Is the Romney slander going to affect him in the race?


Well-Known Member
The only reason obama got elected in the first place was because his predecessor had things so fucked up the republicans needed someone to help shoulder the blame for the next four years. It should be obvious that elections can be stolen (bush 2000/bush 2004) The thing that bothers me the most about america in general is that no one seems to remember all of the lies and the way bush threw money out the window for 8 years. What happened to the budget surpluses of the 90's? Bush's futile efforts to pursue the famous weapons of mass destruction saw to it that this surplus and much more money was funneled into the pockets of his big business friends in the form of defense contracts and inflated fuel costs. Lets also delve briefly into the bank bailout just days before his leaving office good ol 'W hands out almost a trillion dollars to his buddies. Shady? I think so. Then just months later when GM needed money to keep the doors open (millions not trillions) it was a great big deal. Don't even get me started on 9/11 Did you know that there is not one photo of the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon? Not one Photo or video hitting one of the the largest military installations in the world. But THESE republicans are different right? Right, give me a break Republicans are not now or ever were for the middle class which I assume most of us fall into the category of middle class. At least the things Obama has tried to do were for our benefit. Like it or not the national health care system would be a tremendous boon for the majority of americans. Those who do not want it, well go buy your own insurance then. As far as his spending trying to "rebuild America" Most of the structures I have seen that were rebuilt with the American Recovery Act money were in dire need of work. In fact I was fortunate enough to gain employment on a few of these projects. As far as americans being out of work now being obamas fault. What a joke, employment was steadily dropping throughout bushs' time in office but now its a big issue? The fact is our economy is slowly recovering Christmas spending was up150% this year from last and locally most of the factories are hiring albeit at a wage lower than I am willing to accept. I do not mean to come across as a pro Obama flaming liberal by no means is this true. I simply see what has happened over the past decade and it makes me sick to think that americans are so short sighted that they forget about the past and only focus on the present. We will never get out of this mess until our House and Senate get off their collective asses and start doing something. This will not happen this year however do to the upcoming election. I'm sure we will see a year of useless tv ads and no decision making in our govt.
End Rant
Repukes try to forget Bush...saying "LALALALALALALALALA" whilst sticking fingers in both ears... Now they give us Newt, Romney, Santorum, ...I would say Ron Paul but the GOP completly ignores him...yup Obama 2012

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Its interesting to hear you talk about slander while you have a thread where in the title you call ron paul clueless.


Well-Known Member
I like it happening now because Gingrich still has a chance. Depending on how Romney stands up on his tax returns, caymen accounts and 15% relative tax rate.

Also, if this stuff gets trooped out now it will have much less impact than near November. Obama is playing a purely political campaign at this point.
The reason the left is on Romney's tax rate now as opposed to later is because Obama benefits from a long primary. If Gingrich wins in South Carolina, how much longer does this primary campaign last? It's a good strategy: Egg 'em on, and let them eat each other.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The reason the left is on Romney's tax rate now as opposed to later is because Obama benefits from a long primary. If Gingrich wins in South Carolina, how much longer does this primary campaign last? It's a good strategy: Egg 'em on, and let them eat each other.
Wait until the Nightline interview tonight. It's going to be ugly. Newt is already doing damage control.


Well-Known Member
There are 2 new stories against Romney.

First is that he pays about 15% in tax due to the fact that most of his income is from capital gains. Now, the left is trying to make this appear somehow illegal or immoral.

Second, he has bank accounts in the Caymen islands. Again, completely legal but the left is trying to make it sound shady.

With the major class warfare push from the Obama administration do you think the new information is going to damage or possibly even take down the Romney campaign?

I don't believe that either of these things will hurt Romney's campaign. He hasn't had a "job" so he's only paid 15% capital gains tax. I don't see how that's unfair and neither do most American's. If I have 75,000,000 and I take a RISK to invest that money and I actually come out ahead, I pay 15%. If you go to work and you are don't risk your money and are guaranteed a paycheck you pay closer to 30%. If you invest your money wisely and you make gains over the course of the year, you pay 15% on that money too. It's not a shocking revelation that's going to change the minds of most Americans.

He has bank accounts what? Nobody has proven that this money is tax sheltered, it's obviously out in the open. I keep gold bars under my bed, what difference does it make where I keep my money?

