True HP Aero For 2011

Hey Trichy, how's that pressure switch holdin up that you use? I need to get one, and am not all that thrilled about the square D price tag. Is it adjustable?

The aquatec pressure switch I have has performed well so far, a PSW280/PSW380 can be had for under $20, is adjustable from 70-100PSI cut-in pressure, have a fixed 20PSI deadband and they already have the JG fittings built in.

I can't remember the name of it, but there is a certain type of self propelled booster that runs off an impeller, its supposed to really increase efficiancy, and is cheap, and uses no electricity. Oh yes, a permeate pump check it out man, way cheaper/easier ;)

Permeate pumps are cheaper and easier but they are noisier too, mine thumps noticeably when the tank is filling, there are also mounting restrictions because they are powered by the pressure from the waste water stream.
Petflora's hard dick- quite the visual... lol

Alright, so I have to ask. Petflora, you've stated in 2 different forums I've read that you are a stay at home mom. So which is it? Hard dick, or juicy vagina, lol? Not that it matters a whole bunch, but I feel people would actually let up on ya a little bit if they thought you were a lady...

On another note... R0m, I already purchased the pressure switch that TB uses as well as a new guage. Mine has started taking in water (not fluid filled) but now resembles a fluid filled, lol. I just hope it holds up until friday. Thanks for the suggestion. I nearly had a catastrophic event take place the other day when my shitty spring timer I use to fill my accumulator failed in the on position. Good thing i never really trusted that bastard to begin with, as I came out to my tank @ 125 psi. That's 25 psi higher than it's stamped as being "tested" and I nearly shit my pants. No worries, just a minor shit streak. Cleaned up easy, lol.
By 'stay at home mom" all I meant is that I work from home, and so can check on my plants (children) throughout the day.

No worries. I can take a jab as well as anyone, especially here where we are all so dialed in to HPA/AAA... a little levity is a welcome break.

  • By 'stay at home mom" all I meant is that I work from home, and so can check on my plants (children) throughout the day. child molester (pothead)

  • By 'stay at home mom" all I meant is that I work from home, and so can check on my plants (children) throughout the day. child molester (pothead)

Yeah, and he makes his kids turn trichs after he sprays his nutes on them all day- dirty Petflora... dirty... :D
It could be worse-
at least he waits till they have hairs before he has his way with them... rofl
By 'stay at home mom" all I meant is that I work from home, and so can check on my plants (children) throughout the day.

No worries. I can take a jab as well as anyone, especially here where we are all so dialed in to HPA/AAA... a little levity is a welcome break.

It's all good. I really did think you were a girl though. Here's a recent root shot. Pics don't really do it justice, but they're fuzzin up quite nice.

It's all good. I really did think you were a girl though. Here's a recent root shot. Pics don't really do it justice, but they're fuzzin up quite nice.

View attachment 2005015

I never thought pet was a chick, he's always hittin on Kona ;)...

Dude mike, nice man, you're finally really gettin there bro! Those are looking very prosperous, and you might just be near the point where you lift up the skirt and hear "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed ma'an" :D
My close friends stopped calling me a pussy after I ate the worm

Aww c'mon- everyone knows the worm is put in Mezcal (too crappy to be called tequila) to absorb the impurities like methyl alchohol- so it's just eating the poison meant to be filtered out... Where it's really at is drinkin bong water... hehe Doo it Dooo it!
I never thought pet was a chick, he's always hittin on Kona ;)...

Dude mike, nice man, you're finally really gettin there bro! Those are looking very prosperous, and you might just be near the point where you lift up the skirt and hear "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed ma'an" :D

Haha! Top coat. Top hat. I don't worry cause my wallet's... Flat, sadly. Oh well. Rich in spirit! Thanks bro. I wanna see y'all get some hairy roots of your own. It's a pretty damn good feeling, I won't lie.

More a bourbon man myself. Although I do fancy me a shot of patron every now & again. No worm, just a high octane dose of "dare me to..."
Aww c'mon- everyone knows the worm is put in Mezcal (too crappy to be called tequila) to absorb the imputities like methyl alchohol- so it's just eating the poison meant to be filtered out... Where it's really at is drinkin bong water... hehe Doo it Dooo it!

lmao I pulled that on a few kids growing up corrupting them. you act like your about to drink it and then say wait sense its your first time smoking you gotta try it. drink the bong water its the best high lol
Haha! Top coat. Top hat. I don't worry cause my wallet's... Flat, sadly. Oh well. Rich in spirit! Thanks bro. I wanna see y'all get some hairy roots of your own. It's a pretty damn good feeling, I won't lie.

