Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


New Member
*Holds his fingers out, spaces them a bit*, "This much"

AHAHAH, nah....but seriously about 1 1/2 -2 inches away
-With a good breeze on them from a computer fan.

They love me for it. ;)

How is your night going, collector?


New Member
Looking good !! I'm diggin that collage u made of ur update. Tight work !!
Hey...Thanks man, that means a lot.

I really enjoy putting videos together/collages for my grows, and silly shit like that....Stick around if you are down for some entertainment.
--> I'll be doing a few different types of stress training, so it should be a fun time.

-Thanks for stopping by man! :) Have a great night!


New Member
Hey, THANKS GUYS!!! I am super happy about how they are turning out!

-GrandDaddy...I am on my way to your thread! ;)


Active Member
Hey mid, Just stoppin by to say hi and to check the grow out. havent stopped by in a couple days, Nice to see 2 updates from the time of my last post to this one. Lookin good bro, so how many have showed deffinent sex yet, if at all?
