Need help asap i think this clinic is trying to jack me

Thant sucks, Dan. But, that one could've happened to anybody.

Yep. And it's a small amount. We're talking about ounces here. Not the end of the world. I just wanted to put their name out there as general principle. If they pulled that with me, they'll pull it with others. As a vendor, I want to know stuff like that. No need for people like that in your life right?

I front loads to a couple delivery services and one collective. If either of them had some sort of melt down I'd be fucked. It sounds like you had a good business thing going that became a victim of the times. It was just a "rats jumping off a sinking ship" thing. I'm sure they were quite trustworthy until they recieved their notice to close.

They had been strait up with me for a few years. If they had closed down, I wouldn't have even brought it up. But the fact that they stayed open and didn't make it right with me is why I through it out there. I gave them plenty of face saving outs. Not bringing up the fact that it had been clearly sprayed down, only that it was "much more moist than when I gave it to them" and it must have been some kind of mistake, not accusing anyone of anything. They still blew me off, so fuck them.

Then, it becomes every man/woman for himself...a last ditch effort to make a buck before it all falls appart. I do not think your story is meant to scare growers away from offering terms to clubs. It sounds like everything was going great until the bomb dropped in San Jose. There's ALWAYS a chance that you can get fucked offering terms. In many cases, that risk is well worth the gain of a realiable market for your product.

Indeed. And like I said, we aren't talking about a lot of money. Just the principle of stealing really. Someone there is stealing, and management has their back.

Dan, I don't think you regret fronting to these people. Do you?

Well I do now. I do not regret the decision to front to them that I made. It was a sound business decision as I've been dealing with them for years without incident and it was not practical to get cash up front for the amounts I was giving them. It's how I've done business for years and I'm not going to change that up. I'm sure I'll get burnt eventually, but over all it's worth it. This system has allowed me to keep doing decent business and get decent compensation when everyone else is having problems getting rid of their stuff.

The only thing I'm going to be changing is the amounts I give to clubs. I'm reducing that to 3 packs at a time until I am paid in full. I got WAY too careless when it came to the amounts I was fronting to trusted clubs because I thought everything was stable. Now I understand how fast stable can turn into totally fucked. Lesson learned.

It seems like a sound business decision that took a bad turn.

Yeah. Shit happens basically. But as I said, I was giving clubs too much because I had done a lot of business with them. So there's something I'm taking away from it.

Are you still fronting to other people???

Yes, and I'm not really changing my standards for who I'll give consignment to. Only the amounts I had been putting on consignment.

My standard is this, If I've done business with them 4 times already, everything is all good then I'll try them out on consignment. The other circumstance I'll do consignment is if I know someone who's doing consignment for a club and they've done it several times with that club without incident. Under those circumstances I'll try them out with half a pack or so with the promise to them that'll I'll bring more if they compensate on time. If they are a high volume club that can't be bothered with half a pack, I'll give them the worst pack I have at the time as a try out. If that works out I'll start fronting them 1 pack at a time until I've had 4 successful transactions with them, then we can step things up a bit.
you guys should report them to the feds fuck shady ass low life's like that they need to rot in jail

If we started to do that, everyone would end up turning on everyone else. It would give the feds everything they've ever wanted. They'd be laughing their asses off while sending us all to jail. It would end really really badly for everyone. The police are much worse than any shady lowlife collective. We should not help them even if the collective in question might deserve it.
If we started to do that, everyone would end up turning on everyone else. It would give the feds everything they've ever wanted. They'd be laughing their asses off while sending us all to jail. It would end really really badly for everyone. The police are much worse than any shady lowlife collective. We should not help them even if the collective in question might deserve it.

i don't agree i think any collective taking advantage should be shut down asap they make the co ops that are actually trying to help people look bad

twice iv'e went to a co op that allows anyone no id nothing in even high school kids. so they should stay open? we have to draw a line somewhere or were making ourselves look bad
i don't agree i think any collective taking advantage should be shut down asap they make the co ops that are actually trying to help people look bad

twice iv'e went to a co op that allows anyone no id nothing in even high school kids. so they should stay open? we have to draw a line somewhere or were making ourselves look bad

Well that is shady as fuck. And yes, they should get shut down. I just don't think it's our place to inform on them. If it starts to become acceptable to inform on clubs, pretty soon any perceived slight will result in the law getting called. Treating snitching as acceptable behavior, even on clubs that probably deserve it, will result in the deterioration of everything. You'll have people turning in clubs who don't pay on time, low ball them, or they charge too much for an 1/8. There is not a collective in existence that doesn't have at least a few people who think that club is scandalous and should be shut down.

