Martin Luther King Day

funny how when you look at it from a historical perspective, it all seems to make sense.

It really does. It's completely logical from the perspective of a really wealthy person that can achieve an economic benefit by promoting racism.

And when you take that step back and really look at it from a historical perspective and examine the original motivations for racism, it all makes perfect sense. It also makes most contemporary discussions about racism seem completely ridiculous. This has all happened before, and judging by the lack of awareness people have for the most basic elements of world history, this will all happen again. That's how it works.
I'm sorry, not being from the US I didn't realise Apartheid was currently officially in operation there.

It's not. It ended 50 years ago. But the idea that you can flip a switch and instantly reverse hundreds of years of history is ridiculous.

Keep making excuses

They are not excuses. They are factually correct causes.

like the "bad, greedy, white man" is keeping people from achieving individual success...we should all be ashamed from being born with less melanin.

Really? That's what you got out of this?

The whole point was that it's not a racial problem at this point, it's a socioeconomic problem that stems from old racial problems. You really are simple. wow.

Its really strange so many rich successful black people tell their "ghetto peers" to break the chains and become successful. Some have included it in their songs. Guess they're "racist conservatives" too?

Maybe if you'd actually been to one of these neighborhoods you claim to know so much about, you'd understand the situation a little better than just buying into information that's been spoon fed to you by conservative television.

But how you can so badly miss the point is beyond me.

Hint: It has nothing to do with white people being evil.
An day in any ghetto explains it perfectly. Education simply isn't a relevant part of most people's lives. Even if they want to get an education, they don't have access to it in schools.

So, since our government is failing to educate the children it is now up to the taxpayers to subsidize them for their lifetime?

Sorry, I am not buying that argument.
Well in all fairness it's not a problem with a simple solution. Of course, if there was political will to solve this problem, it would get solved. I don't know... People have to give a shit first. Most people don't even understand the problem let alone care about it.

Poor people vote 90% democratic. It isnt a problem to the politicians, they get what they want which is votes.

Liberals seem to think that if you run a corporation you are inherently evil while if you work for the government you are there to help... LOL!!! Government helps itself.
So, since our government is failing to educate the children it is now up to the taxpayers to subsidize them for their lifetime?

Sorry, I am not buying that argument.
Sorry to tell you man, but thats EXACTLY the problem. Trust me, we made the same mistake, welfare state to get some votes, but all it encourages is lazyness and an entitlement attitude.

I hear it time and time again here "sure why would I work, the Gubberment pays for my housing, gives me a cash payment weekly, extra if I'm a lone parent, gives me fuel/heating subsidies, pays for free education and free healthcare (which working people are expected to pay a reasonable amount for). "

Welfare state is a bad call, making the working pay for those who won't is a crime.

Not to say that a person who falls on hard times, who has paid into the system shouldn't have a social security net, but entitlement to benefits for all becomes a career for some.
Sorry to tell you man, but thats EXACTLY the problem. Trust me, we made the same mistake, welfare state to get some votes, but all it encourages is lazyness and an entitlement attitude.

I hear it time and time again here "sure why would I work, the Gubberment pays for my housing, gives me a cash payment weekly, extra if I'm a lone parent, gives me fuel/heating subsidies, pays for free education and free healthcare (which working people are expected to pay a reasonable amount for). "

Welfare state is a bad call, making the working pay for those who won't is a crime.

Not to say that a person who falls on hard times, who has paid into the system shouldn't have a social security net, but entitlement to benefits for all becomes a career for some.

Are you from Europe?

Europe is home to the monkey chants anytime a black guy touches a soccer ball.
So, since our government is failing to educate the children it is now up to the taxpayers to subsidize them for their lifetime?

Sorry, I am not buying that argument.

Well it's up to us as human beings to make it right. You are one of those right? Hard to tell some times.
Well it's up to us as human beings to make it right. You are one of those right? Hard to tell some times.

We havent fixed the problem (the education system) and no, if I didnt screw up the schools by making it a central planning nightmare yet my taxes still went to subsidize the teachers unions I honestly dont feel that I suddenly should have to pay more taxes to now put generations of adults on welfare.

And no, it is not up to me as a human being to fix it. You see, some things cannot be fixed. And some things government can never fix. Yet some people believe that if you throw enough money and legislation at a problem that it will miraculously evaporate. Just like it is not up to me to pay for every cancer patient, to feed every starving child in Africa or clean up pollution in China.

Stop looking to the government for all the answers, it is apparent that they dont have them.
We havent fixed the problem (the education system) and no, if I didnt screw up the schools by making it a central planning nightmare yet my taxes still went to subsidize the teachers unions I honestly dont feel that I suddenly should have to pay more taxes to now put generations of adults on welfare.

And no, it is not up to me as a human being to fix it. You see, some things cannot be fixed. And some things government can never fix. Yet some people believe that if you throw enough money and legislation at a problem that it will miraculously evaporate. Just like it is not up to me to pay for every cancer patient, to feed every starving child in Africa or clean up pollution in China.

Stop looking to the government for all the answers, it is apparent that they dont have them.

Well it is up to all of us to fix those schools so the problem doesn't repeat itself. But unfortunately their are too many greedy bastards like you who are all about #1 and don't give a shit about anything else.
Well it is up to all of us to fix those schools so the problem doesn't repeat itself. But unfortunately their are too many greedy bastards like you who are all about #1 and don't give a shit about anything else.

Well it is up to all of us to fix those schools so the problem doesn't repeat itself. But unfortunately their are too many greedy bastards like you who are all about #1 and don't give a shit about anything else.
So would you be in favour of the US becoming more socialist?
Just jumping in here and haven't read this thread but @ the last few posts: Ayn Rand actually despised libertarians for the record, many source her as inspirational but to assosiate her with libertarians and even free market libertarians is wrong. Ayn Rand hated libertarians and she hated the fact the libertarians sourced her on occasion to make a point.