The people that are going to vote for a guy like Romney don't care about either of those things. They realize that the in order for people to prosper the nation must prosper. They are people who want a military designed to kill, not provide humanitarian aid. They want a country with a leader that wants shrink the size and scope of the federal gov't. They are people that are tired of having discussions to raise the debt ceiling, but no solutions for how to cut spending and reduce the size of the federal gov't to something manageable. The people that will vote for coservatives aren't the weak individuals on the left, it's the strong on the right that understand what has made this country great in past and what it will take to make it great once again.

Yes, Clinton had a surplus, but the house was all RED and DEMANDED it. He didn't want to cut spending. He didn't want to run in the black for the only time in life, it was because the real conservatives of that time (including Newt) knew it was the best way for a country to run. I know that most of the people on here weren't around during that time, but it was strong conservative leadership that lead to sound fiscal policy.

"W" wasn't a conservative. He was RINO and a sell out. He did a great deal of damage to this country, to the republican party and to the entire belief that empowering the individual and limiting centralized gov't is the only way to strengthen our country. The young generation now thinks that W is what a republicn is. They think that electing a conservative means electing a crony-capitalist like George W. and it's just not true.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I like it happening now because Gingrich still has a chance. Depending on how Romney stands up on his tax returns, caymen accounts and 15% relative tax rate.

Also, if this stuff gets trooped out now it will have much less impact than near November. Obama is playing a purely political campaign at this point.
Gingrich has no chance of winning and with good reason. He is, literally, a despicable human being. He is glib, I will give him that, but would you want your daughter in the same room with him?


Well-Known Member
Wait until the Nightline interview tonight. It's going to be ugly. Newt is already doing damage control.
I heard somewhere that they might not air the interview until later though... So they are for sure releasing it then? Sweet.


Well-Known Member
Gingrich has no chance of winning and with good reason. He is, literally, a despicable human being. He is glib, I will give him that, but would you want your daughter in the same room with him?
I don't see any reason you could make this claim? Has he ever attacked anyone's daughter? He had an affair and married his mistress. Gee only person in history to ever marry the wrong woman the first go 'round. Some people sure to pick their candidates based on the wrong topics.


Active Member
watch ''LOOSE CHANGE'' 911 was an inside job, FUCK BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only reason obama got elected in the first place was because his predecessor had things so fucked up the republicans needed someone to help shoulder the blame for the next four years. It should be obvious that elections can be stolen (bush 2000/bush 2004) The thing that bothers me the most about america in general is that no one seems to remember all of the lies and the way bush threw money out the window for 8 years. What happened to the budget surpluses of the 90's? Bush's futile efforts to pursue the famous weapons of mass destruction saw to it that this surplus and much more money was funneled into the pockets of his big business friends in the form of defense contracts and inflated fuel costs. Lets also delve briefly into the bank bailout just days before his leaving office good ol 'W hands out almost a trillion dollars to his buddies. Shady? I think so. Then just months later when GM needed money to keep the doors open (millions not trillions) it was a great big deal. Don't even get me started on 9/11 Did you know that there is not one photo of the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon? Not one Photo or video hitting one of the the largest military installations in the world. But THESE republicans are different right? Right, give me a break Republicans are not now or ever were for the middle class which I assume most of us fall into the category of middle class. At least the things Obama has tried to do were for our benefit. Like it or not the national health care system would be a tremendous boon for the majority of americans. Those who do not want it, well go buy your own insurance then. As far as his spending trying to "rebuild America" Most of the structures I have seen that were rebuilt with the American Recovery Act money were in dire need of work. In fact I was fortunate enough to gain employment on a few of these projects. As far as americans being out of work now being obamas fault. What a joke, employment was steadily dropping throughout bushs' time in office but now its a big issue? The fact is our economy is slowly recovering Christmas spending was up150% this year from last and locally most of the factories are hiring albeit at a wage lower than I am willing to accept. I do not mean to come across as a pro Obama flaming liberal by no means is this true. I simply see what has happened over the past decade and it makes me sick to think that americans are so short sighted that they forget about the past and only focus on the present. We will never get out of this mess until our House and Senate get off their collective asses and start doing something. This will not happen this year however do to the upcoming election. I'm sure we will see a year of useless tv ads and no decision making in our govt.
End Rant