The "no snitching" policy is the only thing that stops law enforcement from shutting down the whole network of dispensaries in California. Sure, some people will abuse the system, but that's always going to be the case with everything. If you don't like a club the best thing to do is stop going there and tell all your friends not to go there. But we can't turn to snitching or we hand medical marijuana over to law enforcement just like they want us to.
you guys should report them to the feds fuck shady ass low life's like that they need to rot in jail

We don't call the cops on eachother. What's wrong with you? So if we were doing business, and you somehow felt as if I burned you, you'd just rat me out? Wow. Where has the weed world gone? I've dodged the Feds and Locals for over 20 years by never EVER talking to them, and never EVER doing any business with ass clowns who do. Where I come from you'd be shunned for life for just posting what you posted...or worse.

If you get burnt in this business (be in it long enough and you will get burnt), you have 2 choices: Go deal with it yourself like a man. OR, call it a life lesson and move on. Most of us who have done this long enough have made enough $$$ to tolerate a loss or 2. Call it the cost of doing business. But, when you start bring the cops into it, you're just a bitch for The Man. You'll beak Fed law all day long, yet rat out others when it suits you. 95% of people doing time for drugs are there because of people just like you. Congrats.
We don't call the cops on eachother. What's wrong with you? So if we were doing business, and you somehow felt as if I burned you, you'd just rat me out? Wow. Where has the weed world gone? I've dodged the Feds and Locals for over 20 years by never EVER talking to them, and never EVER doing any business with ass clowns who do. Where I come from you'd be shunned for life for just posting what you posted...or worse.

If you get burnt in this business (be in it long enough and you will get burnt), you have 2 choices: Go deal with it yourself like a man. OR, call it a life lesson and move on. Most of us who have done this long enough have made enough $$$ to tolerate a loss or 2. Call it the cost of doing business. But, when you start bring the cops into it, you're just a bitch for The Man. You'll beak Fed law all day long, yet rat out others when it suits you. 95% of people doing time for drugs are there because of people just like you. Congrats.

any normal human not shady low life calls the cops. the only people who say don't call is because there scared little kids with something to hide, they where at my house a week ago saw my plants didn't care the fact is any club taking shortcuts needs to be shut down and fined a huge fine bankrupting them. it's sad that there's still ignorant people that think cops are trying to hurt when all they want to do is help my next door neighbor a detective and not once has he even mentioned weed and he knows i grow and smoke. i guess it comes do to if your doing something illegal you have to get lucky all the time the cops only have to get lucky once remember that
any normal human not shady low life calls the cops.

I agree. Unfortunately in the eyes of the law, we are all shady lowlifes. The cops do not protect us. They only try to throw us in jail.

the only people who say don't call is because there scared little kids with something to hide,

If you grow or possess cannabis, even for medical purposes, you've got something to hide.

they where at my house a week ago saw my plants didn't care

Then you were very lucky. That doesn't mean it will always work out that way.

If you sold someone a sack and they weren't happy on it would you like them to call the cops and tell on you for selling them a sack?

the fact is any club taking shortcuts needs to be shut down and fined a huge fine bankrupting them.

Why are you under the impression it's you're job to decide which collectives are worthy of staying in business and which deserve to be thrown in prison?

It you don't like a collective, don't give them your business. Tell your friends not to go there. Out them on the internet as shady fucks. But why snitch?

it's sad that there's still ignorant people that think cops are trying to hurt when all they want to do is help

lol. They've "helped" many of us, our friends, and families go to jail/prison for the crime of growing a plant. They've "helped" take people's kids away from them. They've "helped" put people in collectives which are legal under state law put in prison. Police officers unions are one of the main driving forces behind the prohibition of cannabis, and the main reason it was made illegal in the first place. And that's not because they want to improve public safety, it's because they like raiding people, they like that stats they get from cannabis related arrests, and the jobs created by throwing people in prison for cannabis related crimes. If you want to help them do that, you're a traitor plain and simple.

