Is the Romney slander going to affect him in the race?


Well-Known Member
There are 2 new stories against Romney.

First is that he pays about 15% in tax due to the fact that most of his income is from capital gains. Now, the left is trying to make this appear somehow illegal or immoral.

Second, he has bank accounts in the Caymen islands. Again, completely legal but the left is trying to make it sound shady.

With the major class warfare push from the Obama administration do you think the new information is going to damage or possibly even take down the Romney campaign?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
This is all just normal background noise. There will be a steady drumbeat of this until the election as the media does its best to prop up their failed president.

But in the end, the election will be a referendum on Obama because most americans won't let their vote be decided by something as trivial as marijuana.

And wait till you see all that will be dragged out on Obama. We didn't really see it last time because McCain declined to attack Obama. McCain was in it to lose gracefully. Not so Romney. Obama's record is so bad, he can be beaten on that alone, but this time Obama's shady past will become an issue.


Well-Known Member
This is all just normal background noise. There will be a steady drumbeat of this until the election as the media does its best to prop up their failed president.

But in the end, the election will be a referendum on Obama because most americans won't let their vote be decided by something as trivial as marijuana.

And wait till you see all that will be dragged out on Obama. We didn't really see it last time because McCain declined to attack Obama. McCain was in it to lose gracefully. Not so Romney. Obama's record is so bad, he can be beaten on that alone, but this time Obama's shady past will become an issue.
I like it happening now because Gingrich still has a chance. Depending on how Romney stands up on his tax returns, caymen accounts and 15% relative tax rate.

Also, if this stuff gets trooped out now it will have much less impact than near November. Obama is playing a purely political campaign at this point.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
isnt it ALL about winning? the people whom things like taxes and such matter to have already made up their minds about those issues and where our nation needs to go, so i dont think it will amount to shit. he will win the nomination, people will vote and no matter who wins, the business of running and ruining our lives will continue.


New Member
This is really bad stuff and liberals aren't going to buy this. I am sorry you guys have to face the facts it is a blue nation and republicans can't win on their own...even then only 25% of republicans ever vote for Romney....a man who represents everything liberals despise. The man is the posterchild of everything OWS is protesting against and he doesn't stand a chance against Obama in the general.


Well-Known Member
This is really bad stuff and liberals aren't going to buy this. I am sorry you guys have to face the facts it is a blue nation and most people don't hate obama enough to vote for Romney....a man who represents everything liberals despise.
Liberals dont decide elections, independents do.

And if you dont have a job right now, 4 more years of Obama isnt looking to bright.


New Member
Liberals dont decide elections, independents do.

And if you dont have a job right now, 4 more years of Obama isnt looking to bright.
Indepents aren't voting for Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney gets 25% of republican votes on average...Liberals count also....Why wouldn't they count? When they vote for Obama that is a negative when it comes to beating Obama.


Well-Known Member
Indepents aren't voting for Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney gets 25% of republican votes on average...Liberals count also....Why wouldn't they count? When they vote for Obama that is a negative when it comes to beating Obama.
Yes, the liberals will vote for Obama like last time.

How much of the liberal vote is RP getting? It should be 0 if they are honest about their platform.


New Member
Over 50% of youth vote has been for Ron Paul, Over 50% of indepent votes, not sure about liberals but probably over 50%


Well-Known Member
Well, the whiteys got rid of the black man who was a threat, now they'll rid themselves of Gingrich and Bachman, Santorum is next to go, then it's the others, but Romney is the one who will win because he's just another stiff shirt that the Republicans know will toe the line. As for Paul, he's that crazy ol coot that's just around for the laughs. Politics is a shitty game. No one person is perfect or incorruptible. Look at all those Mormon commercials, that's put out there to get us to accept Romney. As for Yobama, if he gets in a second term, it'll be pork chop night every night. Dynomite!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Indepents aren't voting for Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney gets 25% of republican votes on average...Liberals count also....Why wouldn't they count? When they vote for Obama that is a negative when it comes to beating Obama.
With all due respect, you have your head up your ass. People who self-describe as conservative outnumber two to one those who self describe as liberal.

And now liberalism, in the guise of Obama, has failed miserably. Anyone can see Obama is just a stuffed shirt who has no idea how to govern. Obama had his chance and blew it. Democrats should get serious and give Hillary a chance to win.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
The only reason obama got elected in the first place was because his predecessor had things so fucked up the republicans needed someone to help shoulder the blame for the next four years. It should be obvious that elections can be stolen (bush 2000/bush 2004) The thing that bothers me the most about america in general is that no one seems to remember all of the lies and the way bush threw money out the window for 8 years. What happened to the budget surpluses of the 90's? Bush's futile efforts to pursue the famous weapons of mass destruction saw to it that this surplus and much more money was funneled into the pockets of his big business friends in the form of defense contracts and inflated fuel costs. Lets also delve briefly into the bank bailout just days before his leaving office good ol 'W hands out almost a trillion dollars to his buddies. Shady? I think so. Then just months later when GM needed money to keep the doors open (millions not trillions) it was a great big deal. Don't even get me started on 9/11 Did you know that there is not one photo of the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon? Not one Photo or video hitting one of the the largest military installations in the world. But THESE republicans are different right? Right, give me a break Republicans are not now or ever were for the middle class which I assume most of us fall into the category of middle class. At least the things Obama has tried to do were for our benefit. Like it or not the national health care system would be a tremendous boon for the majority of americans. Those who do not want it, well go buy your own insurance then. As far as his spending trying to "rebuild America" Most of the structures I have seen that were rebuilt with the American Recovery Act money were in dire need of work. In fact I was fortunate enough to gain employment on a few of these projects. As far as americans being out of work now being obamas fault. What a joke, employment was steadily dropping throughout bushs' time in office but now its a big issue? The fact is our economy is slowly recovering Christmas spending was up150% this year from last and locally most of the factories are hiring albeit at a wage lower than I am willing to accept. I do not mean to come across as a pro Obama flaming liberal by no means is this true. I simply see what has happened over the past decade and it makes me sick to think that americans are so short sighted that they forget about the past and only focus on the present. We will never get out of this mess until our House and Senate get off their collective asses and start doing something. This will not happen this year however do to the upcoming election. I'm sure we will see a year of useless tv ads and no decision making in our govt.
End Rant


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, you have your head up your ass. People who self-describe as conservative outnumber two to one those who self describe as liberal.

And now liberalism, in the guise of Obama, has failed miserably. Anyone can see Obama is just a stuffed shirt who has no idea how to govern. Obama had his chance and blew it. Democrats should get serious and give Hillary a chance to win.
More neocon self delusion. I bet you blame Obama for all these problems dubya caused and give credit to Dubya for Osama's death too. You know what, your ignorance has just helped me make up my mind, screw Rawn Pawl, I'm voting for the black guy. You think this country would not have crumbled to shit if the 10% of households who had no money during the recession would have had absolutely nothing to get by? Look what austerity did to Greece. You seriously willing to vote for Romney == who is clearly a corporate politician who changed his policies and party loyalty and will change them again as soon as he is in office == just to beat a black guy? That is blind hate buddy.

Romney would be a liberal too, if the banks hadn't bought him off.