating I urge you to write them in a civil manner. For your convenience I will attach a link to this committee, all you have to do is click on the representatives picture and then email them.

The Link: http://www.house.state.tx.us/committees/committee/?committee=410&session=82
We interrupt this misinformation spam for an important announcement.

This member has been spamming this message throughout these boards.

What he has not mentioned is that HB 1491 is dead. The Regular Session of the 82nd Texas Legislature ended on May 30, 2011. HB 1491 did not get so much as a public hearing throughout the entire Session.

So keep that in mind when you contact your elected official. Because if you ask them to support a dead bill, you will look like a fool.

And you can thank DishonestJim.

That is all.


Well-Known Member
What's up fellow texas folk? I'm itching for spring like a hound with fleas.
I have my plan planned out and getting the ball rolling for some epic lst action.
Hopefully I will stay vigilant to posting this years endeavors.

Anyway, have a groovy type day!


Well-Known Member
What's up fellow texas folk? I'm itching for spring like a hound with fleas.
I have my plan planned out and getting the ball rolling for some epic lst action.
Hopefully I will stay vigilant to posting this years endeavors.

Anyway, have a groovy type day!

I hope it isn't as deadly a Summer this year.Man i was fucking Hot!


Well-Known Member
I hope it isn't as deadly a Summer this year.Man i was fucking Hot!
I think we all hope that! The heat was relentless last summer. I only mowed my yard in April, and again in maybe September? To keep it from the fires that were near. And then again only two days ago. I hope we get a little consistent rain! My veggies are gonna need it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
gonna chop kushberry tomorrow that ive been finishing up outside since the last freeze
i dont think it will freeze again hopefully.. i put some automatics outside that were flowering they will all only yield a few gs a piece
mostly just trying to get them outta the way...but yeah hoping for early spring, gonna start some tomatoes jalapenos bell peppers who knows what else. i did plant some strawberry plants..
this is my first time owning a house so im new to the outdoor and really growing in general
anybody have any tips on varieties that would do well in the heat outside...i hardly post on here cuz the man BE TRIPPIN lol. but ya i moved outta west texas... to central yall be easy im just on this afgooey bored