More a bourbon man myself. Although I do fancy me a shot of patron every now & again. No worm, just a high octane dose of "dare me to..."
True that- I do need to get going. My life is just a whirlwind of craziness right now- and I have to address pod cooling and veg-light hours before I can really go full force. I used to love Jack daniels- but now I really am on a beer kick. Don Julio blows Patron outta the water-btw. Ironically I love heineken light, but hate regular heineken. It's pretty crisp and easy to drink, and since I have about a 12 pack a day... lol I never get drunk though, just have 2 beers with every meal, and then a couple more 2 beer sessions in the evenings, with about 3 hours inbetween each. I am on painkillers, so I don't drink very much at a single time. I do admit the beer and vicodin is a real nice combo- especially with a puff now and again. But only if you don't go overboard. I live an extremely busy life and don't have time to get real buzzed, so i just sort of take the edge off life this way. Someday I hope I can slow down and start taking better care of myself though. I often stay awake for 2 days in a row. I have pretty bad adhd/ocd and that's why, I don't do any sort of stimulant drugs cept cigs and a little coffee.
What... chick's can't hit on chicks here? lol

Comin clean: I became very depressed recently, when I realized not only am I too old to be the sugar daddy of the young hotties that I am attracted to, even worse, I'm old enough to be their sugar daddy's father

On the growing front, 2 seedlings managed to make it through the bad pH issue (4 others have finally popped). One of the 2 seedlings has a sweet root beard loaded with tiny laterals. I moved it from my bubbler to the hpa pod yesterday morning and it's already grew an inch in ~ 24 hours. I'm tellin you guys a high volume air pump with 4 quality air stones kicks some serious ass as a cloner/seedling starter. I'm using 2" & 4" Oxy Stones (they produce tons of tiny bubbles) + one 12" crap stone cause that's all I had left. I will be swapping the 15 L/m pump out for a much bigger one. I want the entire surface to dance with tiny champagne bubbles. Also getting some 4" disc stones in preparation to put them inside the pod. Watch and learn kiddies... watch and learn. I will post a pic of the plant/roots in the hpa pod tomorrow
..yea I've been reading you talk of this air stone cloner PF, i have my ways of cloning that work, but im sure theres something out there that works faster. I know you said you were posting pics of plants tomorrow, if you haven;t already id like to see the air stone cloner idea,.. sounds very promising.bongsmilie
What... chick's can't hit on chicks here? lol

Comin clean: I became very depressed recently, when I realized not only am I too old to be the sugar daddy of the young hotties that I am attracted to, even worse, I'm old enough to be their sugar daddy's father

On the growing front, 2 seedlings managed to make it through the bad pH issue (4 others have finally popped). One of the 2 seedlings has a sweet root beard loaded with tiny laterals. I moved it from my bubbler to the hpa pod yesterday morning and it's already grew an inch in ~ 24 hours. I'm tellin you guys a high volume air pump with 4 quality air stones kicks some serious ass as a cloner/seedling starter. I'm using 2" & 4" Oxy Stones (they produce tons of tiny bubbles) + one 12" crap stone cause that's all I had left. I will be swapping the 15 L/m pump out for a much bigger one. I want the entire surface to dance with tiny champagne bubbles. Also getting some 4" disc stones in preparation to put them inside the pod. Watch and learn kiddies... watch and learn. I will post a pic of the plant/roots in the hpa pod tomorrow

Nice, yes, if you wouldn't mind- I too would like to see a picture of the cloner, because I couldn't quite understand/visualize your explanation of the idea the other day. One thing- do you think the plants will have a rougher transition to HPA being started in water? I just wet some seeds today, and plan to try vegging them in pure fog- the hope is that they will have easy transition to HPA afterwards, but I dunno if fog will support them for 3 weeks of veg adequately or not. If this doesn't work- I'll probably build an HPA recirculating cloner for veg. Also, I plan to try the revegged clones instead of making mothers for the next batch- going for the Bushies! :)

Don't you still have your fog gear pet? I know fog does some good cloning, fast too- and the roots should be an easy transition to HPA. I know fog sucks for long term growth, but I'm gonna try to get a few weeks veg out of it if I can.
I've got 'fog gear' laying around too,.. one of those '3 Head Nutramist Aeroponic Fogger's,.. I've never been able to keep it cool enough in the root zone to make it work, those fuckers get hot as hell,.. so I've read some try and make the fog in one area, then move it to another, but its hard getting enough to move slowly, without losing its fog,.. and i remember reading something about some nutes not transporting well in fog. I like fog about as much as i like pH meters, lol