Sure, there are good cops out there. But for every good cop, there's a real piece of shit that joined the police force because kicking down people's doors gives him an adrenaline rush. At the moment I happen to live in an area that has a pretty good police force. Over all I have to say they are generally interested in public safety. But even here there are asshole cops busting people, not for doing something shady but for possession. Last night a 53 year old woman was raided and thrown in prison. She wasn't hurting anyone. She was a medical patient. But she was a pound over her limit so now she's in jail. How is that "helping" us exactly?

my next door neighbor a detective and not once has he even mentioned weed and he knows i grow and smoke. i guess it comes do to if your doing something illegal you have to get lucky all the time the cops only have to get lucky once remember that

Thanks for preaching about illegal activity while you do the same thing we're doing. Classy. Have fun with your cop buddies. You guys can all have a big laugh while you send people to prison I guess.

If people start to think like you do, it'll be the end of medical marijuana.
I agree. Unfortunately in the eyes of the law, we are all shady lowlifes. The cops do not protect us. They only try to throw us in jail.

If you grow or possess cannabis, even for medical purposes, you've got something to hide.

Then you were very lucky. That doesn't mean it will always work out that way.

If you sold someone a sack and they weren't happy on it would you like them to call the cops and tell on you for selling them a sack?

Why are you under the impression it's you're job to decide which collectives are worthy of staying in business and which deserve to be thrown in prison?

It you don't like a collective, don't give them your business. Tell your friends not to go there. Out them on the internet as shady fucks. But why snitch?

lol. They've "helped" many of us, our friends, and families go to jail/prison for the crime of growing a plant. They've "helped" take people's kids away from them. They've "helped" put people in collectives which are legal under state law put in prison. Police officers unions are one of the main driving forces behind the prohibition of cannabis, and the main reason it was made illegal in the first place. And that's not because they want to improve public safety, it's because they like raiding people, they like that stats they get from cannabis related arrests, and the jobs created by throwing people in prison for cannabis related crimes. If you want to help them do that, you're a traitor plain and simple.

Sure, there are good cops out there. But for every good cop, there's a real piece of shit that joined the police force because kicking down people's doors gives him an adrenaline rush. At the moment I happen to live in an area that has a pretty good police force. Over all I have to say they are generally interested in public safety. But even here there are asshole cops busting people, not for doing something shady but for possession. Last night a 53 year old woman was raided and thrown in prison. She wasn't hurting anyone. She was a medical patient. But she was a pound over her limit so now she's in jail. How is that "helping" us exactly?

Thanks for preaching about illegal activity while you do the same thing we're doing. Classy. Have fun with your cop buddies. You guys can all have a big laugh while you send people to prison I guess.

If people start to think like you do, it'll be the end of medical marijuana.

first i said if a club steals from a vendor yes hell yes call the cops as for my illegal activity under California state law i can grow and posses marijuana for medical use not to sell it its for me only.
and p.s. as my neighbor says at least three times a day there's more important things out there then weed so unless your selling illegally or your not following weed regulations then yes you have something to hide, me a drive all day with weed no worries it's my medicine.

"me and my cop buddies" lol he's my neighbor it stops there i see him when i come home and when i wash my car that's about it
first i said if a club steals from a vendor yes hell yes call the cops as for my illegal activity under California state law i can grow and posses marijuana for medical use not to sell it its for me only.

That's the worst advice I've ever heard.

Vendor: officer! I tried to sell some drugs I was in possession of and some one stole the drugs I was trying to sell!
Officer: Is that so? Don't worry, just sign this statement and I'll take care of it.
Vendor: Great thanks!
Officer: Hey I just got these new handcuffs! Want to see?
Vendor: WTF, No.
*click* *click*
Vendor: Hey! But I called you! That guy stole the drugs I was trying to sell him!
Officer: Moron...

and p.s. as my neighbor says at least three times a day there's more important things out there then weed so unless your selling illegally or your not following weed regulations then yes you have something to hide, me a drive all day with weed no worries it's my medicine.

