Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


New Member
looking good man, sucks to kill some plants but you can only do what you can do right.
LOL, yeah man....I...I don't even know....I killed one the other day. (Not sure if anyone noticed that I started with 5 and now have 4. Heh.)
Knowing that I was only going to keep one made me notice that a single plant was growing single blade leaves only???? retardedlike...lol, 4 sets of TRUE leaves like this, and I was done.

Was sad as shit doing though....:( Gotta do what you have to do, god knows I am going to dread the day when I know for sure what ones have to go. They are my babies! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hate killing plants. Had seedling sprouted (mid grade) when my light fell. Flew mad and dumped dirt and all in trash can. What a waste man. I do stupid shit when I fly off. Prolly gal pro-mix. Hey mid my lemon skunk seedling finally recovered. She's up over couple inches now. Believe I would have killed her. If not for you guys. Thanks midAmber. If I can help you in any way. Let me know. I will do all I can. I will post pic later in grow thread. Come check her out.


New Member
Yeah I hate killing plants. Had seedling sprouted (mid grade) when my light fell. Flew mad and dumped dirt and all in trash can. What a waste man. I do stupid shit when I fly off. Prolly gal pro-mix. Hey mid my lemon skunk seedling finally recovered. She's up over couple inches now. Believe I would have killed her. If not for you guys. Thanks midAmber. If I can help you in any way. Let me know. I will do all I can. I will post pic later in grow thread. Come check her out.
Hey man! Thanks a lot, I will most def. ask you for help if I need it! I am glad to hear your skunk seedling is doing well! I am looking forward to new pictures!

Have a great day KY!


New Member
...And then there were two.

So I decided I am going to keep two females.

They are both re-potted, and back on veg lighting. (18/6)

"Mrs. Monroe" on the left, "Mrs. Kennedy" on the right.


(Day 23)


New Member
So I guess they showed sex. If so how long till they start verging again.
Yeah they did show sex.

I am started them back on the veg lighting cycle today.....

They should go back to "veg-mode" pretty fast considering the fact I didn't let them go too far into flower. :)



Well-Known Member
Cool man. Do you use side lighting or just hang them on top. I see alot of grows on here where they leave lights up top all grow. Is that what you did last grow. If so it did kick ass. I know this is going to be good. +rep


New Member
Essentially my leaves look a bit wacky because I didn't cut far down enough, hehe. It'll happen. Still got the 4 tops out of it, on each plant. =D


Well-Known Member
when u fim, do the colas get smaller? Or will you end up with 4 massive colas? And at what stage should you fim?


New Member
when u fim, do the colas get smaller? Or will you end up with 4 massive colas? And at what stage should you fim?
You fim during the veg stage. AS EARLY AS 4-5 SETS OF TRUE LEAVES
-People debate whether it is better to have one massive cola, or multiple medium sized colas........Essentially it wont create a better yeild, but will will make it easier to create a uniform line (Even canopy of colas).......ME BEING A CFL GROWER....I enjoy multiple small colas, because I can get my lights over the canopy better.