Well in all fairness it's not a problem with a simple solution. Of course, if there was political will to solve this problem, it would get solved. I don't know... People have to give a shit first. Most people don't even understand the problem let alone care about it.
you nailed it in your earlier posts. it is a socioeconomic problem which has been directly caused by hundreds of years of injustices, some of which still continue to a much much slighter extent.
the poverty cycle is hard to break; if you are born to poor parents in a place with little emphasis or access to education or economic opportunities (and even grocery stores for that matter if you really want to get into it), you are less likely to end up as well off or better than the person randomly born into better circumstances.
as you pointed out, this has nothing to do with skin color per se, as this same phenomenon happens in every race. clearly, it is not about race as much as it is about socioeconomic factors.
...I'm so simple and don't understand please explain; why is it individuals within minorities rise above and conquer the "racial disadvantages" they are supposidly born with, yet others just claim to be "racially disadvantaged" and so there's nothing they can do?
because of reality.
it is not your fault or mine that hundreds of years of injustices result in maps that look like this:
but that is the reality of our history's legacy, and we have to deal with it. we can deal with in several ways.
we could belittle the hardships faced by those born into lower socioeconomic status than ourselves, which you (and others) seem to like to do. or we could deal with the concrete reality of the situation, and say "fuck, how do we fix this", as other people do. or other options, like not even giving a fuck and whatnot.
by the way, the blue dots represent black populations and he red dots represent white populations. it is map of detroit, michigan.