Yeah, too bad your neighbor doesn't speak for all cops. While some cops might have proper priorities, many do not give a shit about anything but kicking in doors and making busts.

"me and my cop buddies" lol he's my neighbor it stops there i see him when i come home and when i wash my car that's about it

I'd like to remind you guys of the immortal words of Mac Dre

any normal human not shady low life calls the cops. the only people who say don't call is because there scared little kids with something to hide, they where at my house a week ago saw my plants didn't care the fact is any club taking shortcuts needs to be shut down and fined a huge fine bankrupting them. it's sad that there's still ignorant people that think cops are trying to hurt when all they want to do is help my next door neighbor a detective and not once has he even mentioned weed and he knows i grow and smoke. i guess it comes do to if your doing something illegal you have to get lucky all the time the cops only have to get lucky once remember that

It's clear to me you are very naive, and have no idea what goes on in the real world. Dan is absolutely right. Cops don't go to work to "help". They go for a paycheck. The more crime the more cops, the more cops the more you move up the ladder, the more you move up the ladder the bigger the paycheck. This is how the real world works. This is whay the War on Drugs exists and will be very hard to stop. There is an entire economy based on puting drug users in prison for a LONG time. None of this has anything to do with "helping people". I would love to live in your little ideal world where cops care and everything is as it should be. It's not your fault. You are one of millions who believes the lie you're sold everyday. So, just keep on doing exactly what you're told.

And, thank you. You remind me that just because someone smokes weed, doesn't mean they can be trusted.
i dont like to vend to stores i dont even call it vending more like a reinburstment first the store might get raided for funny bizzness, wich has happend, second them geting robed, wich has happend, third they use your money to reup, n then they expect u to wait, third they got your rec address, fourth their isnt much you can do. but how do you trust people with your money you just cant man it will go wrong eventually or you can just say ow well it wont happen again but it will.. dude find someone that will take it cash if its FIRE YOU WONT HAVE A PROBLEM CASH MONEY you know it cost money for nutrients, light, and time, labor, but they want to open your ass hole wide open and stick five dicks in thier then open your mouth n stick two cubcumbers in it and a black mans mandigo dick in it too and expect you to hold a conversation NO WAY cash money, if your doing for a living it can sink your ship, i just grow a few plants i get familair with the shop employees n owner n when i cut if i have extra i take it to that one shop, but while its grows i buy from that same store you gota make a personal conection if you dont your are just helping some punk ass kid live out his greedy lil dream or some old mother fucker fund his escapade.. find a club that is cool and on the level, cuz god knows you cant trust people with your money specialy a stranger come on.......
Actually to the OP ,you have one legal option unless you want to be a straight G and fuck this guy's world up on your own time.

You can file a small claims court case against the individual and his collective store front.. Go online and file a small claims case ,recently I sat in on a small claims court trial against AHPS.

Patient cultivator VS Absolute Herbal Pain Solutions. Anyway the plantiff (the grower) won his case with little evidence. All he had was a sticky post it note as a receipt and information he documented (phone calls,demand letter, complaints from other people) won 3,000.00 from his case.. This case was in Los Angeles around Xmas time.
Actually to the OP ,you have one legal option unless you want to be a straight G and fuck this guy's world up on your own time.

You can file a small claims court case against the individual and his collective store front.. Go online and file a small claims case ,recently I sat in on a small claims court trial against AHPS.

Patient cultivator VS Absolute Herbal Pain Solutions. Anyway the plantiff (the grower) won his case with little evidence. All he had was a sticky post it note as a receipt and information he documented (phone calls,demand letter, complaints from other people) won 3,000.00 from his case.. This case was in Los Angeles around Xmas time.

I wasn't aware that was possible. Interesting.
any normal human not shady low life calls the cops. the only people who say don't call is because there scared little kids with something to hide, they where at my house a week ago saw my plants didn't care the fact is any club taking shortcuts needs to be shut down and fined a huge fine bankrupting them. it's sad that there's still ignorant people that think cops are trying to hurt when all they want to do is help my next door neighbor a detective and not once has he even mentioned weed and he knows i grow and smoke. i guess it comes do to if your doing something illegal you have to get lucky all the time the cops only have to get lucky once remember that

You are so wrong. First we are talking a civil issue. Extending 'terms' on a product to a business is a civil issue! The police have zero to do with civil issues. The correct legal venue is small claims court, municipal court or superior court depending on the amount of the contract breach. The police will be the first ones to inform you they DO NOT handle civil issues nor are they triers of fact.

Next you are dealing with a product that is NOT FEDERALLY LEGAL. Do you really believe that local law enforcement doesn't pass this information up the line to the DEA? Seriously! The DEA then watches. They don't immediately run out and net people. They watch and wait so they can net as many as are potentially involved or when it best fits their (the DEA's schedule), needs.

Your neighbor, the detective, is OFF DUTY when he gets home. Many police officers do not work without pay. Many other people feel the same way about their jobs, ie not working without payment. However do not for one minute think he will not use it if necessary especially if he works within the jurisdiction he lives in also you can be almost certain that information known is passed along. The first rule of growing is tell no one for a reason.

By the way one thing that should chill you to the marrow is that there is no MAGIC NUMBER under which marijuana is NOT federally illegal. So if you grow/smoke/possess marijuana in a state that legally allows for this you are STILL BREAKING FEDERAL LAWS! At anytime the feds can round you up if they choose. The odds of being rounded up federally are much smaller if NO ONE KNOWS! I promise you if your local cops know about you the DEA does too! All it will take is a memo to change what the feds current focus policy is or for them on a whim, say they need an extra arrest in X jurisdiction, or you are becoming publicly noticeable as a cannabis activist to get you arrested. So please re-think your mindset.

Cops on duty are NOT anyone's friends they are paid to enforce the laws on the books in the jurisdiction in which they work. They can't choose to care or not care, see or not see. It is important to note they are also not your enemy, they are simply doing their job and following the instructions given to them by their superiors.
I dissagree with calling the police, whatever the slight. They may be total a-holes, but we don't call the cops on matter what. That's a slippery slope.

Yea hell no dont do that please. Think about it karmas a bitch mann....

And besides momma always told me to handle my own, not to run n get help.
You are so wrong. First we are talking a civil issue. Extending 'terms' on a product to a business is a civil issue! The police have zero to do with civil issues. The correct legal venue is small claims court, municipal court or superior court depending on the amount of the contract breach. The police will be the first ones to inform you they DO NOT handle civil issues nor are they triers of fact.

Next you are dealing with a product that is NOT FEDERALLY LEGAL. Do you really believe that local law enforcement doesn't pass this information up the line to the DEA? Seriously! The DEA then watches. They don't immediately run out and net people. They watch and wait so they can net as many as are potentially involved or when it best fits their (the DEA's schedule), needs.

Your neighbor, the detective, is OFF DUTY when he gets home. Many police officers do not work without pay. Many other people feel the same way about their jobs, ie not working without payment. However do not for one minute think he will not use it if necessary especially if he works within the jurisdiction he lives in also you can be almost certain that information known is passed along. The first rule of growing is tell no one for a reason.

By the way one thing that should chill you to the marrow is that there is no MAGIC NUMBER under which marijuana is NOT federally illegal. So if you grow/smoke/possess marijuana in a state that legally allows for this you are STILL BREAKING FEDERAL LAWS! At anytime the feds can round you up if they choose. The odds of being rounded up federally are much smaller if NO ONE KNOWS! I promise you if your local cops know about you the DEA does too! All it will take is a memo to change what the feds current focus policy is or for them on a whim, say they need an extra arrest in X jurisdiction, or you are becoming publicly noticeable as a cannabis activist to get you arrested. So please re-think your mindset.

Cops on duty are NOT anyone's friends they are paid to enforce the laws on the books in the jurisdiction in which they work. They can't choose to care or not care, see or not see. It is important to note they are also not your enemy, they are simply doing their job and following the instructions given to them by their superiors.

Best post of this thread. Everyone should read this.